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Familie- og ægteskabssamfundsundersøgelser. Ægteskab og familie:Forskel af koncepter

Familie- og ægteskabssamfundsundersøgelser. Ægteskab og familie:Forskel af koncepter

Disciplin "Sociologi"

Om emnet:“Familie og ægteskab”

1. familie er en enhed i samfundet

Familien er den primære enhed i det sociale samfund af mennesker, baseret på ægteskab eller blodforhold, en af ​​de ældste sociale institutioner, der opstod meget tidligere end klasser, nationer og stater. Essensen af ​​en familie bestemmes af dens funktioner, struktur og rolleopførsel af dens medlemmer.

Familien er den primære og vigtigste institution i samfundet på grund af de funktioner, den implementerer. Det er gennem familien, at generationer af mennesker erstattes, en person er født i den, den menneskelige race fortsætter, primær socialisering og forældre finder sted, og til sidst realiseres en sådan ædel funktion som omsorg for ældre. Familien har organisering af liv, forbrug samt en betydelig del af økonomiske og økonomiske funktioner.

Familiestruktur er helheden af ​​forholdet mellem dens deltagere, herunder magtforhold. Autoritære familier er kendetegnet, hvor der er en streng underordnelse for familiens leder, oftere til manden, børn til forældre og familien af ​​en demokratisk type, hvor fordelingen af ​​roller, magt ikke forekommer i overensstemmelse med Traditioner, men på grundlag af personlige egenskaber, ægtefællers evner, er de kendetegnet ved lighed i acceptbeslutninger, frivillig distribution af pligter.

De vigtigste rolleforhold i familien:mand, kone, mor, far, svigermor, svigermor, ældste barn, yngste barn osv.

2. Familielivscyklus

Familielivscyklussen kan bygges i henhold til forskellige kriterier, men når man vælger dem, skal det tages i betragtning, at dette er en cyklus, dvs. hyppigheden af ​​forekomst og regelmæssighed af familiebegivenheder skal afspejles (mere præcist:den cykliske natur er Fundet, når familiens generationer ændrer sig, men når man flytter til nukleare familier med skilsmisser og gifte sig igen, er begivenhedens regelmæssighed også ret påviselig).

I henhold til kriteriet om forældreskab er kun fire faser adskilt:gå til scenen med før- og bedstefar, reproduktiv og socialisering af forældreskabet og mindst fem nøglebegivenheder:ægteskab og sammenbrud, fødslen af ​​det førstefødte og det sidste barn, Ægteskab med et af børnene eller fødslen af ​​et barnebarn.

Begrebet en livscyklus bruges ofte til at beskrive rækkefølgen af ​​begivenheder fra fødsel til død, skønt dens mere præcise betydning henviser til rækkefølgen af ​​faser af forældreskab gennem hele livet, fra børns fødsel gennem deres afgang fra hjemmet til fødslen af deres egne børn. På befolkningsniveau gentages cyklussen fra generation til generation. Nogle mennesker har ikke børn og kommer derfor ikke ind i den intergenerationelle livscyklus. Livscyklussen er generelt kendt som familiecyklus for sekvensen af ​​faser af forældreskab, primært bestemt af variationer i familiens størrelse og struktur.

Hvis faser i familien adskilles afhængigt af begivenheder relateret til børnenes alder og ændringen i deres livssituation såvel som adskillelse af voksne børn fra forælderfamilien, kan der være meget flere begivenheder og stadier i cyklussen . Under alle omstændigheder ledsages alle af dem af en indikation af ægteskabets længde på et eller andet tidspunkt, som giver dig mulighed for at beregne den samlede varighed af familielivet og varigheden af ​​de enkelte faser. Denne egenskab ved familieændringer bruges ofte i sociologisk demografi og indeholder en masse information. For eksempel for at reducere perioden med reproduktiv forældreskab kan man for eksempel bedømme et fald i fødselsraten og nærme sig en solid et år gammel og ved en reduktion i fasen af ​​fødsel forældre, et fald i ægteskabet.

Fra starten af ​​dens opløsning gennemgår familien en række faser, der er genstand for demografisk analyse. Som regel vises en familie på ægteskabstidspunktet. En familie vokser med fødslen af ​​hvert barn. Fra fødslen af ​​det sidste barn, indtil det første barn forlader huset, forbliver familiens størrelse konstant. I forbindelse med børns ægteskab falder familiens størrelse gradvist til dens oprindelige størrelse (to personer). Med den første død og derefter den anden ægtefælle slutter familiecyklussen.

3. Forægteskabelig opførsel

I den ægteskabelige periode vises nogle lovende problemer, der findes i ægteskabet, som kan kaldes "fødselsskader". Stedet og situationen for en bekendt påvirker ægteskabs skæbne; Det første indtryk af hinanden er positivt, negativt, ambivalente (både positive og negative), ligeglade (ligeglade); varigheden og indholdet af fængslet perioden; Initiator af ægteskabsforslaget (mand, kvinde, andre interesserede personer); tænkningstid for ægteskabsforslaget; Ægteskabssituation.

En positiv prognose for ægteskab er forbundet med følgende faktorer i ægteskabelig historie:et gensidigt positivt første indtryk af hinanden; Bekendtskab i en situation med arbejde og undersøgelse; frieri periode fra 1 til 1,5 år; manifestationen af ​​et ægteskabsforslag fra en mand; accept af ægteskabsforslaget efter en kort (op til 2 uger) overvejelse; Støtte til ægteskabsregistrering med en bryllupsfest.

Sådanne kendsgerninger om ægteskabelig periode som et negativt eller ikke-reciprokalt indtryk af hinanden påvirker ægteskabsskæbnen; Kort (op til 6 måneder) eller lang (mere end 3 år) frierisperiode; afvisning efter valg af familie og venner; manifestation af direkte eller indirekte initiativ fra en kvinde; Tvang ægteskabsbeslutning (for eksempel som et resultat af graviditet); Kontinuerlig overvejelse af ægteskabsforslaget. Disse ubehagelige eller uacceptable fakta kræver, at parret kompenserer, yderligere bestræbelser på at udjævne negative oplevelser. Aktivt arbejde er nødvendigt på sig selv, på egenskaberne ved ens karakter, adfærd. Fremtidige ægtefæller, der ikke er i stand til at tackle dette, udholdes fra de prenuptiale periode kroniske skader, der direkte eller indirekte opdages i ægteskabet.

Den moderne familie er hovedsageligt bygget på ægteskab. Ægteskab er en historisk bestemt form for forhold mellem en mand og en kvinde, hvorigennem samfundet organiserer deres forhold, både i juridisk og moralsk og etisk. Ægteskab er et meget komplekst udvalg af forhold mellem mennesker:fra naturlig biologisk til økonomisk, juridisk, etisk, socio-psykologisk, æstetisk osv.

Indholdet af ægteskab bestemmes af graden af ​​udvikling af samfundet. Jo mere primitive sociale relationer er, jo mere plads i familiens ægteskab er unionen besat af rent fysiologiske og økonomiske faktorer. Jo mere udviklet samfundet er, jo større er rollen i ægteskabet af socio-psykologisk, etisk, æstetisk og selvfølgelig seksuelle øjeblikke.

Sociologer adskiller tre motiver til ægteskab:et kærligheds ægteskab, et ægteskab med bekvemmelighed og et ægteskab med mønster. Sociologer adskiller tre motiver:et ægteskab med kærlighed, et ægteskab med bekvemmelighed og et ægteskab med mønster. Motivet for kærlighed i ægteskabet har ikke brug for kommentar. Et mønster ægteskab finder sted, når argumentet udløses:"Alle mine kammerater starter familier, uanset hvor sent jeg er." I sådanne tilfælde, ikke fuldt ud forstået sexlyst, dominerer ønsket om at få børn. Nogle gange mener en person, at kærlighedsmotiver er kernen. Faktisk kommer sådan kærlighed ned på det faktum, at han eller hun vælger den mere foretrukne fra flere kandidater.

Som i enhver social institution er familien baseret på en bevidst handling, dokument, kontrakt, socialt sanktioneret. Og familien er nødvendigvis bygget på visse værdier, idealer, normer, som i forskellige samfund kan være forskellige.

Familien som en social institution har begge dens funktioner, som vi identificerede tidligere. Den første er tilfredshed med visse sociale behov:gengivelsen af ​​den menneskelige race, socialiseringen af ​​individet, reguleringen af ​​seksuelle forbindelser, løsningen af ​​visse økonomiske problemer. Indtil nu er familien i de fleste samfund den vigtigste økonomiske enhed, især i landdistrikterne.

Det andet tegn - Familien er et system, der består af elementer:mand, kone, børn, ældre generation, børnebørn osv. Dette system giver familiemedlemmer visse funktioner, der til en vis grad begrænser individuel frihed.

Når man overvejer familien som et system, opstår spørgsmålet om familiens struktur. Med hensyn til struktur adskilles to hovedtyper af familier:slægtskab og ægteskab. En beslægtet familie er baseret på konsanguinitet af et stort antal medlemmer af en lille gruppe. Grundlaget for en gift familie er et par mennesker forbundet med ægteskab. Mand og kone bor hos deres børn separat fra andre slægtninge, der har ringe indflydelse på en sådan familie anliggender.

En beslægtet familie er baseret på konsanguinitet af et stort antal medlemmer af en lille gruppe. En sådan familie er en forening af pårørende sammen med deres ægtefæller og børn. Inden for en sådan familie samarbejdede mindst tre generationer på samme tid - bedstefedre og bedstemødre, ægtefæller og børnebørn. Grundlaget for en sådan familie er brødre og søstre sammen med mænd og hustruer og deres børn. Her er en gift mand eller en gift kvinde primært knyttet til forældrenes familie og kommer først derefter ind i hustru eller mand. En person er bundet af de vigtigste forpligtelser og ansvar med den familie, hvor han blev født. Således er en kvinde, der opdrager børn, muligvis ikke afhænger af hendes mand, men afhænger helt af hendes brødre og søstre. Det vil sige, kvinders brødre og søstre beslutter, hvordan man opdrager børn, hvilken slags uddannelse de skal give dem osv.

Et barn i en sådan familie har en stor mulighed for kommunikation og socialisering, forberedelse til flere sociale roller. Hvis moderen forlader familien, kan hendes slægtninge muligvis spille sin rolle. I sådanne familier er børn mere beskyttet mod sociale problemer.

Denne type familie var almindelig indtil det tyvende århundrede, og nu er det almindeligt i samfund med en ikke-europæisk kultur. I disse familier anerkendes en mand som hovedet, og visse økonomiske omstændigheder er forbundet med dette, især institutionen for privat ejendom.

7. Moderne Familie:rollefordeling

Parameteren for rolledistribution inkluderer to komponenter:1), der er hoved i familien og 2), der hovedsageligt er involveret i at opdrage børn (især, tilbringer mere tid med dem) og har en betydelig indflydelse på arten af ​​socialisering af borgerne, om modellen for forhold mellem forældre og barn og om uddannelsesstrategier, der bruges af forældre.

Den patriarkalske type distribution af familieroller indebærer farens forrang; moderen får funktionen af ​​at opdrage børn; Den moderne model for distribution af roller i familien sørger for ægtefællernes lige rettigheder, både i relation til beslutningstagning og med hensyn til at uddanne den yngre generation.

Ulighed mellem ægtefæller, der er karakteristisk for den patriarkalske fordeling af roller, er ofte forbundet med hierarkiske forhold mellem forældre og børn - i sådanne familier må børn normalt ikke have deres eget synspunkt, hvis det adskiller Forholdet forventes fra dem, der normalt er bygget på undertrykkelse.

Med den egalitære struktur i familieroller observeres tværtimod en anden tendens oftere - holdninger til børn som ligestilling, tolerance for dissens, opmuntring til børns tvister med forældre.

Strukturen af ​​fordelingen af ​​roller i russiske familier varierer fra den patriarkalske type til den moderne - repræsentanter for yngre generationer blev oftere hævet i familier med en egalitær fordeling af familiekraft mellem forældre og med lige deltagelse af begge ægtefæller i uddannelsesprocessen .

8. Problemet med familieledelse

Tre typer lederskab kan skelnes, bestemt af stillingen i familien, som både mand og kone stræber efter.

Model 1:Lige partnere. Med denne distribution opgiver en kvinde ikke sine lederstillinger, selv i tilfælde af højt tryk af kønsrollestereotyper (for eksempel når manden er muslimsk og klæber til traditionelle værdier \ U200B \ U200BREGARDERING Rollen som hustru i hustru i familien) og søger at "dele" ansvar med manden i familien. Udøvelsen af ​​retten til "lige ledelse" er mulig i tilfælde af en kvindes økonomiske uafhængighed fra en mand med en høj værdi for hendes arbejde, som undertiden overstiger værdien af ​​familieforhold.

Overvejelse af en forholdsmodel, hvor partnere søger lederskab, men ikke overvælder hinanden, sidder ikke fast på mindre problemer, undertiden takket være den direkte indsats fra en kvinde, viser, at denne type forhold giver dig mulighed for at holde din familie sammen og gøre Fremskridt, selvom dette kræver en vis indsats fra begge sider. I denne situation skal en mand opgive de herskende stereotyper, som ikke altid sker hurtigt og let.

Den anden model:"Den første i et par." På trods af det faktum, at mænd altid stræber efter lederskab i familieforhold, er mange kvinder ledere i familien i alle henseender. Mænd roligt eller ikke altid roligt giver dette mesterskab og foretrækker at være i anden position.

I nogle tilfælde opgiver en mand en førende position i familien, efter at han er overbevist om, at "alt er bedre for hustruen" og forsøger at give hende de mest behagelige familieforhold, og indse, at hustruen "er familiens forsørger ”.

Dette er den mest dramatiske model for familieforhold, da en mand tvinges til at "overgive sin lederposition." Imidlertid afhænger graden af ​​dramatisk udvikling af disse relationer af hustruens adfærdsstrategi og fortsætter mere forsigtigt, jo mindre minder kvinden manden om den eksisterende ulighed og den mere oprigtige respekt for hans arbejde og indsats til fordel for familien.

Model tre:"Bare en kone", hvor en mand er familiens leder. I sådanne familier er mænd som regel 7-10 år ældre end deres hustruer og har potentielle fordele:i form af en god uddannelse eller en stærk karakter eller en "almindelig fortid".

Skilsmisse, det vil sige lovligt fast opbrud af ægteskab, er antitesen om ægteskab, dens skyggeside. En sociologisk analyse af skilsmisseproblemerne (skilsmisse sociologi) er til en vis grad en analyse af selve ægteskabets problemer, hovedsageligt dens negative aspekter.

Samfundet er interesseret i stabiliteten i familieforhold, da dette sikrer sunde forhold mellem ægtefæller, har en fordelagtig virkning på opdragelsen af ​​børn og letter løsningen af ​​en række sociale problemer (boliger, social velfærd, beskæftigelse osv.). I den mest generelle form kan staten og samfundet derfor ikke andet end at se i skilsmissens bevis for dårligt at være i familiens relationer. Fra dette synspunkt er skilsmisse et socialt onde.

På samme tid skal skilsmisse ses fra andre perspektiver. Med hensyn til hvert enkelt ægteskab kan spørgsmålet om uønsket eller ønskværdighed af en skilsmisse ikke løses entydigt. I nogle tilfælde er skilsmisse ikke kun ikke et socialt onde, men tværtimod er det nødvendigt.

Ægteskab er en fri og frivillig forening mellem en mand og en kvinde. Ægteskabsfrihed indebærer skilsmissefrihed. Skilsmissefrihed er den flip side af frihed for ægteskab, en integreret del af individuel frihed.

10. Konsekvenser af en skilsmisse

Signifikant negativ effekt af skilsmisse på fertilitet. I nogle tilfælde forbliver kvinden efter skilsmissen ensom, og på "tærsklen" for skilsmissen undgår at føde børn. Med stigningen i antallet af skilsmisser er antallet af mennesker, der ikke ønsker at gifte sig igen efter en skilsmisse, steget.

En stigning i antallet af skilsmisser fører til, at mange par og deres børn dybt oplever familiens nød, normalt forbundet med skilsmisse. Skilsmisse påvirker straks børns moralske tilstand.

Skilsmisser øger antallet af enlige forældrefamilier. Et specifikt forholdssystem mellem mor og barn oprettes i dem, der dannes mønstre af adfærd, som i nogle henseender er et alternativ til normerne og værdier \ U200B \ U200BON, som ægteskabsinstitutionen er baseret.

Skilsmisse påvirker selv fraskilte ægtefæller. En meget almindelig følelse af angst, utålmodighed, der kommer fra ødelagte vaner og tabet af velkendte roller.

Som et massefænomen spiller skilsmisser en overvejende negativ rolle både for at ændre fertilitet og i at opdrage børn. For det første på grund af skilsmisse falder den produktive periode i en kvindes liv. For det andet, i tilfælde af et mislykket første ægteskab, kan tidspunktet for den første fødslen være meget forsinket (hvilket også er uønsket fra et medicinsk synspunkt). For det tredje kan de ugunstige forhold i familien, der går forud for skilsmissen, have en negativ indflydelse på kvindens reproduktive holdninger, skønt denne indflydelse i andre tilfælde kan neutraliseres af kvindens ønske om at skabe og styrke en ny familie.

Skilsmisse vurderes kun som god, hvis det ændrer sig til de bedre betingelser for dannelsen af ​​barnets personlighed og sætter en stopper for den negative indvirkning på barnets psyke af ægteskabelige konflikter. En familie kan leve, hvis den klarer sig dårligt eller ikke udfører nogen af ​​dens funktioner undtagen forælderen. En familie dør, hvis det ophører med at gøre, hvad det opdrager børn for.

11. Familie og social klasse

Ulighed i et par kan udløses af flere faktorer og inkluderer:

1) Materiale ulighed;

2) aldersulighed (når en kvinde er 10-12 år ældre end hendes partner);

3) karriere ulighed;

4) ulighed i social oprindelse og den resulterende ulighed af kulturer.

Manifestationen af ​​social ulighed forstærkes, når familien "outsider" pludselig bliver til en forsørger og en leder, og den kulturelle leder mister pludselig sine fordele.

Liste over referencer

Kapitonov E.A. Sociologi i det tyvende århundrede-Rostov-on-Don:Phoenix, 2006.

Smelser N. Sociologi. - M., tanke, 2000.

Sociologi. Forelæsningskursus. / Red. SYD. Volkova. -Rostov-on-Don:Phoenix, 2006.

Toshchenko Zh. T. Sociologi. Generelt kursus. - M., Prometheus, 2004.

En kilde:
Bigest Bank of Abstracts
I disciplinen "sociologi" om emnet:"Familie og ægteskab" 1. Familien er samfundets enhed. Familien er den primære enhed for det sociale samfund af mennesker baseret på ægteskab eller blodforhold.

familie og ægteskab

3.14. Familie og ægteskab

en familie   - Dette er en lille social gruppe baseret på ægteskab og konsanguinitet, hvis medlemmer er forbundet med fælles liv, gensidig bistand, moralsk og juridisk ansvar. Familien er et system med forbindelser mellem mand og kone, forældre og børn. Som en social institution interagerer familien med staten og andre sociale institutioner. Sociologi betragter familien fra to hovedstillinger:som lille social gruppe ; som social institution.

1. hvordan lille social gruppe   - Emnet for undersøgelsen er forbindelser mellem familien (forbindelserne mellem ægtefæller mellem forældre og børn, mellem andre familiemedlemmer).

2. hvordan social institution   - Vægten lægges på forholdet mellem familien og staten (samfundet) såvel som familiens sociale funktioner.

Familien, et bredere koncept og et socialt fænomen, inkluderer som regel ægteskabsinstitutionen. Der kan dog være tilfælde, hvor der findes ægteskab og familie som om sig selv. Sådanne udenforægteskabelige forbindelser i familien kaldes normalt civilt ægteskab.

en familie   - Et enkelt socialt samfund, hvis integritet sikres af komplementariteten af ​​kønnene, sociale funktioner og roller.

Familie Social status   - En af de typer sociale status i samfundet og bestemmer den enkeltes sted ikke kun i familiestrukturen, men også i den generelle struktur i samfundet. Familiestatus er opdelt i:ægteskabelig status (kone, mand); Forældre (mor, far); børn (søn, datter, bror, søster); Intergenerational (bedstefar, bedstemor, barnebarn, barnebarn osv.).

familie social rolle   - ordineret og forventet opførsel på grund af den besatte familiestatus.

Sociale funktioner i familien

* reproduktiv   - fødsel af børn, reproduktion af en biologisk art. Takket være denne funktion gengiver familien ikke kun sig selv, men sikrer også udskiftning af udgående generationer fra nye medlemmer af samfundet.

* eksistentiel   - Funktionen af ​​omsorg og beskyttelse af deres medlemmer, sikrer deres sociale og psykologiske sikkerhed.

* Økonomisk   og husholdning   - Den fælles produktion af materielle varer og deres distribution, organisering af samliv af familiemedlemmer og vedligeholdelse af deres fysiske helbred og velvære.

* Primær social kontrolfunktion   - Moralsk og social regulering af familiemedlemmers opførsel på forskellige livsområder.

* rekreative - Funktionen af ​​at gendanne og styrke de fysiske, moralske og åndelige kræfter fra mennesket.

* Social status   - Reproduktion af samfundets sociale struktur. Ved at erhverve nye sociale status i familien ("mand", "kone", "far", "mor" osv.) Erstatter individet status for sine forgænger (forældre) i den sociale struktur og gengiver derved den sociale struktur .

* fritid   - Organisering af rationel fritid for alle familiemedlemmer.

* hedonistisk   (fra græsk - glæde) er en funktion af gensidig glæde, glæde, kærlighed, lykke osv.

Ægteskab   - 1) historisk etablerede, socialt regulerede forhold mellem mænd og kvinder, der opretter deres gensidige rettigheder og forpligtelser i en familieorganisation; 2) Den lovgivningsmæssige institution, der styrer forbindelserne mellem alle familiemedlemmer, mellem familien og staten.

* Gruppe ægteskab   - Ægteskabsforeningen for flere mænd og kvinder (mest karakteristisk for de tidlige stadier af udviklingen af ​​det primitive samfund);

* polygam ægteskab   - Ægteskab med en ægtefælle med flere. Polygami kan være af to typer:polygyni - ægteskab med en mand med flere kvinder; Polyandry - Ægteskabet med en kvinde med flere mænd (Sydøstindien, Tibet, Ceylon, New Zealand, Hawaii);

* monogamt ægteskab   - Ægteskabet med en mand med en kvinde. Sådanne ægteskaber er mest karakteristiske for den kristne verden og for demokratiske lande, hvor der findes juridiske ligestilling mellem kønnene. Men sådanne ægteskaber er 5 gange mindre sandsynlige end polygame;

* par ægteskab   - Lige ægteskab mellem en mand og en kvinde, der fandt sted under overgangen fra matriarki til patriarki (periode med barbarisme);

* Eksogame ægteskaber   - Baseret på told, der forbyder ægteskaber inden for et bestemt socialt samfund, for eksempel inden for en klan, fratri, samfund. Sådanne ægteskaber forudsætter oprettelsen af ​​et ægteskabeligt forhold uden for en given søskende gruppe;

* Endogame ægteskaber   - Baseret på ægteskabets skikke inden for et bestemt socialt samfund - en stamme, kaste, nation, kirkesamfund osv.

Der er også sådanne sorter af ægteskab, såsom:Kærlighed ægteskab, ægteskab med bekvemmelighed, hellig ægteskab, dynastisk ægteskab, civilt ægteskab, købt ægteskab, ægteskab med bortførelse, ulige ægteskab, gifte igen og andre.

Sociale træk ved ægteskab

- Social godkendelse og juridisk registrering af ægtefællernes rettigheder og forpligtelser i forhold til hinanden og til børn, såvel som børn til deres forældre;

- Regulering af seksuelle forhold mellem mænd og kvinder i samfundet;

- Regulering af økonomiske og husholdningsforhold mellem ægtefæller såvel som mellem alle familiemedlemmer;

- Regulering af forbindelser mellem familien og staten;

- Juridisk registrering af hvert familiemedlems sociale status. For eksempel ved at registrere et ægteskab erhverver en person straks status for "kone" eller "mand", "medejer" og / eller "arving" af visse materielle værdier \ U200B \ U200B (stat).

1. i henhold til kriterierne for dominans i en familieorganisation:

- Matriarkalske familie   - Kvinder dominerer familien. Stamtavlen er på den kvindelige linje.

- Patriarkalske familie   - Den dominerende rolle i familien spilles af den mandlige ejer. En kvinde i en sådan familie er som regel også hendes mands ejendom. Stamtavlen er på den mandlige linje.

- egalitær familie   - Lige magtforhold af ægtefæller med udskiftelige sociale roller.

2. Afhængig af kompleksiteten i familiestrukturen:

- udvidet familie   - En kompleks familie, inklusive repræsentanter for flere generationer af slægtninge (bedsteforældre - bedstefar, bedstemor, forældre - mor, far, børn - søn, datter osv.).

- nuklear familie   - bestående af to generationer - forældre og børn.

3. afhængigt af antallet af børn i familien:små børn (1-2 børn); Medium børn (3-4 børn); store familier (5 eller flere børn); barnløs (ægtepar, der ikke ønsker eller ikke er i stand til at få børn); ufuldstændig (familier med børn, men uden en eller begge forældre).

Det mest karakteristiske for den aktuelle samfundstilstand er to hovedtyper af familier: Patriarkalske   og egalitarisk .

Tegn på en patriarkalsk familie

Prioriteringen af ​​familieomfattende (klan) interesser frem for individuelle.

Det vigtigste kriterium for ægteskab er ikke det personlige valg af de unge, men de økonomiske og andre interesser for den patriarkalske familie.

Den komplekse sociale sammensætning inkluderer som regel adskillige generationer af mænd med hustruer, børn og andre slægtninge.

Store familier. At have et stort antal børn i en naturlig produktionstilstand er økonomisk fordelagtigt.

Forbud mod individuel indgriben i reproduktionscyklussen (forebyggelse og ophør af graviditet).

Svag social og geografisk mobilitet. Børn lærer og arver deres forældres sociale status og roller og forbliver i familien.

Al familieejendom ejes og er samlet i den mandlige linje.

I en traditionel patriarkalsk familie er alle relationer bygget på grundlag af skikke og traditioner, der ikke tager højde for de individuelle egenskaber og præferencer for ægtefæller og andre familiemedlemmer.

Tegn på en egalitær familie

Prioriteten af ​​individuelle interesser frem for familien (generisk).

Det vigtigste kriterium for ægteskab er det personlige valg af parret selv.

En simpel to generation af social struktur består som regel af forældre og børn.

Lille størrelse. Forlængelsen af ​​socialiseringsperioden for børn og stigningen i omkostningerne ved deres vedligeholdelse, opdragelse og uddannelse samt ægtefællers ønske om at realisere sig selv i andre ikke-familiens aktiviteter, svækket reproduktiv motivation.

Individuel fertilitetsplanlægning.

Intensiv social og geografisk mobilitet. Hvert familiemedlem (som familien som helhed) kan vælge og gentagne gange ændre aktivitetstypen og bopælsstedet.

Juridisk ligestilling i ejerskab og arv af familieejendom.

De vigtigste tegn på krisen i den moderne familie

- Små og barnløse familier. Sidste ægteskaber og ægtefællers ønske om at realisere sig selv i erhvervslivet, kreativitet og andre ikke-familieaktiviteter tillader dem ikke at vie en tilstrækkelig tid til at føde og opdrage børn. Ægtefællernes personlige egoisme overvinder de naturlige følelser af konservering og reproduktion af en art.

- Reduktion af ægteskabet. En stigning i det samlede antal mennesker, der aldrig har giftet sig.

- Forøgelse i antallet af skilsmisser. I et demokratisk samfund er skilsmisse en af ​​attributterne for personlig frihed.

- En stigning i antallet af enlige forældrefamilier. En stigning i antallet af skilsmisser og uekte fødsler fører til vækst af enlige forældrefamilier.

- En stigning i antallet af forældreløse samt gade- og gadebørn. Familiens krise, udenforægteskabelig fødsel fører til det faktum, at kvinder i arbejdskraft opgiver deres børn; Andre forældre fratages forældrenes rettigheder på grund af det faktum, at de ikke er i stand til (af en eller anden grund) til at opfylde deres forældreansvar.

- Børnehjem, hjemløshed og forsømmelse, som en konsekvens af krisen i familiens institution, på næste trin bliver en af ​​årsagerne til denne krise. Voksne børn, der er vokset op uden for familien eller i en dysfunktionel familie, er som regel ikke i stand til at skabe en fuldgyldig familie selv.

- Fald i den faderlige uddannelsesrolle. Stigningen i antallet af skilsmisser og den uekte fødsel af børn fører til en stigning i antallet af enlige forælderfamilier. I sådanne familier er faderlig uddannelse næsten fraværende. Børn opvokset i moderfamilier vedtager stereotyper af moderuddannelse og overfører dem til deres børns uddannelse. Den moderne families krise fremgår også af kendsgerningerne om fremkomst og juridisk registrering af de såkaldte kvasifamilier af samme køn i nogle demokratiske lande, som på grund af samme køn "ægteskab" -partnere ikke kan få børn sammen.

Statens anerkendelse af værdien af ​​familien, dens rolle i social udvikling og uddannelse af kommende generationer er nedfældet i den russiske føderations forfatning. De vigtigste forpligtelser for materielt indhold, social og juridisk beskyttelse, opdragelse, uddannelse af børn er familien og staten. Følgende føderale programmer er udviklet og implementeres:

1.. Begrebet det føderale målprogram "Børn af Rusland" for 2007–2010, inklusive underprogrammer:"Sund generation", "Gavede børn" og "Børn og familie".

2. det nationale program for demografisk udvikling af Rusland for perioden 2006–2015.

3. fra 1. januar 2007 til 31. december 2016 leveres en form for statsstøtte til russiske familier, der opdrætter børn - mødre (familie) kapital.

4. State support program for large families in the Russian Federation for 2008–2015.

5. National charity program "Support to the family and the child for 2012-2017."

6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Actions for Children for 2012-2017."

7. On May 24, 2013 in Moscow the Constituent Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization “National Parent Association for Social Support of the Family and the Protection of Family Values” was held.

  Traditional marriage
  - regulated by society (including the state) family relationship between two people who have reached marriageable age, generating their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to children.  Church marriage
  - Church-sanctified marriage. In many countries it has legal force, in some it is the only legal form of marriage. Other states (including Russia) do not currently recognize the legal validity of church marriage, so priests recommend that they register with the registry office before concluding it. In Orthodoxy and Catholicism, marriage is one of the sacraments - the Wedding. Civil marriage
  - marriage, issued by the relevant state authorities without the participation of the church. In Russia, the only possible type of marriage. Also, “civil marriage” is often mistakenly called cohabitation.  Morganatic marriage
  - a kind of mesalliance, as a result of which a person of a lower social position does not increase it. Currently, this concept is preserved in dynastic regulations and laws of a number of countries.  Temporary marriage
  - In some countries, legislation recognizes its legal force. Duration is determined by agreement of the parties and is set in the marriage contract. At the same time, the size of the ransom is established, which the husband transfers to his wife in such a marriage. After the expiration of the period for which he was married, marriage and all legal relations between spouses are considered to be terminated. A peculiar form of prostitution.  Marriage of convenience
  - This is a marriage, not concluded for reasons of relationship, family or love. Instead, such an alliance is created for personal gain or other types of strategic goals, such as political marriage, for example. The phrase is borrowed from the French mariage de convenance    - rejection marriage.  Actual marriage
(unregistered marriage)
  - relations between partners in cohabitation (cohabitation), not executed in the manner prescribed by law as marriage.  Fictitious marriage
  - This is the legal registration of a marriage without the intention of creating a family, but with other goals, for example, obtaining citizenship, benefits from state or municipal services.  Group marriage
  - the oldest form of marriage, in which all men of one blood related group (clan, phratry, etc.) could have marital relations with all women of another of the same group.  Same-sex marriage
  - Regulated by society (including the state), the constant relationship of a homosexual couple, usually based on personal feelings and sexual relations, aimed at supporting the family.

Marriages in Russia

In the USSR, marriage is a voluntary union of a man and a woman in which spouses are completely equal. In the USSR, only marriage concluded in state bodies for the registration of acts of civil status (registry offices), as well as marriage committed in religious rites before the formation or restoration of the Soviet registry office bodies, is recognized. Until 1944, the so-called actual marriage (registered).

According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the following legally significant signs of marriage are distinguished.

  • Marriage is a voluntary union. For the conclusion of a marriage, the free and voluntarily expressed mutual consent of the persons entering into the marriage is necessary.
  • Marriage is an equal union, which implies the existence of equal rights and duties for each of the spouses in the marriage.
  • Marriage is a union concluded in compliance with certain rules established by law. Properly registered marriages are evidence of citizens joining the marriage community, which the state takes under its protection.

The condition for marriage is:

  • voluntary consent of persons wishing to enter into marriage;
  • the attainment by persons wishing to conclude a marriage of marriageable age (as a general rule, eighteen years old, but it is possible to conclude a marriage between the ages of 16 and 18 years, subject to the consent of local authorities, and the age may be reduced if the subject of the Russian Federation accepts the law on reducing marriageable age, the family law of the Russian Federation does not establish a limit to which marriageable age can be reduced, therefore, each subject has his own legal acts in this regard)

In Russia, marriage is not allowed:

  • if one of the persons is already in a registered marriage;
  • between close relatives;
  • between adoptive parents and adopted;
  • if at least one person is declared legally incompetent by a court because of a mental disorder;
  • between persons of the same sex.

DivorceDivorce - the formal termination (termination) of a valid marriage between living spouses. The recognition of marriage as null and void due to the death of one of the spouses should be distinguished from divorce.

In secular states, to which Russia belongs, as well as in a number of denominations, dissolution of the marriage union (divorce) is allowed - on various grounds. In Russia, with the consent of both spouses who do not have common children, divorce is possible in the registry office. If one of the spouses is against divorce, as well as in the presence of common minor children (even with the mutual consent of the divorced), the divorce is made through the court. To protect the rights of children if the wife is expecting a child, the husband is not entitled without her consent even to file a lawsuit for divorce.

In different religious systems, the procedure for divorce can be either much more complicated than in the Russian Federation, or much simpler. Say, the dissolution of a Catholic marriage is almost impossible, and in Muslim law, for a husband to divorce, it is enough to pronounce a special phrase. Nevertheless, even this simplicity is limited by other institutions.

In Russia, just over 1 million couples annually get married, while about 700 thousand families file for divorce.

Social Studies. Full course of preparation for the Unified State Examination Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

3.14. Family and marriage

3.14. Family and marriage

A family   - This is a small social group based on marriage and consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. The family is a system of relations between husband and wife, parents and children. As a social institution, the family interacts with the state and other social institutions. Sociology considers the family from two main positions:as small social group; as social institution.

1. How small social group   - the subject of the study is intra-family relations (relations between spouses, between parents and children, between other family members).

2. How social institution   - The emphasis is on the relationship between the family and the state (society), as well as the social functions of the family.

The family, a broader concept and social phenomenon, includes, as a rule, the institution of marriage. However, there may be cases when marriage and family exist as if by themselves. Such extramarital relations in the family are usually called civil marriage.

A family   - a single social community, the integrity of which is ensured by the complementarity of the sexes, social functions and roles.

Family Social Status   - one of the types of social statuses in society and determines the individual’s place not only in the family structure, but also in the general structure of society. Family statuses are divided into:marital status (wife, husband); parental (mother, father); children (son, daughter, brother, sister); intergenerational (grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, etc.).

Family social role   - Prescribed and expected behavior due to the occupied family status.

Social functions of the family

* Reproductive   - birth of children, reproduction of a biological species. Thanks to this function, the family not only reproduces itself, but also ensures the replacement of outgoing generations by new members of society.

* Socialization of personality .

* Existential   - The function of caring and protecting their members, ensuring their social and psychological safety.

* Economic   and household   - the joint production of material goods and their distribution, the organization of cohabitation of family members and the maintenance of their physical health and well-being.

* Primary social control function   - moral and social regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life.

* Recreational - the function of restoring and strengthening the physical, moral and spiritual forces of man.

* Social status   - reproduction of the social structure of society. By acquiring new social statuses in the family (“husband”, “wife”, “father”, “mother”, etc.), the individual replaces the statuses of his predecessors (parents) in the social structure and thereby reproduces the social structure .

* Leisure   - Organization of rational leisure for all family members.

* Hedonistic   (from Greek - pleasure) is a function of mutual pleasure, pleasure, love, happiness, etc.

Marriage   - 1) historically established, socially regulated relations between men and women, establishing their mutual rights and obligations in a family organization; 2) the regulatory institution governing relations between all family members, between the family and the state.

Types of marriage

* group marriage   - the marriage union of several men and women (most characteristic of the early stages of development of primitive society);

* polygamous marriage   - marriage of one spouse with several. Polygamy can be of two types:polygyny - the marriage of one man with several women; polyandry - the marriage of one woman with several men (Southeast India, Tibet, Ceylon, New Zealand, Hawaii);

* monogamous marriage   - the marriage of one man with one woman. Such marriages are most characteristic of the Christian world and for democratic countries in which legal gender equality exists. But such marriages are 5 times less likely than polygamous;

* pair marriage   - equal marriage between a man and a woman, which took place during the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy (period of barbarism);

* exogamous marriages   - based on customs prohibiting marriages within a particular social community, for example, within a clan, phratry, community. Such marriages presuppose the creation of a marital relationship outside a given sibling group;

* endogamous marriages   - based on the customs of marriage within a particular social community - a tribe, caste, nation, denomination, etc.

There are also such varieties of marriage, such as:love marriage, marriage of convenience, holy marriage, dynastic marriage, civil marriage, purchased marriage, marriage with abduction, unequal marriage, remarriage and others.

Social features of marriage

- social approval and legal registration of the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to each other and to children, as well as children to their parents;

- regulation of sexual relations between men and women in society;

- regulation of economic and household relations between spouses, as well as between all family members;

- regulation of relations between the family and the state;

- legal registration of the social status of each family member. For example, by registering a marriage, a person immediately acquires the status of “wife” or “husband”, “co-owner” and / or “heir” of certain material values \u200b\u200b(state).

Family typology

1. According to the criteria of dominance in a family organization:

Matriarchal family   - Women dominate the family. The pedigree is on the female line.

Patriarchal family   - the dominant role in the family is played by the male owner. A woman in such a family, as a rule, is also the property of her husband. The pedigree is on the male line.

Egalitarian family   - equal power relations of spouses with interchangeable social roles.

2. Depending on the complexity of the family structure:

extended family   - a complex family, including representatives of several generations of relatives (grandparents - grandfather, grandmother, parents - mother, father, children - son, daughter, etc.).

Nuclear family   - consisting of two generations - parents and children.

3. Depending on the number of children in the family:small children (1-2 children); medium children (3-4 children); large families (5 or more children); childless (married couples who do not want or are not able to have children); incomplete (families with children, but without one or both parents).

The most characteristic of the current state of society are two main types of families:patriarchal   and egalitarian .

Signs of a patriarchal family

The priority of family-wide (clan) interests over individual.

The main criterion for marriage is not the personal choice of the young, but the economic and other interests of the patriarchal family.

The complex social composition, as a rule, includes several generations of men with wives, children and other relatives.

Large families. Having a large number of children in a natural production mode is economically advantageous.

Prohibition of individual intervention in the reproductive cycle (prevention and termination of pregnancy).

Weak social and geographical mobility. Children learn and inherit the social statuses and roles of their parents and remain in the family.

All family property is collectively owned and inherited through the male line.

In a traditional patriarchal family, all relations are built on the basis of customs and traditions that do not take into account the individual characteristics and preferences of spouses and other family members.

Signs of an egalitarian family

The priority of individual interests over the family (generic).

The main criterion for marriage is the personal choice of the couple themselves.

A simple two-generation social structure consisting, as a rule, of parents and children.

Small size. The lengthening of the period of socialization of children and the increase in the costs of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as the desire of spouses to realize themselves in other non-family activities, weakening reproductive motivation.

Individual fertility planning.

Intensive social and geographical mobility. Each family member (like the family as a whole) can choose and repeatedly change the type of activity and place of residence.

Legal equality in the ownership and inheritance of family property.

The main signs of the crisis of the modern family

- Late marriages.

- Small and childless families. Late marriages and the desire of spouses to realize themselves in business, creativity and other non-family activities does not allow them to devote a sufficient amount of time to giving birth and raising children. The personal egoism of the spouses overcomes the natural feelings of preservation and reproduction of a kind.

- Reduction of marriage. An increase in the total number of people who have never married.

- Increase in the number of divorces. In a democratic society, divorce is one of the attributes of personal freedom.

- An increase in the number of single-parent families. An increase in the number of divorces and illegitimate births leads to the growth of single-parent families.

- An increase in the number of orphans, as well as street and street children. The crisis of the family, extramarital birth leads to the fact that women in labor abandon their children; other parents are deprived of parental rights due to the fact that they are not able (for one reason or another) to fulfill their parental responsibilities.

- Orphanage, homelessness and neglect, as a consequence of the crisis of the institution of the family, at the next stage become one of the causes of this crisis. Adult children who have grown up outside the family or in a dysfunctional family, as a rule, are not able to create a full-fledged family themselves.

- Decrease in the paternal educational role. The increase in the number of divorces and the illegitimate birth of children lead to an increase in the number of single parent families. In such families, paternal education is virtually absent. Children raised in maternal families adopt stereotypes of maternal education and transfer them to the education of their children. The crisis of the modern family is also evidenced by the facts of the emergence and legal registration of the so-called same-sex quasi-families in some democratic countries, which, because of the same-sex "marriage" partners, cannot have children together.

State recognition of the value of the family, its role in social development and education of future generations is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The main obligations for material content, social and legal protection, upbringing, education of children are the family and the state. The following federal programs have been developed and are being implemented:

1. The concept of the federal target program “Children of Russia” for 2007–2010, including subprograms:“Healthy Generation”, “Gifted Children” and “Children and Family”.

2. The national program of demographic development of Russia for the period 2006–2015.

3. From January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016, a form of state support for Russian families raising children is provided - maternal (family) capital.

4. State support program for large families in the Russian Federation for 2008–2015.

5. National charity program "Support to the family and the child for 2012-2017."

6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Actions for Children for 2012-2017."

7. On May 24, 2013 in Moscow the Constituent Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization “National Parent Association for Social Support of the Family and the Protection of Family Values” was held.

     From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms   the author

Marriage See also “Marriage and Marriage,” “Husbands and Wives,” “Divorce,” “Wedding,” “Bachelors.” Marriage is the continuation of love by other means. Gennady Malkin In love they lose their minds, they notice a loss in marriage. Moses Safir Marriage for love we call marriage, in which

   From the book Women Can Do Anything:Aphorisms   the author    Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Marriage of the BRIDE In our time, you can’t live with a man for six months, so that you will not be declared a bride. Brigitte Bardot Bride - these are one rights and no duties; a wife is one duty and no rights. Vladimir Mass and Mikhail Chervinsky The bride is a woman whom

   From the book Love is a hole in the heart. Aphorisms   the author    Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

PAYMENT MARRIAGE, LOVE MARRIAGE Love marriage is a marriage in which a wealthy man marries a beautiful and rich girl. Pierre Bonnard Literate people can get married by declaration, and illiterate only by love. Don Aminado Marriage for Love? Well can it be

   From the book Woman. Textbook for Men [Second Edition]   the author    Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

   From the book Jurisprudence:Cheat Sheet   the author    author unknown

   From the book Life Guide:Unwritten Laws, Unexpected Advice, Good Phrases made in USA   the author    Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Marriage A man who loves a woman very much, asks her to marry him - that is, change her name, quit her job, give birth and raise his children, wait for him when he comes home from work, move with him to another city when he changes work. Hard

   From the book Encyclopedia of the author's lawyer

Marriage MARRIAGE is a properly executed voluntary and equal union of a man and a woman, concluded with the aim of creating a family. There are three main theories that explain the nature of B.:B. as a sacrament, contract theory and B. as a specific legal institution. Each Marriage 1. Matrimonial relations legally registered. 2. Spoiled, substandard, flawed production items. The neighborhood of these two concepts looks somewhat anecdotal, however, the realities of being allow us to perceive it as a natural connection between the two sides.

   From the book Murphy's Complete Laws   by Bloch Arthur

Marriage - naked facts and truths - this contract will cost you dearly ... Conversations are a cheap thing. Wedding rings - no. WESTERN MARRIAGE marriage is much easier to enter than to get out of it. CHANCE FOR MARRIAGE1. A single 30-year-old woman has only a 20 percent chance of getting married. 2. At

   From the book Woman. Manual for men   the author    Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

   From the book Woman. A textbook for men.   the author    Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

5.3 Marriage - Nowadays, men are afraid of marriage. - Yes, you know, before marriage I did not know what fear is. The conversation of two modern men A good deal marriage will not be called. Male Pun Forming a family, a man and a woman enter into a relationship. This relationship

   From the book The Big Book of Wisdom   the author    Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Family See also “Marriage”, “Relatives” Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another city. George Burns * Family - a group of people who are connected by blood bonds and quarrel money issues. Etienne Rey * It's hard to feed your own at the same time

   From the book The Big Book of Aphorisms about Love   the author    Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Marriage is ... Marriage is a community of men and women, a community of all life, communication in divine and human law.? Digest of Justinian, a set of Roman law (VI century.) Marriage - not cohabitation, but consent.? Ulpian, Roman lawyer (c. 170 - 228) Marriage - the promise of happiness and acceptance

   From the author’s book

Marriage for love, marriage for convenience Marrying is interesting only for love; to marry a girl just because she is cute is like buying an unnecessary thing in the market just because she is good.? Anton Chekhov, Russian writer (XIX century). To marry without love as well.

Epigraph to the lesson:

It’s not difficult to marry, it’s hard to be married. ( Unamuno)

Happy is he who is happy at home. ( L. Tolstoy)

  • To show the role of law in the regulation of family and marriage relations
  • To clarify the influence of the family on the development of the individual and society, the role and importance of the family in modern society.
  • Create psychological prerequisites for a responsible attitude towards future family life

Key concepts:

  • a family,
  • marriage,
  • Family code,
  • age of marriage
  • nuclear family,
  • extended family.


  • computer and projector;
  • Family law;
  • Textbook Social Studies L.N. Bogolyubov. Grade 10
  • Internet resources:

During the presentation lesson, the new material is presented in the form of a series of slides with text, tables, allowing the teacher to organize a discussion of the proposed questions on the slides

The entire presentation consists of 20 slides. During the lesson, the necessary material is gradually displayed on the screen, and the main issues of this topic are considered.

Students should know:

  • The main aspects of family life are regulated by law and the Family Code of the Russian Federation
  • The family is protected by the state, as well as motherhood, fatherhood and childhood.
  • Any form of restricting the rights of citizens at marriage and in family relationships is prohibited

Students should understand what:

  • A family
  • Marriage Conditions

Students should be able to:

  • Explain concepts
  • Reveal the basics of family law
  • Resolve situations in family relationships
  • Express your own point of view

Lesson type:combined with elements of practical exercises

During the classes


1. What is family and marriage

2. Family Functions

3. Types of families

4. Forms of marriage

5. Marriage

Teacher's introduction

Students are already familiar with the concept of "family." In this regard, the study of a new topic can begin with a conversation

For many centuries, marriage and family are integral elements of the social structure of any society. They are considered fundamental social institutions that ensure the reproduction and sustainability of human society.

There were times when families did not exist. People lived in a primitive herd. Everything was common. And the children too.

But those days are over. The family has existed for thousands of years. And everyone knows that living in a family is better than without a family.

1. What is a family?

  • What is family?
  • Why does a person need a family?
  • Can a person live without a family without experiencing difficulties?

Following the students' suggestions, the word is to the teacher.

Teacher explanation:

  • The family is the primary association of people based on consanguinity, love and mutual responsibility
  • Family - a community of spouses, parents and children

The task :

Answer the question:"Is this a family?"

Enter the result in the table:

Example No. What is the composition of the family What are the grounds for family ties

Slide No. 5-9

1. Evdokia Pavlovna - a widow, lives with her daughter in a hostel of the enterprise in which she works

2. Vladimir and Elena are spouses. They have no children. They live on their own, renting an apartment in the same housing block.

3. Ivan Petrovich is 47 years old. He never married, but a month ago he adopted a three-year-old child.

4. Marina and Sergei Sidorov have two children. They do not have their own angle, and they live with their parents.

5. Tatyana and Oleg met 2 years ago and have been living together for 7 months, renting an apartment together.

A family is a collection of persons connected by a relationship of marriage, kinship or adoption, living together and sharing a common household

Currently, family relations are regulated by the new Family Code of the Russian Federation, effective since 1996, the federal law "On acts of civil status", and the new Civil Code, part 1. The Civil Code regulates the property rights of spouses and the representation of minor children by parents

Slide number 10

Article 1, part 2 of the Family Code:

A marriage concluded only in the bodies of acts of civil registration is recognized.

You can put an equal sign between the concepts family and marriage?

What role does marriage play in creating a family?

Marriage is a legal act providing legal registration of a family. The word "marriage" came from the old Russian word "bracci", that is, to select, choose the good, reject the bad

Marriage is a free and equal union of a man and a wife, concluded in compliance with the order and conditions established by law, aimed at creating a family and generating mutual personal and property rights and obligations between spouses.

Slide №11

Article 10, Part 2 of the Family Code:

The rights and obligations of spouses arise from the date of state registration of marriage in the registry office.

The basis of family life is the love and mutual responsibility of a man and a woman. The harmony of the sexual relations of the spouses is of great importance, but the spiritual and moral connection of the husband and wife is no less important.

2. Family Functions

Slide №12

The functions of the family in society are diverse. We list only the main ones:

  • reproduction of society and regulation of sexual relations
  • education and upbringing of children, their socialization and familiarization with culture
  • economic function-the production of material goods and guardianship of disabled members of society

As you can see, the family has all the primary signs of a social structure, of which the main ones are the ability to reproduce, the division of labor, inheritance and the development of culture. Just as a human body is made up of cells, so society, in fact, is made up of families. And just as a person cannot be healthy, if the cells of his body are sick, so a society with dysfunctional families cannot be healthy.

Slide number 13

  • Assignment:Work with an article of the Family Code.
  • Define the principles of family law.
  • Protection of marriage and family by state and society
  • Equality between a man and a woman
  • Voluntary and sustainability of the marriage as the foundation of the family
    • comprehensive child protection
    • equality of children born out of wedlock, illegitimate and adopted children
    • respect for personality
    • care and mutual assistance between family members
    • family equality of all citizens
    • legality of only civil registry
    • admissibility of only one marriage

Slide №14

3. Family types:

In the history of different peoples, different traditions of family life, types of family took shape. if in modern society is more common Nuclear family - that is, a family of spouses (they are the core of the family, lat. nucleus   means the core) and their children, then in antiquity and now among many peoples was common extended , or a related family, including, in addition to parents and children, relatives of different generations living on the same household.

For those societies where the nuclear family is the predominant type of family life, certain characteristics of demographic processes are also characteristic, namely:relatively late marriage, low birth rates, relatively frequent divorces, and in the second half of the 20th century, statistics more and more often recorded a decrease in the number of officially registered registered marriages and the growth of extramarital births. In social terms, in such countries, as a rule, there is a well-developed system of institutions helping the family:child care facilities, health care, and service enterprises.

Assignment:work in groups.

Each group determines the circle of its family, distributes responsibilities, establishes the principles of its family.

Slide №15

4.Forms of marriage and family.

Each of the considered social institutions - marriage and family - implies the existence of its various forms. So, the dominant form of marriage in the modern world is monogamy   (monogamy) as the marriage of one man with one woman. But there is polygamy   (polygamy), and its most common form is polygyny   (polygamy) as a culturally approved and enshrined form of marriage in Muslim countries.

Familie- og ægteskabssamfundsundersøgelser. Ægteskab og familie:Forskel af koncepter

5. Marriage.

You can love and live without the desire to create a family. Some do so.

Met a man and a woman. We liked each other and decided to "converge." Children are born. Everyone lives happily. But their relationship with the state was not registered. Can this group of people be considered a family? (Yes)

A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life and moral responsibility.

Imagine they have no children. Is it possible in this case to call their union a family?

Deeply believing parents of young people insisted on a wedding in the church. There was no registration with state bodies. Can this couple be called a family? (not)

What role does marriage play in creating a family?

(A marriage is a family union of a man and a woman that infringes on their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to children. If marriage is not concluded, then the legal union of the family union has not taken place. And so many rights and obligations that are regulated by law have not arisen. And this can have legal consequences.)

A brief entry in a notebook

Signs of marriage:

  • Union of man and woman
  • Monogamous Union
  • Free union
  • Equal union
  • The Union registered in the registry office
  • Union that gives rise to legal rights and obligations between spouses

6. Legal basis of family-marriage relations

The central problem of the subtopic is the legal foundations of family and marriage relations. It includes a number of aspects:

  • the procedure and conditions for the conclusion and dissolution of marriage;
  • rights and obligations of spouses;
  • legal relationship of spouses

Work with the Family Code of the Russian Federation


The indicated aspects of family life are regulated by the Family Law of the Russian Federation:

Chapter 3 SCRF article 11   The order of marriage

1. Marriage is made in the personal presence of persons entering into marriage, after a month from the date of application to the registry office.

In some cases, the monthly period may be changed, reduced or increased, but not more than 1 month.

Article 12.   Marriage conditions

1. For the conclusion of a marriage, mutual voluntary consent of the man and woman who marry and the achievement of marriageable age are required.

Art. thirteen . Age of marriage

1. Marriage age is established from 18 years.

If there are good reasons, at the request of the couple, it can be reduced to 16 years. Good reasons:the pregnancy of the bride, the birth of a child, the draft of the groom in the army.

Kunst. 14 Circumstances Preventing Marriage

Marriage is not allowed between:

  • Persons of whom at least one person is already in another registered marriage
  • Close relatives
  • Adoptive and adopted
  • Persons of whom at least one person is declared legally incompetent by a court due to a mental disorder

Kunst. 15. Medical Examination of Marrying Persons

3. If one of the persons entering into marriage hides the presence of a sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection from the other person, the latter has the right to apply to the court with a request to declare the marriage invalid.

A brief entry in a notebook

Slide №19

The validity of the marriage:

  • Must not be married to another
  • Mutual agreement
  • Legal capacity of both parties
  • Should not be close relatives
  • Reaching marital age
  • Must not be adoptive or adopted

Slide №20

The marriage is not valid:

  1. If one of the persons entering into marriage hides the presence of a sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection from the other person
  2. If the marriage is registered without the intention of creating a family.

Assignment:"Family Hearth"

Divided into two subgroups, stand facing each other. The first group plays the role of supporters of a family lifestyle. Their task is to convince their partner that without a family a person cannot be happy and healthy, more often they commit crimes, etc. but to convince his partner of this, not only words are needed, but also serious arguments and arguments, including the example of his family. The second group is supporters of a lonely lifestyle. Their task is to answer all the arguments and arguments of supporters of family bonds to defend their point of view. Time - 3 minutes to prepare.

The final part of the lesson. Summarizing on the topic.

D / S 18. answer the questions on page


  1. Social Studies. 10 classes, basic level / edited by L.N. Bogolyubov. -2 ed. - M.:Education, 2007
  2. Social studies. 10 class .:lesson plans for the textbook social studies. Author-compiler-S.N.Stepanko.- Volgograd:Teacher, 2008
  3. Nikitin.A.F. Fundamentals of state and law. 10-11 grade:a manual for general educational institutions.-3rd ed., -M.:Bustard, 2001. Chapter VIII. Family Law. S.265
  4. Lazebnikova A.Yu., Brant M.Yu. Social science lesson in grade 11. The manual on the course "Man and society." - 2nd ed., Moscow:Drofa, 2000
  5. Mikheeva A. R. Marriage, family, parenthood:sociological and demographic aspects:A Textbook. allowance / Novosib. state un-t Novosibirsk, 2001.74 s.
  6. Family Law of the Russian Federation
  7. Constitution of the Russian Federation

“Marriage is a free and equal union of a man and a woman, concluded in compliance with the order and conditions established by law, with the goal of creating a family and generating mutual personal and property rights and obligations between spouses. In the Old Russian lexicon, the word "brachy" meant something to select (choose the good or reject the bad). Hence the ambiguity of the word “marriage” both in family law and in everyday speech (“rejected goods”). There is no such ambiguity in other languages. So, in the Ukrainian, Belorussian, Polish, Czech and other languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic peoples, the marriage union is defined by the word “sweetheart” (from the ancient Slavic term “sweetheart”, “sweeten”, which means “agree”). Based on the provisions of the law and theory, we can distinguish following signs of marriage. First, marriage is a union of a man and a woman. The word union is broader than the word deal or contract. In addition to the distribution of responsibilities in the family (if this is done precisely and definitely in the family), the union of a man and a woman involves a certain spiritual community, their pre-disposition towards each other, and preference for others. Secondly, marriage is a single-marriage union, i.e. An alliance in which only one partner is preferred. Thirdly, marriage is a free union.

Marriage is free and voluntary, as is, in principle, free and divorce. Fourthly, marriage is an equal union. A man and a woman who marry are equal both in terms of personal rights (for last name, place of residence, choice of profession, raising their children), and in relation to property acquired by joint labor during marriage. Fifth, and this sign is mandatory, as is the sixth, marriage is such a union that is registered with the registry office (civil registry offices). Sixth, marriage is a union that gives rise to legal rights and obligations between spouses. This applies to both men and women. If the rights of one of the parties turn out to be violated, then the court will defend them.

To conclude a marriage, it is necessary for marriages to reach the marriageable age established by the legislation of the country. In many societies, there is a ban on closely related marriages. In some countries, there are some other restrictions on marriage. A marriage enjoys the protection and patronage of laws only when it is concluded in compliance with established conditions and entails certain legal consequences in the field of personal and property rights and obligations of spouses in relation to each other and to children. ”

(Based on materials from the SCRF )

21. What is the definition of “marriage” given by the author of the article? On the basis of what did the ambiguity of the definition of “marriage” arise?

24. Provide a text clause indicating areas in which marriage has legal consequences. Write down two conditions for legal marriage that are not named by the author of the text.

Marriage is an equal union of a man and a woman, concluded in compliance with the order and conditions established by law, aimed at creating a family and generating mutual personal and property rights and obligations between spouses.

The ambiguity of the definition arose because in the Old Russian lexicon the word "brachy" meant something to be taken away (choose the good or reject the bad).

The correct answer should include:

    differences between the concepts of “prenuptial agreement, transaction” and “marriage union”. The word “union” is broader than the word “deal” or “contract”, except for the distribution of responsibilities in the family (if this is done precisely and definitely in the family), the union of a man and woman implies a kind of spiritual community, their predisposition to each other, preference over another;

    free marriage:marriage is free and voluntary, as freely divorce.

    Mandatory characteristics of the marriage:1) registration with the registry office and the generation of legal obligations between the parties;

    Argument:the law protects any of the parties from violation of its rights (the law prevents the parties from violating the rights of the other side, the law imposes obligations on each of the parties) and is able to enforce the performance of their duties in marriage.

There are “legal consequences in the field of personal and property rights and obligations of spouses in relation to each other and to children”.

Legal marriage conditions:

    legal capacity of those entering into marriage;

    the person entering into marriage should not be in another registered marriage;

    marriage between adoptive parents and adopted children is not allowed.