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時間のかかるエクササイズをする人がどんどん切り捨てられたエクササイズプログラムに目を向けるにつれて、問題は、それらは機能するかということです。 7分間のトレーニングで1週間に数インチとポンドを失うなど、ソーシャルメディアの主張の多くは大げさですが、多くの人々が大きな成功を収めています。重要なのは、期待を現実に沿ったものに保つことです。



他の研究によると、高強度のトレーニングは、より長く、より遅くするのと同じくらい効果的である可能性があります有酸素能力と無酸素能力の両方を改善するためのトレーニング。ただし、一部の参加者は、毎日のHIITセッションを好まない(または特に楽しむ)こともありませんでした。 / P>




  • 運動前のウォームアップ 。所定の位置を歩くかジョギングし、ワークアウトルーチンに参加する前に、少なくとも1分間軽いストレッチを行います。
  • フォームと機能に注意してください 。ムーブメント全体を通してコアを関与させ続けます。難しすぎる、または不快感を引き起こす運動を修正または中止します。
  • フィットネスレベルに基づいて抵抗を使用する 。ダンベルが必要なトレーニングの場合、初心者は2〜3ポンドから始め、中級/上級のエクササイザーは5〜8ポンドから始めるか、快適に使用できるチャレンジレジスタンスを選択できます。
  • プログラムのペースを調整する 。必要に応じて時間間隔を短くしてください。動きのジャンプ部分を削除して、プライオメトリックエクササイズを変更します。
  • 期間を徐々に増やします 。これらのエクササイズを練習してフォームを作成するときに、30秒セットの期間を45秒セットに徐々に増やして追加のチャレンジを行うことができます(この場合、各ワークアウトは7分以上になります)。
  • 進行するにつれて、複数のセットを追加することを検討してください 。追加の課題として、時間の許す限り、1回のセッションで2回以上の7分間のワークアウトを完了するように、または1日を通して間隔を空けて作業してください。



必要なもの ダンベルと体重のペア

ウォーミングアップ 開始するには、1分間歩いたりジョギングしたりします

Verywell / Ben Goldstein




変更 :体重を使って運動をしてください。





変更 :膝から腕立て伏せをして、エクササイズのペースを調整します。






変更 :体型に慣れるまで、ダンベルを使わずに動きを練習します。腰痛/不快感を感じたら、運動を中止してください。





変更 :前肩を交互に上げるために、一度に1つのダンベルを持ち上げて運動を行います。





変更 :上腕二頭筋のカールを交互に繰り返すために、一度に1つのダンベルを持ち上げる運動を実行します。





変更 :椅子、ベンチ、またはバランスボールに座ってエクササイズを行います。



必要なもの :ダンベルのペア、エクササイズマット、および体重

ウォーミングアップ :開始するために1分間その場で歩くかジョギングします





変更 :1スクワットおきにオーバーヘッドプレスを実行します。





変更 :つま先ではなく腰の高さで交互に手を伸ばす。





変更 :膝から運動をしてください。






変更 :登山者は、床ではなく傾斜で実行します(図を参照)。移動中に走る代わりに、一歩後退します。





変更 :間隔を分割して30秒間、15秒間休憩し、30秒間続行します。



必要なもの :体重、縄跳び、3〜5ポンドのダンベル、エクササイズマット

ウォーミングアップ 開始するには、1分間歩いたりジョギングしたりします




変更 :ジャンプする代わりに足を後ろに踏み出して、最後に爆発的なジャンプをせずにつま先で天井に到達する運動を実行します。




コアを締め、片方の膝を胸に向け、反対側の肘に向かってこの膝—あなたの体は一気にコアを通してねじれているはずです。 (膝を肘に触れる必要はありません。)脚と腕を同時に下げ、反対側でこの動作を繰り返します。


変更 :左右に交互にしないで運動を行ってください。右側に15秒間留まり、左側に15秒間繰り返します。





変更 :リズムとタイミングに満足するまで、ロープを使わずにエクササイズジャンプを行います。進歩して持久力を高めるにつれて、縄跳びのインターバル時間を増やします。





変更 :コアを締めて、膝を胸に近づけますが、腰を床から持ち上げないようにして、エクササイズを実行します。




変更 :ジャンプを排除し、交互の逆ランジを実行します。進歩し、持久力を構築するにつれて、インターバル時間を増やします。








変更 :ジャンプの合間に手を床に触れて、より高度なエクササイズを行います。ジャンプの途中でつま先に触れるのをやめ、運動強度を下げます。または、ジャンプを完全に排除して、パルススクワットを実行することもできます。進歩し、持久力を構築するにつれて、インターバル時間を増やします。




コアをかみ合わせ、腰と膝を床から持ち上げます。 30秒間押し続け、反対側で30秒間繰り返します。

変更 :わずかに曲がった積み重ねられた膝を床に接触させたままサイドプランクを実行するか、足を積み重ねる代わりに、安定性を高めるために上足をマット上で他の足の前に置きます(上記を参照)。




変更 :ダンベルを持たずに運動を行います。

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Plyo Jacks (30 seconds)

Stand with feet hip-distance apart, push your butt back slightly, bend at the knees and prepare the body to explode off the ground, extending legs to the sides and arms up overhead. Return to the start position in one motion.

Modification :Eliminate jumps and alternate stepping side to side. Increase interval time as you progress and build endurance.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Ski Abs (30 seconds)

Start in a full straight arm plank position on the floor. Maintain a tight core, straight back, and position your hands directly under your shoulders. Your head and neck are neutral. Tighten your core and hop both feet over to the right side. Knees will be bent and landing just outside the right elbow. Jump back to the plank position and repeat the movement on the left side.

Modification :Perform the exercise using a forearm plank hold and gliders under your feet that can slide right and left on a smooth floor.

Day 4:7 Minutes to Stronger Legs

Strengthen and define your legs with this 7-minute power workout. Perform each exercise in the circuit two times through (not including the 1-minute warm-up) to reach a total of seven minutes!

What You Need :Pair of dumbbells and your body weight

Warm-Up : Walk or jog in place for 1 minute to begin

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Around the World Lunge (30 seconds)

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage your core, and perform a lunge forward with the right leg, push back to start position, lunge to the side (lateral) and sit butt back—keep the body upright, look forward, push back to start position, bring foot backward into a reverse lunge, and push back to start position.

Continue the lunge series on the left leg to complete one full repetition. Alternate the right and left sides for 30 seconds total.

Modification :Remove any lunge from the series or perform walking lunges. Increase intensity if desired by holding dumbbells at your sides.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Squat (30 seconds)

Stand with feet hip-distance apart and hold dumbbells at your sides. Look straight ahead, tighten your core, lift your chest, and sit your butt back with body weight over heels like sitting in a chair. Your knees should not travel over the toes during the movement.

Return to a standing position and continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Perform the exercise using your body weight (as shown).

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Lunge Jump (30 seconds)

Stand with one leg forward and one leg back. Engage your core, sit into a lunge position, and jump up with one explosive movement—switch legs and maintain a balanced foot position (the forward knee should not travel beyond the toe).

Continue the alternating lunge jumps for 30 seconds.

Modification :Eliminate the jumps and perform alternating reverse lunges.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Deadlift (30 seconds)

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hold dumbbells in front of hips, palms facing thighs. Tighten your core and keep back straight as you bend forward at the hips (don’t arch your back). Imagine pushing your butt back to cause the dumbbells to lower down in front of your legs. Knees will bend slightly during the movement. Pause briefly when dumbbells reach your knees or torso is parallel to the floor.

Tighten your core and glutes, and exhale as you bring your body back to an upright position. Maintain a neutral spine during the entire exercise and keep dumbbells close to your body.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Practice the movement without dumbbells until you feel comfortable with your form. Discontinue the exercise if you feel low back pain/discomfort.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Bent-Over Leg Lift (Two sets of 30 seconds—1 minute total)

Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, bend over slightly, keep core tight and back straight, place hands behind your back, bear your weight on the right leg and extend the left leg to the side, resting on the toe. Sit back in a slight squat, lifting the left leg to the side with a flexed foot in one motion. Lower left leg back to resting position.

Perform lifts for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side for 30 seconds.

Modification :Perform the exercise using a chair or counter for an assisted spot.

Day 5:Stability Ball Blast

This is an effective 7-minute stability ball (SB) challenge that works all major muscle groups and more. It’s harder than you think. Perform each exercise in the circuit two times through (not including the 1-minute warm-up) to reach a total of seven minutes!

What You Need : Height appropriate stability ball, an exercise mat, and a pair of dumbbells

Form Tips: Pay attention to your form and function. Keep core engaged throughout the movements. Modify any exercise that feels too difficult or causes discomfort.

Warm-Up :Walk or jog in place for 1 minute to begin

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

SB Crunches (30 seconds)

Start by sitting on the stability ball. Tighten your core and walk out until your butt/back is supported on the front spherical part of the ball. Head and neck are hanging off but maintained in a neutral start position. Hips and knees are bent. Place fingertips at sides of the head or across your chest. Maintain a tight core and gently hyperextend back allowing your back to feel the contour of the ball. Tighten your core, exhale, and bring your head and shoulder blades off the ball without pulling on the head/neck.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Place hips lower on the ball to offer more support.

 Ben Goldstein / Verywell

SB Hip Thruster (aka Glute Squeeze) (30 seconds)

Sit on the stability ball holding dumbbells on your thighs. Tighten your core and roll body out until head and shoulders are supported on the ball, dumbbells resting on hips. Knees will be bent and feet flat on the floor. Lower your hips with weights toward the floor without rolling the ball. Squeeze your glutes, maintain a neutral spine, and raise your hips back to start position.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Perform the exercise without dumbbells.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

SB Front Raise/Triceps Extension (30 seconds)

Sit on a stability ball holding one dumbbell in both hands. Tighten your core, maintain a neutral spine, and raise the dumbbell with straight arms up, over, and behind your head. Control each movement, pause the front raise before moving to the overhead triceps extension. Keep arms close to your head as you allow the dumbbell to lower behind your head.

Return slowly to start position and continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Perform each exercise individually for 15 seconds.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

SB Hamstring Curl (30 seconds)

Lie on an exercise mat, back pressed into the floor, and heels supported on a stability ball. Tighten your core and lift your glutes off the floor into a ball bridge position. Slowly bend or flex your knees, squeeze your glutes, and pull the ball toward your butt. Maintain a tight core and extend the legs back out into bridge position.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Perform the stability ball bridge without flexing at the knees.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

SB Weighted Incline Front Raise (30 seconds)

Sit on a stability ball with dumbbells on your thighs. You can either sit on top of the ball (to protect the low back) or angle your body on the side of the ball for a greater challenge. Tighten your core and slowly walk feet forward until your body comes down to an inclined position. Maintain neutral alignment, head looking forward. Dumbbells will be in a hammer ready position (held palms facing sides). Raise the weights to shoulder height and lower back down with control. The core remains strong throughout the movement.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Perform front raises without incline sitting on top of a stability ball.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

SB Walk Out (30 seconds)

Sit on a stability ball. Tighten your core and slowly walk feet forward until your body comes down to an inclined position. Maintain a neutral spine, bent knees, with fingertips barely touching the ground. Push through your heels, flex thighs, squeeze glutes, and extend body back on the ball until legs are almost straight. Lower your body with control to start position.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds.

Modification :Lift toes off the floor resting on heels on the extension to increase intensity.

Day 6:6 Moves in 7 Minutes

Try this challenging full-body workout that takes each exercise interval to one minute. Pace yourself!

What You Need :Pair of dumbbells and your body weight

Warm-Up : Walk or jog in place for 1 minute to begin

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Around the World Lunge (1 minute)

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage the core, perform a lunge forward with right leg, push back to start position, lunge to the side (lateral) and sit butt back, keep the body upright, look forward, push back to start position, bring foot backward into a reverse lunge, and push back to start position. Repeat the lunge series on the left leg to complete one full repetition.

Continue the exercise alternating right and left sides for 60 seconds.

Modification :Remove any lunge from the series or perform walking lunges.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Cross Lunge Lateral Raise (1 minute)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with dumbbells at your sides. Look forward, chest lifted, core tight, and cross right foot behind you landing on the ball with both knees bent (curtsy lunge). Bring the right foot back to start position and at the same time, extend arms out to sides with elbows slightly bent. Slowly lower arms back down and repeat the movement by stepping the left foot back.

Continue the exercise alternating right and left sides for 60 seconds.

Modification :Perform lateral raise every other lunge or hold weights at your sides without side raises.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein 

Plank With Upright Row (1 minute)

Start in a full straight arm plank position holding dumbbells on the floor. Imagine a straight line from your head to toe with a tight core. Jump your feet forward into a low squat position with weight over heels. Tighten your glutes (butt muscles) and lift to a standing position while lifting weights to your chest. Elbows will naturally glide out to the sides as dumbbells are lifted to your chest. Lower your arms slowly to start position.

Repeat the exercise for 60 seconds.

Modification :Step feet forward instead of jumping.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Plié V Raises (1 minute)

Holding dumbbells down in front of you, stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes are pointed outward. Lower down into a plié, bending at the knees like a ballet dancer. Tighten your glutes (butt muscles) and return to a standing position. Tighten your core and lift arms up overhead and out into a V-shape. Lower your arms to start position.

Repeat the exercise for 60 seconds.

Modification :Perform the exercise without raising arms overhead.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Side Squat With Dumbbell Swing (1 minute)

Stand with feet slightly shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of you. Tighten your core and sit back into a deep squat allowing the dumbbell to swing down between your legs. Lift your body to standing, shifting body weight to the right side, placing a dumbbell in the right hand and swinging it forward using standing momentum. Return to a deep squat shifting body weight to the left allowing the dumbbell to swing to the left front. You will be on the ball of each foot at the top of the movement.

Alternate right and left for 60 seconds.

Modification :Perform the exercise without swinging the weight forward.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Speed Skaters With Dumbbells (1 minute)

Start in standing position feet shoulder-width apart holding light dumbbells at your sides. Take a big sidestep to the right, sweep your left leg behind you and swing left arm with control across your body holding dumbbell. Alternate this move with a big step left, sweep right leg behind you and swing right arm holding another dumbbell across your body.

Alternate the weighted speed skaters side to side for 60 seconds.

Modification :Perform the exercise without dumbbells.

Day 7:7-Minute HIIT

This full-body high-intensity workout is guaranteed to challenge your physical limits. This involves minimal breaks and 30-second split blasts per exercise with a 1-minute interval goal. One time through is all you need.

What You Need :Your body weight, an exercise mat, and a towel

Body Tips :Pace yourself through this workout and take breaks as needed. Modify any plyometric exercise by eliminating the jump portion of the movement.

Warm-Up : Walk or jog in place for 1 minute to begin

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Burpee (Two sets of 30 seconds—1 minute total)

Start in standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten your core, move into a deep squat position with hands on the ground. Jump feet backward holding a plank position, jump feet forward returning to the squat position, explosive jump upward extending through ankles, knees, and hips, land back in a squat position.

Repeat move for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and continue for another 30 seconds.

Modification :Beginning burpee uses an incline (bench/chair) instead of the floor and/or removing the jumping portion of the exercise. Advanced burpee adds a push-up after jumping back into a plank.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Mountain Climbers:(Two sets of 30 seconds—1 minute total)

Start in plank position, keeping back and body straight and core tight. Pull right leg towards the chest and quickly switch pulling the left leg toward chest like a plank running motion. Continue to switch back and forth for 30 seconds maintaining proper body mechanics. Rest for 15 seconds and finish with another 30-second interval.

Modification :Perform an exercise at an incline instead of on the floor. Alternate a slow step back instead of running during the movement.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Roll-Up Burpee (Two sets of 30 seconds—1 minute total)

Start in standing position feet shoulder-width apart on an exercise mat. Squat back and place hands on the floor. Tighten core and roll body back, chin tucked, knees toward your chest, hands palms down at your sides. Roll forward with momentum, hands to the floor in a low squat, jump feet back into plank position. Jump feet forward to start squat position and explode upward with a jump.

Perform the exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and continue for 30 seconds to complete the interval.

Modification :Perform exercise slower walking feet back into and from plank instead of jumping. An additional option is to eliminate the jump at the end of the move.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Push-Up to Side Plank (30 seconds on each side—1 minute total)

Start in a push-up position with arms shoulder-width apart from the toes. Perform a push-up keeping your body straight. As you push up, shift your weight to the left side of the body, keeping the core tight and reaching with the right hand toward the ceiling briefly holding a side plank position. Lower the right arm back to start position and repeat exercise alternating to the other side.

Perform the exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and continue for 30 seconds to complete the interval.

Modification :Perform alternating side planks removing the push-ups.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Prisoner Squat Jumps (Two sets of 30 seconds—1 minute total)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, cradle hands behind head, look forward and keep your elbows/shoulders back. Squat back, keep core engaged, and explode upward using your lower body fully extending your ankles, feet, and hips in one movement. Land softly returning to starting squat position with weight distributed over heels.

Repeat exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and continue for 30 seconds to complete the interval.

Modification :Keep the jump less explosive, barely coming off the ground or eliminate jump completely and perform speed squats.

Verywell / Ben Goldstein

Crab Crawl (Two sets of 30 seconds—1 minute total)

Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, palms behind you on the floor with fingers tips facing body just behind hips. Tighten your core and lift your butt off the floor. Using your right hand and left foot, take a step forward. Repeat this action on the other side.

Continue the exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and continue for 30 seconds to complete the interval.

Modification :Perform an isometric crab hold (without movement). Point your fingertips away from the body if wrists hurt during the exercise.

A Word From Verywell

Quick workouts are a great way to exercise when your time is limited. Shorter exercise routines are shown to be effective and offer fitness solutions for busy people wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These programs are fast, efficient, and help you to feel energized during the day throughout the week. Note that before starting this or any new exercise program, it’s important to have a discussion with your doctor to see if it’s right for you.

The 30-Day Bodyweight Exercise Challenge