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  • 63グリーンヘアカラーシェード
  • 13のベストグリーンヘアダイキット
  • 緑髪の色合い
  • 肌のトーンに最適な緑の染毛剤
  • 自宅でヘアグリーンを染める
  • 緑の髪の色を維持する方法
  • 緑髪のメイクアップルーチン
  • 衣装と緑の髪の色を合わせる


































緑の髪はあなた自身をオズの魔法使いに変身させることができます ジュエルグリーンのトーンの豪華な組み合わせで、キャラクター。このエメラルドシティの髪は、滑らかな深さと1トンの光沢のためのニュートラルグリーンの色合いの組み合わせを特徴としており、ファッションヘアカラーが髪を青々と健康に保つことができることを証明しています。













23.Electric Green Balayage






26.Greener Grass Sombre



























紫と緑は素晴らしい色の組み合わせを作ります。私たちはジョーカーが大好きだからというだけではありません。 !色は一緒にうまく機能し、パンチのある外観を与え、半分の方法で適用するとさらにユニークに見えます。このような珍しいカラーストーリーでは、髪を波にスタイリングすることで物事を柔らかくすることができます。







43.Ocean Waves Green Hair
































59.Sleek Streaks Green Bob













変わった髪の色が必要な場合は、マニックパニックを間違えることはできません。この半永久的な、純粋な森の緑の染毛剤は、髪をまったく傷つけることなく、素晴らしいニュートラルカラーを与えます。半永久的な処方なので、ブリーチされていない髪や自然に非常に軽い髪には定着しませんが、使いやすい浴槽に入っているので、同じくらい信頼できるという利点があります必要に応じて製品。保湿剤と保湿剤で作られているので、染めながら髪を整えるのに役立ちます。 Amazon で購入する !

2。 エメラルドグリーン53 のクレイジーカラーヘアカラー

特に最近ブリーチした場合、あなたの髪はこのエクストラコンディショニンググリーンヘアダイを気に入るはずです。それは混乱を避けるのを助けるスクイズボトルに入っており、ほとんどの肌の色調を引き立てるニュートラルクールツールを備えています。他の半永久的な染毛剤と同様に、髪は最初に事前に明るくする必要があります。 Amazon から注文できます 。


より鮮やかな緑の髪の色合いのために、パンキーからのこの半永久的な染料は間違いなくトリックをします!ほんの少し暖かみのある鮮やかな色合いで、さわやかな青リンゴを思い起こさせます。このフォーミュラにはケラチンが含まれているため、特に非常に軽いレベルまでブリーチする必要がある場合は、髪を強化するのに役立ちます。ビーガンでパラベンフリーです。本当に感謝しています。 Amazon からオンラインで入手できます 。

4。 ネオングリーンのスプラット反抗的な色の完全なキット

このフルグリーンの染毛剤キットには、ダークバージンヘアからビビッドネオングリーンに至るまでに必要なものがすべて含まれています。 This kit includes the bleach and developer, so you can turn your hair blonde, along with a green hair dye that will stay in your hair for a long while as long as you bleach it first. This is one of the most comprehensive kits that will give the most long-lasting results. Find it on Amazon

5。 Joico Intensity Semi-Permanent Hair Color in Peacock Green

If you want a cool green hair color, this stunning semi-permanent dye from Joico will give you the most gorgeous deep teal green. As with other semi-permanent options, this is a nourishing and hydrating formula that will leave your hair in better condition than it found it, but your hair will have to be bleached. We like that it comes in a tube, which helps prevent big messes. Get it from Amazon

6。 Pravana ChromaSilk Vivids in Green

Pravana is one of the brands most well-liked by professional colorists, especially when it comes to unusual fashion colors. This paraben- and sulfate-free formula leaves the hair feeling soft and the cuticles undamaged and even includes fortifying amino acids. The shade itself is a deep neutral green that goes on vivid yet dark. Amazon で販売されています 。

7。 L’Oreal Paris Hair Color Colorista Semi-Permanent for Brunette Hair in Green

If you have brown hair and are not ready to bleach, this is the green hair dye kit to pick up. It’s made specifically for those with light or medium brown hair, and it manages to stain the hair a lovely neutral green shade while also conditioning it deeply. Since the formula is bleach-free, it will come out darker on darker brown hair and may not show up at all on nearly-black hair. Pick it up from Amazon

8。 StarGazer Semi Permanent Hair Color in UV Green

If you’re looking for a warm, electric green hair color, this will be the right green hair dye for you. It will even glow under UV light, so make sure you have some raves to attend after you dye your hair! It will take hold even when hair is unbleached, but it won’t look as vivid as in the photos, so we do recommend going all out. Have it delivered by Amazon

9。 Arctic Fox Vegan and Cruelty-Free Semi-Permanent Hair Color Dye in Phantom Green

This stunning semi-permanent green hair dye gives your hair a rich, grassy color. It has a thick formula that doesn’t drip, smells incredible, and is made to fade gradually while staying in the green color spectrum. It’s made with soy proteins and glycerin to help soften and strengthen the hair. Made in the US, this hair dye brand is totally vegan and cruelty-free. Shop for it on Amazon

10。 Lunar Tides Hair Dye in Juniper Dark Forest Green

If you’re craving dark and mysterious green hair, pick up this semi-permanent formula. It has a rich forest green tone with black undertones that can tint naturally dark hair, saving you the need to bleach your hair if you want a subtler green look. The formula is vegan, cruelty-free, and boosted by nourishing ingredients like safflower oil and oat proteins. Amazon から購入してください !

11。 RAW Super Green Demi-Permanent HairColor

This bubblegum-scented green hair dye was made for all hair types and color levels, offering a green tone that can come out more or less vivid depending on your starting shade. The shade is neutral-cool, which is great for many different skin tones, and one bottle can be enough for a few applications if your hair is short. It has a vegan formula that doesn’t cause damage. Buy it online from Amazon

12. Lime Crime Unicorn Hair Dye in JelloEmerald Green Fantasy Hair Color

This unique green hair dye has a grass green shade that works well with warm undertones. The fortifying formula is made to deposit color into the hair while also giving it a deep conditioning treatment. It acts as a tint that can greenify even medium brown hair but will show up more vivid on light hair colors. It takes hold in 45 minutes, and one jar can last for a few applications. It’s available on Amazon

13. Lunar Tides Hair Dye Aurora LimeGreen Semi-Permanent Vegan Hair Color

If you want an electrifying, radioactive color, this lime green hair dye can do the trick. To achieve its full intensity, you will have to bleach your hair down to a very light level, but the final result will be memorable and attention-grabbing. Like other Lunar dyes, it is vegan, cruelty-free, and enriched with conditioning ingredients to improve the state of the hair. Amazon から注文する !

Shades of Green Hair to Consider Getting

As with all hair colors, green hair exists on a spectrum with neutral, cool, and warm variations. There can also be lighter and darker versions of green hair, not to mention various combinations that can give the hair all kinds of different effects.

• True green, apple green or grass green hair is a bright, neutral green shade that is neither light nor dark. It is a striking, saturated color that really turns heads.

• Emerald can be a neutral green, though sometimes it can lean towards very slightly cool. What makes emerald green hair unique is that it is a jewel tone, which means that it is deep and vivid but also shiny.

• Forest green is similar to emerald green, although it is usually more neutral or very slightly warm. It is also a deep and vivid shade, but it can be a little more matte, so it doesn’t register as a jewel tone.

• Hunter green hair is a darker version of forest green. It’s a very deep, neutral green that is very flattering for most skin tones and can often be applied directly to medium brown hair.

• Mint green hair is a light, pastel variation on neutral green. It’s a very refreshing shade that pairs well with other pastels, as well as with other shades of green.

• Teal is a blue-green shade similar to turquoise but greener. It is deep and saturated, and it looks totally stunning when combined with a lot of other colors.

• Seafoam hair is a cool, light green, almost like a pastel shade of teal. It looks fantastic with blue tones, but it’s also very pretty on its own or with neutral green shades.

• Neon green, lime or chartreuse hair is a vivid, bright, yet light green shade that leans a little towards warm. It is on the verge of being a yellow, but it is still greener than it is yellow. It’s not an easy color to pull off alone, but as Billie Eilish proves, where there’s a will there’s a way!

• Olive green hair is a subdued warm green shade that is muted by the addition of brown. It’s also known as army green, and it works particularly well with earth tones. It’s often the color that shows up as a result of using semi-permanent green hair dye over naturally medium brown hair.

• Moss is like olive’s more vivacious color. It is a deep and rich warm green tone that brings to mind lush vegetation. It’s not the easiest color to pull off, but it’s nice when combined in streaks with other shades of green.

How to Choose the Perfect Green Hair Dye for Your Skin Tone

Greenhair is one of those unique hair colors that stand out against your skin nomatter what. Whether your skin is dark, light, or medium, you can trulyexperiment. While some might recommend that if your skin is darker, you shouldstay away from pastels, we disagree! The contrast of pastel green against darkskin can be really astounding.

Youdo want to be a little more careful when choosing green hair based on yourundertone, however. As a quick refresher, the skin’s undertone refers to thesubtle tint it has and can be classified as warm, cool, neutral, or olive.

• Those with warm undertones , meaning that their skin leans a little towards yellow, often have the easiest time rocking green hair, which is a shade that naturally has both green and blue tones in it. Neutral, warm, and cool green shades alike can be very flattering, so you can play around, change things up, and experiment with all kinds of different color combinations.

• The same applies to those with neutral skin that doesn’t lean towards either yellow or pink, who can look really amazing with any shade of green hair.

• Those with cool skin , which has a lot of pink or red in it, need to be a little more careful with green hair, since pink is just a more subdued red that sits opposite green on the color wheel. This means that green hair can bring out the pinkishness or redness in your skin. Cool green shades like teal and seafoam are usually more flattering, but if you have your heart set on a more intense true green, consider adding it to the ends, and keep the strands around your face a more flattering color.

• Green shades are even more difficult to wear if you have skin that is tinted slightly orange , which is usually the result of a tanning habit rather than a natural undertone. In that case, cool green hair colors don’t work at all, and neutral greens are difficult as well. Warm greens like olive, chartreuse, and lime are going to work best, but they’re still not going to be necessarily flattering.

• Finally, there are those with olive skin , which has just a hint of greenness to it. The great thing about green hair is that it will usually have a subduing effect on olive skin, making it appear clearer and more neutral. Neutral, cool, and olive greens will all work well, but lime greens can be difficult.

Expert Tips on Dyeing Hair Green at Home

Greenis definitely a fashion hair color, which means it can take a little bit morework to make it really stick. Fashion pigments have the easiest time hanging onto hair that has been bleached since the bleaching process removes pigment fromthe hair and makes it easier for dyes to “stick.”

Thismeans that even if you have naturally light hair, a green hair dye will dyeyour hair at first, but it will fade very quickly even if you follow ourmaintenance tips. That can be great if you’re nervous about switching to greenhair, but if you know that you want it to last, then it is better to bleach itno matter the hair color you’re starting with.

Be aware that most green hair dyes are semi-permanent, and that they will work like a quick-fading tint on hair that is light brown or medium brown. For very vivid or pastel green hair colors, bleach is pretty much a must.

Before you start either the bleaching or the green dyeing process, make sure to perform a strand test since green can be unpredictable. This will also allow you to ensure that the bleach won’t irritate the skin. You should also give your hair some extra fortification in preparation for the dyeing, especially if you’ll be bleaching it first, by using deep conditioning hair masks.

You can mix a few different semi-permanent green hair dye formulas if you’re interested in achieving a particular tone. Green hair dye mixed with a bit of yellow hair dye will give you a very warm chartreuse, while mixing green with a bit of blue will give you more of a teal. Adding black hair dye will make your green hair color darker and more muted, while some brands even make pastel mixers so you can make your own seafoam or mint.

Step 1:Bleaching Your Hair for Vivid or Pastel Green Hair

Fora super vivid green hair color, bleach your hair first. Here is our quickbleaching guide.

You will need:

  • Bleach
  • Developer (20 volume)
  • Mixing bowl
  • Hair dye brush
  • Destroyable shirt
  • Hair clips
  • Gloves
  • Sulfate-free shampoo andconditioner

The bleaching process:

• Start out by preparing your bleach mixture in a bowl, using one-part bleach powder and one-part developer. Mix it with your hair dyeing brush.

• Next, put on a loose top you don’t mind wrecking with bleach, and then separate your hair into 3-4 sections and clip them up. Your hair should be dry to start out.

• Put on your disposable gloves to protect your hands, and apply petroleum jelly to the perimeter of your hair if you have sensitive skin.

• Select a small clump of hair from the section you would like to start with, and apply the bleach to it with the hair dyeing brush, starting about an inch away from your scalp and roots and pulling it down to the ends. If you start applying the bleach at the roots, they will process faster than the rest of your hair and end up looking significantly lighter.

• Apply bleach in the same manner to that entire section of hair and then clip it up very loosely. Move on to the next section, bleaching in the same way.

• Once you’ve covered all sections of hair with bleach, quickly apply some to your roots.

• Check on the hair every 10 minutes to see if it has gotten down to the lightness level you desire. Don’t leave the bleach on for more than 35 minutes – if it’s still too dark, wash it out anyway and wait a few days to bleach again.

• To wash the bleach out, hop in the shower and shampoo your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.

• Once you’re done, if your hair is light enough, you can move on to dyeing it green with a semi-permanent dye immediately.

Step 2:Using GreenHair Dye

Whetheryou’ve bleached your hair first or are using green hair dye just for a tint,here is our step-by-step guide for dyeing your hair green.

You will need:

  • Semi-permanent green hair dye
  • Hair dyeing brush
  • Gloves
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Destroyable shirt
  • Multiple hair clips
  • Shower cap

The dyeing process:

• Start by sectioning your hair off into 3 or 4 sections (or more if your hair is very thick) and clipping it up and applying petroleum jelly along the perimeter of your hairline. Green hair dye can seriously stain the skin, so this step is essential.

• Put on your disposable gloves and a shirt that you don’t mind damaging with green hair dye.

• Dip your brush directly into the green hair dye container or squeeze the dye into a mixing bowl and then dip the brush in there.

• Unclip the section of hair you would like to start with and separate out from it a smaller clump of hair.

• Starting as close to the roots as you would like to go, brush the green hair dye over the hair, pulling it from the top down to the ends, and then massage it in a bit with your gloved fingers in order to get a thorough coating over each strand of hair.

• Move on to the next clump of hair, and once you’ve dyed the entire section, clip it back up and move on to the next section.

• Continue dyeing your entire head following the same process.

• Once all of your hair is covered in dye and clipped up, put on a shower cap and allow it to process for 30-45 minutes.

• As the time has passed, hop in the shower to rinse out the dye, but don’t use any shampoo. You won’t need to condition your hair either since green hair dyes are usually formulated to be conditioning on their own.

• Once your hair has been rinsed clear of dye, get out of the shower and towel-dry your hair, preferably with a dark towel.

• Check your hair to ensure it’s been dyed evenly, and make any corrections if necessary.

How to Maintain the Vividness of Your Green Hair Color

Green hair color is not very sticky, so it fades very quickly. Trying to maintain it will require some effort on your part, so here are our tips to make it a little easier.

• Hot water opens up the cuticles in the hair and pulls out the color as well as proteins, making the hair dry and weak while also causing your green hair dye to fade. Because of this, we suggest sticking to lukewarm showers.

• Avoid harsh, sulfate-based shampoo since their powerful cleaning abilities pull the dye out of the hair. Gentle, sulfate-free shampoo won’t cause your hair to fade as much.

• Even better than sulfate-free shampoos are color depositing shampoos that will help to refresh your green hair dye. Punky Colour’s 3-in-1 Color Depositing Shampoo + Conditioner that you can buy on Amazon is one of the few formulas that offer a boost to green hair dye, and you can even choose from teal or alpine green.

• Even if you use a color-refreshing shampoo, you will still want to bring shampooing to a minimum. You can give yourself an extra day or two in between shampooing with the help of a dry shampoo, which will take away any excess oils from your hair.

• Make sure to re-dye your hair regularly, since green hair color, like other fashion colors, tends to fade away very quickly. The great thing about fashion hair colors is that you can easily amp them up at home by yourself, and the semi-permanent dyes usually don’t damage the hair (quite the opposite). It’s with bleach, permanent hair colors, and major color changes that you need to be very careful.

• There are a few other things known to damage the hair or speed up fading, which you should try to avoid, like swimming in chlorinated water, exposing the hair to the sun, and using intense heat styling tools.

Your Makeup Routine for Your Green Hair

Green is a strong color, so here are our tips to help you adapt your makeup to work better with your green hair.

Complexion Makeup

Once you dye your hair green, you will probably find that you need to up your foundation game. Since green is opposite the color red on the color wheel, green hair is not forgiving of any redness, blemish, or sensitivity – the colors clash, so even a small hormonal breakout will look worse next to green hair.

This means that if you don’t usually wear foundation, you might want to introduce one into your routine, while if you usually wear something with low coverage, you might want to go up a step or add a concealer to your makeup bag.

When it comes to highlight and contour, you don’t have to switch things up too much, although we do recommend staying away from contour or bronzer shades that have too much of a red or orange undertone since the green hair will emphasize it.

Blush &Lips

Matching your blush and lipstick to green hair can be a challenge, and requires some finesse. In general, we recommend keeping any makeup products that are traditionally on the red or pink spectrum like blush and lipstick minimal and subtle. Nude lipstick and well-blended blush in neutral berry or dusty rose shades will be easily flattering next to green hair on any skin tone.

Ifyou want to get a little more conceptual, and your foundation game is reallystrong, you can ignore the rules a little bit and play with clashing colors –the result can be interesting, striking and beautiful because of the contrast,but only if your makeup application technique is precise.

Finally, cool shades of lipstick and blush like purples, mauves, fuchsias, magentas, and berries won’t clash as much against green hair, but they are less likely to flatter warm undertones, so you will still need to balance things carefully.

Eye Makeup

Whenit comes to eye makeup, you can have some fun! The typical neutral shades willalways look good, of course, but really graphic shades of yellow, blue, andgreen can look awesome next to green hair.

Copper and purple eyeshadow or eyeliner shades might also work, but you’ll need to be careful to keep them pristine and to pair them well with the rest of your makeup. The only colors you will probably want to stay away from are reds, which are not traditional eye makeup colors anyway.

Where you might run into complications is with your eyebrow color. We recommend choosing a neutral eyebrow filling product that has either gray undertones or potentially yellow undertones if you’ve dyed your hair a warm green color like lime or olive. Make sure to stay away from eyebrow pencils or pomades in a brown shade that has any red undertones, as that will make your eyebrow seriously clash with your hair.

Matching Your Outfits with Your Green Hair Color

Getting your green hair to match your wardrobe is not necessarily the easiest project, but we will help you simplify with our tips based on the wisdom of the color wheel!

• Let’s start with the easiest and safest way of rocking green hair, which is with an all-black wardrobe. Black always looks amazing, and it has an aloof attitude that works well with fashion hair colors.

• Lighter neutrals like white and gray will also work, but they are often a little bit difficult to pull off for other reasons.

• Playing with a range of earth tones is guaranteed to look really special and a little boho-chic in combination with your green hair. Pairing different shades of brown, tan, and beige as well as shades of green that have the same undertone as your hair (teal or forest green for cool green hair and olive or emerald green for warm green hair) will make you feel like a magical woman of the forest.

• Another nice and easy way of rocking green hair is with an outfit that finishes an analog color scheme. Analogs are colors that are right next to each other on the color wheel, so for instance, if your hair is a cool green, the accompanying colors would teal and blue, while if your hair is warm green, the better colors might be lime and yellow (or olive and yellow to keep it muted). You can combine this kind of look with accessories in a neutral shade to break things up just a bit.

• Finally, if you love color, it might be best to experiment with split complementary color blocking. Split complementary color patterns heavily depend on the exact undertone of your green hair, so, for instance, neutral green hair pairs well with red-orange and blue, while warm green hair pairs well with blue-green and red.

• Cool purple often looks really lovely with cool and neutral green hair, if you’re looking for a new dress!

• Warm green, on the other hand, looks best with yellow or yellow-orange, if you’re looking for a colorful, monochromatic look.
