statslige medicinske bestyrelser er meget nyttigt, når du forsker din plastikkirurg eller enhver anden form for læge. Du kan se din plastik kirurg disciplinære historie, hvis der er én, ved at klikke på nedenstående links. Klik på staten dine plastik kirurg praksis. Hvis din plastikkirurg har praktiseret i mere end én stat, skal du tjekke med hver stat for at se din plastikkirurg komplette disciplinære historie. Information inkluderet i disse historier inkluderer ting som:
Alabama State Board of Medical Undersøgere PO Boks 946 Montgomery AL 36.101-0946 Tlf: (334) 242-4116 Fax: (334) 242-4155 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Alaska State Medical Board 550 West Seventh Avenue Suite 1500 Anchorage AK 99.501-3567 Tlf: (907) 269-8163 Fax: (907) 269-8196 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Arizona Medical Board 9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Tlf: (480) 551-2700 Tlf: (877) 255-2212 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Arizona Board of Osteopatisk eksaminatorer 9535 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Tlf: (480) 657-7703 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Arkansas State Medical Board 2100 River Front Drive, Suite 200 Little Rock, AR 72202 Tlf: (501) 296-1802 Fax: (501) 296-1805 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Medical Board of California 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200 Sacramento, Californien 95815 Tlf: (916) 263-2382 Fax: (916) 263-2944 TDD: (916) 263-0935 Toll Free: (800) 633-2322 Klik her for at gøre en licens verifikation Osteopatisk Medical Board of California 1300 National Drive, SuiteSacramento, Californien 95834-1991 Tlf: (916) 928-8390 Fax: (916) 928-8392 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Colorado Board of Medical Undersøgere 1560 Broadway Suite 1350 Denver, CO 80202 Tlf: (303) 894-7800 Fax: (303) 894-7693 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Connecticut Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab 410 Capitol Avenue Hartford , CT 06134 Tlf: (860) 509-8000 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Delaware Board of Medical Practice Cannon Building, Suite 203 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover, DE 19904 Tlf: (302) 744-4500 Fax: (302)739-2711 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Columbia Board of Medicine 717 14th Street, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 Tlf: (877) 672-2174 Fax: (202) 727-8471 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Florida Department of Health 4042 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, FL Tlf: (850) 488-0595 Fax: (850) 487-9626 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Georgia Composite State Board of Medical Undersøgere 2 Peachtree Street, NW, 36. etage Atlanta, GA 30.303-3465 Tlf: (404) 656-3913 Fax: (404) 656-9723 Klik her for at gøre en licens verifikation
Hawaii Medicinsk Board 335 Merchant St 3rd Floor Room 301 Honolulu, HI 96813 Tlf: (808) 586-3000 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Idaho Board of Medicine PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720 Tlf: (208) 327-7000 Fax: (208) 327-7005 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Illinois Department of Professional forordning (Chigaco kontor) James R. Thompson center 100 W. Randolph Street # 9-300 Chicago, IL 60601 Tlf: (312) 814-4500 Illinois Department of Professional forordning (SPRINGFIELD kontor) 320 West Washington St Springfield, IL 62.786 Tlf: (217) 785-0800 Klik her til at gøre en verifikation licens
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency 402 W. Washington Street, Room W072 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Tlf: (317) 234-2060 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Iowa Board of Medicine 400 Southwest Eighth Street, Suite C Des Moines, IA 50.309-4686 Tlf: (515) 281-5171 Fax: (515) 242-5908 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts 235 SW Topeka Boulevard Topeka, KS 66.603-3068 Tlf: (913) 296-7413 /888-886-7205 Fax: (913 ) 296-0852 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure 310 Whittington Parkway, Suite 1B Louisville, KY 40222 Tlf: (502) 429-7150 Fax: ( 502) 429-7158 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Louisiana State Board of Medical Undersøgere 630 Camp Street New Orleans, LA 70130 Tlf: (504) 568-6820 Fax: ( 504) 568-8893 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Main Board of Licensure i Medicine 161 Capitol Street 137 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04.333-0137 Tlf: (207) 287 -3601 Fax: (207) 287-6590 Klik her for at gøre en licens verifikation Maine Board of Osteopatisk Licensure 142 State House Station 161 Capitol St. Augusta, ME 04.333-0142 Tlf: (207) 287-2480 Fax: (207) 287 -3015 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Maryland Board of Physicians 4201 Patterson Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Tlf: (410) 764-4777 eller gratis (800) 492-6836 Fax: (410) 358-2252 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Massachusetts Board of Registration i Medicine 200 Harvard Mill Square Suite 330 Wakefield, MA 01880 Tlf: (781) 876 -8200 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Michigan Department of Community Health Capitol View Building 201 Townsend Street Lansing, Michigan 48.913 Tlf: (517) 373-3740 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice University Park Plaza 2829 University Avenue SE Suite 500 St. Paul, MN 55.414-3246 Tlf: (612) 617-2130 Fax: (612) 617-2166 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure 1867 Crane Ridge Drive, Suite 200B Jackson, MS 39216 Tlf: (601) 987-3079 Fax: (601) 987-4159 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Missouri State Board of Tilmelding til Healing Arts 3605 Missouri Boulevard Jefferson City, MO 65102 Tlf: (573) 751- 0098 Fax: (573) 751-3166 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Montana Board of Medical Undersøgere PO Boks 200.513 Helena, MT 59.620-0513 Tlf: (406) 841-2305 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Nebraska Sundhed og Human Services 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, Nebraska Telefon: (402) 471-2118 Fax: (402) 471-3577 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Nevada State Board of Medical Undersøgere PO Box 7238 Reno, NV 89.510 Tlf: (775) 688- 2559 /uden for NV opkald gratis (888) 890-8210 Fax: (775) 688-2321 Klik her for at gøre en licens vertification
Nevada State bestyrelse osteopatisk Medicin 2860 East Flamingo Road, Ste D. Las Vegas, NV 89121 Tlf: (702) 732-2147 Fax: (02) 732-2079 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Board of Medicine 2 Industrial Park Drive, Suite 8 Concord, NH 03301 Tlf: (603) 271-1203 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
New Jersey
Ny Jersey State Board of Medical Undersøgere PO Box 183 Trenton, NJ 08.608 -0183 Tlf: (609) 826-7100 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
New Mexico
New Mexico Medical Board 2055 S. Pacheco, Bygning 400 Santa Fe , NM 87505 Tlf: (505) 476-7220 /In-State Toldfri (800) 945-5845 Fax: (505) 476-7237 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
New Mexico bestyrelse Osteopatisk Medical Undersøgerne 2550 Cerrillos Road, Second Floor Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Tlf: (505) 476-4654 Fax: (505) 476-4645 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
New York
New York State Board of Medicine Cultural Education center Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12230 Tlf: (518) 474-3841 Fax: (518) 486-4846 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
se også: New York Læge Profile
North Carolina
North Carolina Medical Board Postadresse: PO Box 20007 Raleigh, NC 27.619-0007 Tlf: (919) 326-1100 Fax: (919) 326-0036 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
North Dakota
North Dakota State Board of Medicinsk Undersøgere 418 E. Broadway Ave. Suite 12 Bismark, ND 58501 Tlf: (701) 328-6500 Fax: (701) 328-6505 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
State Medical Board of Ohio 30 E. Broad Street, 3rd Floor Columbus, Ohio 43.215-6127 Tlf: (614) 466-3934 Fax: (614) 728-5946 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Oklahoma State Board for Medicinsk Licensure & Tilsyn 5104 N. Francis Ave. Suite C. Oklahoma City, OK 73118-6020 Tlf: (405) 848-6841 Fax: (405) 848-8240 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Oklahoma Bestyrelse Osteopatisk eksaminatorer 4848 North Lincoln Boulevard Suite 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73.105 Tlf: (405) 528-8625 Fax: (405) 557-0653 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Oregon Board of Medical Undersøgere 1500 SW 1st Ave. Suite 620 Portland, OR 97.201-5847 Tlf: (971) 673-2700 Fax: (971) 673-2670 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine P.O. Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17.105-2649 Tlf: (717) 783-1400 Fax: (717) 787-7769 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Pennsylvania State Board of Osteopatisk medicin P.O. Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17.105-2649 Tlf: (717) 783-4858 Fax: (717) 787-7769 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Puerto Rico
Board of Medical Undersøgere af Puerto Rico PO Boks 13969 San Juan, PR 00908 Tlf: (787) 782-8989 Fax: (787) 782-8733
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure og Disciplin Department of Health 3 Capitol Hill Room 205 Providence, RI 02.908-5097 Tlf: (401) 222-3855 Fax: (401) 222-2158 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing og forordning Synergy Business Park Kingstree Bygning 110 Centerview Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 Tlf: (803) 896-4300 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
South Dakota
South Dakota State bestyrelse Medical & Osteopatisk Undersøgere 125 S. Main Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Tlf: (605) 367-7781 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Tennessee State Board of Medical Undersøgere 227 French Landing Suite 300 Nashville, TN 37.243 Tlf: (615) 532-3202 eller gratis 800-778-4123 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Tennessee State Board of Osteopatisk Undersøgelse 227 French Landing, Suite 300 Nashville, TN 37.243 Tlf: (615) 532- 3202 eller gratis (800) 778-4123 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Texas Medical Board 333 Guadalupe Tower 3, Suite 610 Austin, TX 78701 Tlf: (512) 305 -7010 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Utah Division of Occupational & Professionel Licensing P.O. Boks 146.741 Salt Lake City, UT 84.114-6741 Tlf: (801) 530-6628 eller gratis (866) 275-3675 Fax: 801-530-6511 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Vermont Board of Medical Practice 108 Cherry St. Burlington, VT 05402 Tlf: (800) 464-4343 Fax: (802) 865-7754 Klik her for at gøre en licens verifikation Vermont Office Professional forordning National Life Bldg North FL2 Montpelier, VT 05620-3402 Klik her for at gøre en licens kontrol på en VT osteopatisk læge
Virginia Board of Medicine Perimeter center 9960 Mayland Dr. Suite 300 Richmond, VA 23.233-1463 Tel : (804) 367-4444 Fax: (804) 527-4461 Klik her for at en licens verifikation
Washington State Department of Health Maryella E. Jansen, direktør Department of Health 310 Israel Road, SE MS 47.866 Tumwater, WA 98501 Tlf: (360) 236-4788 Fax: (360) 236-4768 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
West Virginia
West Virginia Board of Medicine 101 Dee Drive Suite 103 Charleston, WV 25.311 Tlf: (304) 558-2921 Fax: (304) 558-2084 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Wisconsin Medical Undersøgelse bestyrelse Institut for forordning og Licensing PO Box 8935 Madison, WI 53.708-8935 Tlf: (608) 266-2112 eller gratis (877) 617-1565 Fax: (608) 267-0644 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens
Wyoming Board of Medicine 320 W. 25th Street Ste 103 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82.002 Tlf: (307) 778-7053 eller gratis (800) 438-5784 Fax: (307) 778-2069 Klik her for at gøre en verifikation licens