彼女のブログは、40歳以上の女性がまだMr. Rightを見つけていないことを目的としており、彼女は優しいが効果的なコーチングセッションでそうしています。
ブログ自体は、女性が現代のデートについて知る必要があるすべてをカバーしています - オンラインデート、最初のデート、コミュニケーション、さらには男性と出会う場所です。
「化学に注意を払うべきですか?成熟した日生として、地獄はい! "。
「6 Secrets Guys You Abow About Love」に関するこの記事は読む価値があります。
アダムのサクセスストーリーはそれ自体を語っています - 彼のプログラムは、女性が彼らのデートの生活を変え、充実感、幸福、そしてもちろん愛を見つけるのを助けます。
彼の目標はあなたが愛を見つけるのを助けることであり、彼はそれをするためには、あなたが最初に男性を理解する必要があることを知っています - それが彼が彼の最初の手、本物のガイダンスを持って来るところです。
Zooskの日付ミックスは、すべてが名前でそれを言っています - デートと関係するすべてがカバーされています:セクスティング、関係、最初の日付など。
あなたがあなたの愛の生活の中でどんな段階であっても、The Date Mixは「新しいパートナーに尋ねる6つの洞察に満ちたデートの質問」のような記事で覆われています。
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私たちがこのサイトについて気に入っている :
サスキアは、オンラインデートの世界でニッチエリアを特定しました。 Hey Saturdayを通して、彼女はクライアントが魅力的なデートプロファイルをまとめるのを手伝います。
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タイラーとミシェルによって設立されたCrated with Loveは、デートの夜と関係に捧げられたブログです。彼らは結婚したカップルとカジュアルな関係にあるカップルを緩めて再接続するのに役立つアイデアの山を持っています。
火花を失ったカップルにとっては、あなたの関係を復活させることがたくさんあります。そして、あなたが出会い系シーンで新しい場合、Buzzluvはあなたに彼らのアドバイスをカバーしています - 記事とビデオの形で。
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彼女のブートキャンプと同様に、彼女の本を楽しんだり、「Ask Amy」Q&Aセクションを読んだり、「解散後に癒すための7つの実用的なステップ」などの記事から素晴らしいヒントを得ることができます。
私たちがこのサイトについて気に入っている :
クイズ:あなたの男はあなたに何を望んでいますか?私の楽しい新しいクイズは、彼が本当に望んでいることを明らかにします - 彼の星座に基づいて!ここで私のクイズを取ります。
関係のコーチでプロの仲人エミリは、男性と女性が真の愛と親密さを見つけるのを助けるために着手しました。 10年の経験で、彼女はデートの世界がどのように機能するかを知っています。
彼女の専門家のヒントを使用すると、サクセスストーリー、オンラインプログラム、出会い系サイトについて読んだり、デートに関する彼女の豊富なブログをチェックしたりすることができます。 p>
Maclynn Internationalは、ニューヨーク市に拠点を置く受賞歴のあるマッチメイキングエージェンシーであり、ロンドンのVidaコンサルタントの一部です。 Gina Yannottaは、Maclynn InternationalのCOO、共同設立者、およびマッチメーカーです。
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ジーナと彼女の心理学者と関係の専門家は、彼らの豊富な知識を使用して、世界中の並外れたシングルを支援し、1つの非常に重要な目標 - 究極の試合を見つけることができます。
私たちがこのサイトについて気に入っている :
Maclynn Internationalのチームは、心理学とデートに関する知識を融合させて、彼らの分野での現在の研究について情報を維持し、証拠に支えられた研究でいっぱいの思慮深いブログを書いています。
Maclynn Internationalのブログでは、すべての年齢の人口統計が関連することができる幅広いトピックについて説明しています。ここで彼らの記事の1つをチェックしてください:「なぜデートシーンがこれまで以上に優れているかもしれない」。
このウェブサイトは、デートゲームを習得して愛を見つけたい男性と女性を対象としています。 「男性は最初のデートで夕食を支払うべきですか?」などの問題に関する記事で、興味深いトピックに取り組んでいます。
Barroom Geniusは、あなたが持ちたい関係を作成するのに役立つように設計されています。
デートが難しい場合、子供とのデートはさらにトリッキーな場合がありますが、それは、4人の父親であるブログクリエイターのグレンオクスコも発見しているように、楽しんで愛を見つけることができないという意味ではありません。 /p>
彼の旅に彼に加わり、面白いミームと魅力的なブログ投稿を楽しんでください。そして、最も重要なことには、子供たちとの愛を見つけるという希望を復活させてください。 「販売レッスンを使用して愛を見つける」に関するこの記事をご覧ください。
ブライアンは、プログラム、コーチングセッション、関係に関する現実的な記事を提供し、彼の経験と他人を助けたいという欲求を組み合わせています。 「共有された目的なしで(あなたの関係は失敗する)」という理由についてこの投稿をチェックしてください。
クイズ:あなたの男はあなたに何を望んでいますか?私の楽しい新しいクイズは、彼が本当に望んでいることを明らかにします - 彼の星座に基づいて!ここで私のクイズを取ります。
クイズ:あなたの男はあなたに何を望んでいますか?私の楽しい新しいクイズは、彼が本当に望んでいることを明らかにします - 彼の星座に基づいて!ここで私のクイズを取ります。
彼のブログは、男性を理解することに焦点を当てています - 彼らが興味を失い、あなたがそれについて何ができるか。 「あなたを尊敬する方法」に関するこの素晴らしい記事をご覧ください。
Nomadrsは、あなたが心を開いて、あなたが望む人生を生きるのを助けるように設計されています。 「宇宙からの14の兆候があなたのやり方で来ている」などの記事でスピリチュアリティに重点が置かれています
あなたはそれを推測しました - このサイトは心理学でいっぱいに満たされ、彼らの関係のアドバイスは常にフィールドの資格のある専門家によって書かれ、裏付けられています。
クイズ:あなたの男はあなたに何を望んでいますか?私の楽しい新しいクイズは、彼が本当に望んでいることを明らかにします - 彼の星座に基づいて!ここで私のクイズを取ります。
My Pixieブログは、愛、セックス、旅行、ライフスタイルなどのトピックに焦点を当てた投稿のコレクションです。シャーロット・クラインは、健康的なライフスタイルのバランスをとりながら、意味のある深い関係を築こうとする際に、他の人を助けるために彼女の人生経験を使用します。
彼のブログには、プログラム、本、リトリート、ビデオからすべてが見つかります。 「関係に多くを与えるのをやめるべき時」でこの投稿を楽しむかもしれません。
Lisa Brookes Kiftは、Love and Life Toolboxの創設者であり、愛の誘致と維持に関するインサイダーのヒントを共有しています。健全な関係は彼女の情熱であり、彼女は彼女のアドバイスを世界と共有するという使命にあります。
感情的な健康と人間関係の教育であなたを導くと、彼女の投稿とコースはあなたに真の愛と親密さを見つけるためのツールを提供します。 「人間関係における赦しへのロードブロック」に関するこの記事をご覧ください。
What we love about this site:
Lisa has cleverly combined emotional health and relationships to help you rebuild the relationship you have with yourself as well as with others.
Anxiety can be crippling and we all go through it in various degrees.
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Psychologist Alicia has dedicated her practice to helping people work through their anxiety in all areas of life.
Her relationship blog, therefore, focuses on dealing with anxiety in love, how it can strain relationships, and what you can do to overcome it. You might like this article on “5 Relationship Anxiety Symptoms You Do Not Want To Ignore”.
What we love about this site:
Alicia gets to the heart of anxiety and lends a comforting hand to guide you through your issues. Her relationship advice is informative yet light and easy to read.
Founder Lachlan Brown has combined his passion for psychology with a realistic, mindful approach when it comes to relationships. He knows it takes more than just “positive thinking” to create meaningful connections and his articles offer no BS guides to cultivating true love.
Take this article on “The Top 21 Things Men Desperately Want in a Relationship” where Lachlan covers everything a girl needs to know. Readers can learn about relationships, love, and breakups, all in one place.
What we love about this site:
Each article covers the issue in full. They’re comprehensive, detailed, and engaging to read with the psychology behind it explained — exactly what you need when it comes to understanding relationships!
Relationship, love, and intimacy coach Hilary Silver shares her expert tips on everything to do with achieving relationship success. She’s created a 5-step masterclass to help people find true love and create healthy relationships.
You’ll find a range of topics covered in her blog, like this great read on “Non-Committal Relationships Cause Pain and Heartache”, as well as her Extraordinary Women Rising Journal course.
What we love about this site:
Hilary knows what it takes to achieve success in both love and other areas of life. Her tips are geared towards helping you reach your goals and dreams.
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Also known as the “man whisperer”, Katarina understands how men work and she wants to share her knowledge with other women. Her ultimate goal is to help women form long-lasting, loving relationships.
Her blog includes useful articles like this one on “How to Handle Your Triggers and Increase Your Emotional Literacy” as well as posts on general dating and relationships.
Katarina also offers ebooks, coaching, and a forum for women to share their experiences and support each other.
What we love about this site:
Katarina is thorough — her blog takes you from first dates to breakups and she offers great advice every step of the way.
The Gottman Institute is a space where everything related to relationships is covered — there are webinars, quizzes, therapists, events, and workshops all geared at helping you create healthy, happy relationships.
They tackle issues that affect all of us, such as “Couples and Shared Trauma:Healing Together” and posts on how to revive a stale, stuck-in-a-rut relationship.
What we love about this site:
The research section for couples is a fantastic way to get the low down on the facts behind love, marriage, divorce, and everything in between.
Relationship counselor Orly works with individuals and couples to help them overcome their barriers and find true love and commitment. You can find counseling, resources, and a forum to join.
Her articles focus on everyday issues that couples face, like this post on “Stepping into Commitment”, and she gives clear examples of situations followed by how to maturely handle them to strengthen your relationship.
What we love about this site:
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Orly is to the point, making her articles engaging and informative. She also includes several videos to break up the blog.
Robert Manni, radio host and author of The Guys’ Guy’s Guide To Love brings you the lowdown on how men think and feel in relationships.
Dubbed as the sequel to “Sex and the City”, Manni covers love, sex, getting out of the friend zone, and more.
As well as his honest articles on the male psyche, he creates engaging videos and holds events through his radio show. If you want to understand men better, you might enjoy this article on “5 Ways Women Sabotage Themselves With Men”.
What we love about this site:
Manni bridges the gap between men and women by revealing exactly what men want in relationships — it’s the guide women (and men) have been missing!
The ultimate blog for date night ideas. Founders Camille and Jacob vowed at the start of their marriage to enjoy a date night together at least once a week.
As a result, they’ve amassed hundreds (literally) of ideas for you — like this post on “101 date ideas”.
And it doesn’t stop with dates and gift ideas, they’ve also got plenty of advice on marriage, parenthood, and relationships.
What we love about this site:
As well as some brilliant ideas, Camille and Jacob radiate positivity throughout the blog. It’s great that they’ve tried out so many date night ideas to give you the best tips.
Every topic under the sun that women might be interested in is covered in The Brunette Diaries (and don’t worry, it’s suitable for blondes and redheads too!). There’s also a “guys only” section for men who want expert relationship advice.
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The blog covers issues around heartbreak, finding love, dating in the modern age, and even the impact social media has had on our love lives. This is a must-read — “How To Mend A Broken Relationship”.
What we love about this site:
The Brunette Diaries combines popular culture with modern relationship advice. Their posts are short, sweet, and engaging!
Ideapod is ideal for anyone who wants to break the mold and live on their terms — from relationships to building personal power, they’ve got it all.
Justin Brown, the founder, is passionate about helping people reconnect with their true selves, and by doing so, they can build authentic, meaningful relationships.
Paired with world-renowned Shaman, Rudá Iandê, they’ve created a unique space to share ideas and advice for all. This article on “How To Rebuild Trust In a Relationship” is just one of many that will inspire you to reclaim your love life.
What we love about this site:
In addition to the amazing scope of articles, there are workshops and (free) masterclasses, all aimed at helping you create the relationship you deserve.
Now, if you’re searching for epic lists like “550+ Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend”, Lets Millo is your place to go. They cover a range of relationship issues, from dating to marriage and even coping with breakups.
A mix of personal stories and advice posts, they offer tips for both men and women who are struggling in their relationships, and for those who just want a fun read or date night tips.
What we love about this site:
Most of their posts are geared at giving you lots of options when it comes to dating and relationships, making the site accessible for all no matter where they are on their love journey.
With a background in psychology, blog owner Crystal and her husband Jack, hope to inspire others when it comes to creating healthy relationships. They cover topics such as communication, relationship goals, and pandemic dating advice.
Check out this interesting post, a subject detrimental to the failure of marriages and relationships, yet isn’t often addressed:“The Importance of Financial Unification in your Relationship”.
What we love about this site:
Crystal and Jack have combined their expertise and life experience with thoughtful posts that’ll suit any couple looking to improve their relationship.
Abuse in any form shouldn’t be tolerated and Break the Cycle is an organization that’ll help you recognize toxic, abusive behavior in relationships.
Most importantly, they’ll help you out of those situations.
As well as data on abuse and brilliant practical tips and advice, Break the Cycle hopes to educate people on what a healthy relationship should be like. They’ve got a range of posts, covering important topics like “Warning Signs Spotlight:Pressuring For Sex”.
What we love about this site:
The team at Break the Cycle understands what it takes to remove yourself from an abusive relationship, and their advice is practical and clear.
Relate is an organization that specializes in promoting healthy relationships across the board. They offer counseling, relationship advice, and information on their current campaigns.
Whether you want to get up to date on relationship data during the pandemic or read up on topics like “Exploring Love Languages”, there's something for everyone on this blog, with an emphasis on helping people who struggle to form secure relationships.
What we love about this site:
There’s a great self-help section where you can take part in workshops, chat with an advisor, seek relationship counseling, or dive into one of their recommended books.
Relationship Seeds is a site dedicated to improving relationships. They’ve covered topics such as dating, marriage, parenting, and sex education to give a rounded view of what makes a healthy and happy relationship.
Whether you want to know “How to Fall in Love With Yourself”, or why people cheat even when they’re happy, you can find it all here.
What we love about this site:
As well as their informative articles, there’s even a section on “text messages” where you can get inspiration on texting the right message to your partner – talk about keeping up with the times!
For a different approach to finding balance in your relationships, this blog by Dr. Vicki Matthews can help.
Incorporating the five elements, Vicki aims to help couples and individuals deal with imbalances and explains how the elements can influence our relationships.
This alternative approach can help those who haven’t found answers in traditional relationship therapy, and some of the posts have a Q&A style so you can learn from other people’s experiences, like in this post on “He Cheated, But I Want Our Marriage To Work”.
What we love about this site:
Ask Vicki gives a different view when it comes to love and relationships – perhaps the elements truly are the cause of our imbalanced relationships and lifestyles.
The great thing about technology is that it allows us to have better, long-distance relationships. But that doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing, and as the founders Lisa and Mike found out, it takes commitment and patience.
Nine years later they’re married with kids, and they want to help other couples deal with long-distance loneliness. Their blog offers advice, quotes, gift ideas and activities to get stuck into.
If you’re in a long-distance relationship you might enjoy this post on “7 Smart Strategies For Keeping Your LDR Strong During This Pandemic”.
What we love about this site:
Lisa and Mike are prime examples of how to make long-distance relationships work and they don’t hold back from confronting real issues that couples face.
The team of expert coaches at Relationship Hero is here to guide you through the ups and downs that come with love.
From first dates to first fights, Relationship Hero has got you covered. A must-read is this post on “Why Dating Is So Hard – And How This Method Makes It Easier”. As well as the blog, you’ll have access to relationship coaches and masterclass.
What we love about this site:
There’s an incredible wealth of expert knowledge and the site is engaging, fun, but most importantly it provides excellent love advice.
Mark Manson is the go-to place for no BS life advice, but he also offers some great relationship tips too. Mark shares his ideas backed with evidence-based experience, and plenty of psychology and therapeutic techniques.
His articles on relationships center on giving you a clear, honest picture – no fluff, no cute hearts or cupids flying around. Take this article for example, “When to Break Up With Someone and When to Stick it Out”.
What we love about this site:
Mark is to the point and he’s not afraid to say the truth, no matter how brutal it is. He also covers interesting topics like how to deal with conflict and infidelity.
Author, speaker, and sociologist Jennifer Gunsaullus helps couples work through sex, emotions, betrayal, and more. Her goal is to bring people together in healthy unions through exploring sexuality and common relationship issues.
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Her blog has everything you need to know about sex, female empowerment, health, and mindfulness in relationships. You’ll enjoy this podcast on “Break Through Your Sexual Blocks”.
What we love about this site:
Jenn is the ultimate “sexpert” — she shares her knowledge of sex and love through videos, tips, articles, podcasts, and courses.
Certified transformational coaches Susan and Otto believe the key to long-lasting love (like theirs, of 20 years) is to focus on removing the “stress” from a relationship.
They implement a 4-step method to help people overcome conflict and challenges, with coaching, programs, a podcast, and their blog. For a great read, check out this post on how “Limiting Beliefs That Hold Us Back From Love”.
What we love about this site:
Susan and Otto are a down-to-earth, normal couple who share their vast knowledge on relationships through relatable articles and podcasts.
Dr. Susan Edelman has spent 35 years practicing psychiatry, and as a result of working with numerous clients, mainly women, she’s noticed an area of concern — confidence. This led her to create the Be Your Own Brand of Sexy blog, alongside two books.
From engaging articles like “5 Dating Beliefs Confident Women Have” to quizzes and coaching options, you can learn to harness your confidence and attract love.
What we love about this site:
Dr. Susan is passionate about women empowering each other, and her blogs inspire motivation and growth. She recognizes that happy relationships start with a happy individual!
The team at Luvza are experts in the field of relationship science. They understand how psychology, sociology, and communication all play an important role in forming healthy relationships.
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Their advice is broken into different sections:Relationships &Pop Culture, Relationships &The Media, and even an infographics area to see the stats, like in this post on “Why Do People Swipe Right (Or Left) On Tinder”.
What we love about this site:
The articles clearly explain the science behind dating, love, and relationships using concrete evidence and research. This gives the site a lot of credibilities.
The team at RD&T is committed to guiding people through the trials and tribulations of relationships. Their advice is hearty and gets straight to the root of the problem.
Whether you’re on the hunt for a new partner, or you want to improve your current relationship, they’ve made it easy to navigate their site and find what you need.
You will need to sign up (for free) to view posts in full, but it’s worth it when you get access to articles like this one — “The First Relationship Disaster”.
What we love about this site:
The articles are informative and relevant for any stage of your relationship, and there’s a great mix of expert advice and real-life love stories to back them up!
For solid dating and relationship advice, Dr. Diana Kirschner’s blog is worth exploring. She’s a psychologist, author, and love expert who is there to help coach you in the art of relationships.
Not only does she write about how to build healthy relationships, like this one on “Assertive Communication”, but she also offers a free masterclass on finding the love you want and deserve.
What we love about this site:
It’s great to see all the successful couples Diana has helped with her expert guidance, and the addition of a free masterclass is always a bonus!
Relationship coach Jenny Dagi hopes to inspire her readers to tackle the relationship issues they face, especially when it comes to intimacy and communication.
Over the last nine years, Jenny has helped numerous couples get their relationship back on track with her practical posts like “9 Bonding Activities For Couples To Do Together”.
What we love about this site:
Jenny combines self-help with relationship tips and advice. Her articles come from a place of love and experience and her honesty makes her writing completely relatable.
Big Matrimonial is home to every relationship-related topic you can think of – love letters, relationship warning signs, marriage, and more.
There’s even couples therapy with articles such as “Traps That Successful Couples Avoid”, aimed at helping you strengthen your relationship.
What we love about this site:
Big Matrimonial covers both aspects of relationships, the good and the bad. Their articles are quick and easy to read, perfect if you need some relationship inspiration.
Two Drifters is founded by couple Amy and Nathan – they’re on a mission to spread love and adventure after meeting whilst traveling. Their site has been going strong since 2012 and is the ideal place to find inspiring relationship advice.
Articles like “10 Relationship Rituals That Will Help Your Love Grow Stronger” provide plentiful ideas and tips on how to strengthen the connection you share with your partner.
What we love about this site:
Amy and Nathan are enthusiastic and it shows — they mix optimism and adventure with a realistic overview of how and why relationships fail (and what you can do to succeed).
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When it comes to love, podcast creator Lucia is no novice. Her podcast ranks highly and her relationship expertise has been sought out on shows like Dr. Phil and The Tyra Banks Show.
Her podcast is based on getting your ex back using her no-contact rules – they’re engaging and Lucia explains what to do each step of the way. Check out this podcast on “9 Reasons Why Your Ex Broke Up With You”.
What we love about this site:
Podcasts are easy to listen to wherever you are and they’re equally as engaging as reading an article. Lucia explains her breakup strategy over a series of podcasts making it easy to follow.
Kate has been through it all – the failure of her marriage prompted her to seek answers and find out what she’s doing wrong in relationships. This led to her creation of the blog, which hopes to help others as they embark on new relationships.
Articles like “Are You A Repeater Of Wrong Love Choices?” will gently open your eyes to the mistakes you’ve been making on your love journey.
Coupled with Kate’s compassion and genuine love for love, her blog will help create a healthy mindset towards relationships.
What we love about this site:
Kate took her pain and turned it into power, and now she’s spreading that energy with her readers. Not only are her articles informative, but they’re also short, sweet, and to the point.
Life coach Baron Anderson has created the ultimate blog centered around relationships. Here you can find everything about love, marriage, and even counseling for a failing relationship.
The topics are relevant and are about real issues, like this article on “6 Ways in Navigating the Power Struggle in Your Relationship”.
What we love about this site:
Baron wants to help those searching for love, but also guide couples on how to maintain love once they’ve found it. From start to finish, there’s relationship advice here for everyone.
Blog creator Stephanie offers unfiltered relationships and self-care advice based upon her own experiences. She believes looking after yourself first will help you cultivate happy, successful relationships.
Her blog is full of interesting articles – from sex tips to frequently asked questions like “What Is Emotional Cheating?”
What we love about this site:
Stephanie co-creates with her audience and collects data on taboo relationship topics and challenges. She does this to better understand our partner’s perspectives while developing a greater sense of self-awareness and self-worth within ourselves.
Any married couple will tell you what a rollercoaster marriage is – the highs and lows are what makes this great commitment worth taking.
The Modern Mr. and Mrs. hope to tackle the lows, from addictions to betrayal, and intimacy issues, so you can build a strong partnership. Check out this article “The Silent and Invisible Marriage Killer:Intimacy Anorexia”.
Their certified recovery and life coaches offer advice, coaching services, and programs for individuals and couples to take part in.
What we love about this site:
The success stories are enough to give anyone a boost of fresh motivation to make their marriage work – paired with the advice given, it’s the perfect combination.
From engagements to divorce and everything in between, Marriage.com has it covered. Expert tips will help you deal with every aspect of marriage – sex, love, communication, and even how to deal with betrayal.
Comprehensive articles like “15 Key Secrets to a Successful Marriage” will give you plenty of food for thought. The blog also offers resources and courses on marriage.
What we love about this site:
You can read top tips for any marriage-related issue, and even advice on issues you weren’t aware of (but that are probably affecting your relationship).
Created by couple Casey and Meygan, Marriage 365 is an interactive space for couples to improve their relationship and avoid becoming part of the divorce statistics.
The blog contains some great posts, such as this one on “Phrases to Never, Ever Say to Your Spouse!”. Also, there are plenty of resources, courses and workshops, books and even a couples retreat to check out.
What we love about this site:
The founders themselves were close to divorce, but through sheer determination they made their marriage work – and now, they want to share those secrets with you.
Although relationship coach Gideon covers everything to do with relationships, his main focus is on helping married couples revive their marriage and reconnect with each other.
His blog consists of podcasts, ebooks, and fantastic blog posts like this one on “3 Specific Truths No Couple Can Escape”. Gideon backs his articles with his experience in coaching and counselling, often using real couples as examples.
What we love about this site:
Gideon is honest – if you’re not willing to work on your marriage, there’s little he or anyone else can do to help. If you are, he’s got the answers to help your marriage thrive.
Amberly, the creator of A Prioritized Marriage, combines her experience in family studies alongside real-life marriage advice taken from her relationship.
She believes that marriage should be a priority at any stage, and by making it one, you can continue to build on that strong foundation of love, like in this blog on how to “Indirectly Strengthen Your Marriage”.
What we love about this site:
From advice to recommendations, Amberly has created a space where you can help your marriage reach its full potential.
Founders Jáchym Jerie and Natasha Koo help wives who want a drama-free, love-filled marriage using their “Exceptional Relationship Formula”. They have some great articles, such as “What Do You Do When Your Husband Won’t Communicate”.
In addition to these relatable articles, there are several free resources. Get date night inspiration, quizzes to determine how toxic your relationship is, and the Irresistible Wife Blueprint that draws your husband naturally back to you.
What we love about this site:
For wives on the move, don’t forget to check out the Awakened Wife Podcast – easy to listen to marriage advice whether you’re driving to work or jogging in the park!
Family therapist and licensed counselor Dr. Corey Allan is on a mission to help couples revive their marriage. He aims to inspire people to keep relationships simple, passionate, and spiritually deep.
On his site, you’ll find podcasts, more information about working directly with Dr. Allan, as well as a heap of interesting articles to pour through. We particularly enjoyed this one on “Ultimatums in Married Life”.
What we love about this site:
Dr. Allan gives humble yet honest advice on how to bring about passion into marriages. He covers topics from sex to betrayal with his wealth of knowledge.
Founded by the Roses, Jeff, and Mandy, this blog is all about helping couples take their marriage to the next level. Through their own experiences, they learned to purposefully engage in their relationship and make it the best it could be.
Now they want to share that advice with you. Their site contains excellent posts, and one we particularly enjoyed was this article on “Giving Your Spouse The Gift Of Meaningful Words”.
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What we love about this site:
As well as their articles, Jess and Many also have a podcast and a free Facebook group for members to join and discuss marriage ideas and support one another.
This blog, set up by Brian and his husband Ferd, is the ultimate guide for gay, bi, and trans dads considering parenthood, and for those who’ve already started the journey. They noticed a lack of information online, so they decided to do something about it.
Not only does GWK guide you through fatherhood, but they also offer amazing first-hand tips on LGBT weddings, holidays, and even finances.
If you’re entering fatherhood, check out this post about “One Gay Dad’s Top Three Tips For New Parents”.
What we love about this site:
It’s full of personal experiences and friendly insights to help couples wherever they are on their parenthood journey!
Created in 2009 by a group of friends, AutoStraddle is for lesbians and queer people who want to know anything and everything about relationships. From jazzing up your sex life to articles on how to be gay, they’ve got you covered with articles and personal stories alike.
As well as great articles like “How to Go on a First Date That Doesn’t Suck”, there’s also a community section where you can get advice on various subjects; relationships, breakups, coming out, and even covid anxiety.
What we love about this site:
There are so many great topics to read and they don’t mess about – you get the truth whether you want it or not.
The ultimate blog for LGBT+ weddings, Equally Wed will guide you through the proposal, wedding, and honeymoon with their lighthearted yet informative articles. Need ring inspiration? Check out this “Same-sex Wedding Rings Buying Guide” to help you out.
As well as real stories of love-filled same-sex weddings around the world, they also have a comprehensive register of vendors, all vetted and recommended for the LGBT+ community.
What we love about this site:
You can find everything you need, all in one place. It’s a clear and easy guide that will have your back no matter what stage your wedding is at.
Founder and matchmaker Frankie Bashan holds nothing back in this down-to-earth blog for the lesbians and bisexuals looking for love.
But her site isn’t just about matchmaking, she also covers a great variety of topics in her blog. You might enjoy reading this post on “Two Lesbian Dating Secrets I’ve Learnt From Matchmaking”.
What we love about this site:
From excellent articles to her speed dating service, Frankie has created a great space to learn more about relationships and how to build long-lasting connections.
As difficult as breakups are, they’re the start of a new chapter in life, and blogger Catherine decided to share her journey when she created Simply Solo and her breakup survival guide.
She’s rediscovered her thirst for life as a singleton and wants to share advice for others going through heartbreak, with articles such as this “Breakup Survival Guide” to help you move on with your life.
What we love about this site:
Catherine has also openly documented her love-life — she started her blog after canceling a wedding and starting over as a single girl — to give hope and encouragement to others. Along the way she’s built a close relationship with her followers which gives the blog a cozy community feel.
Professional matchmaker turned breakup coach Nancy Deen has created the ultimate breakup blog – from inspiring videos, coaching, free courses, and meditations, all areas of heartbreak and healing are covered.
Nancy used a spiritual approach during her breakup – it helped her realign negative beliefs, heal her heart and find love again and this is what she hopes to share with you.
If you’ve recently gone through a breakup, you might like this article on “21 Ways to Get Over Your Ex in 2021”.
What we love about this site:
Nancy has also created a Conscious Breakup Collective Facebook group for readers to reach out, support each other and share tips and stories.
Breakup-Help was created by psychologist Shanice Goodhew to help those recently separated or divorced.
Combining real-life experience with her research in human attachment, she’s created a simple step-by-step process to heal using her help.
Alongside her coaching tools and sessions, she also blogs on how to move on and regain your confidence, with articles like “Getting Over A Breakup”.
What we love about this site:
The blog is simple, easy to navigate and Shanice provides some great advice on rebuilding your life after the devastation of a breakup.
Resilient Rebound is for women who have been through abuse, tough breakups, and heartbreak, and who need a little self-love and self-care. Ann, the creator, has thoughtfully created two communities:the Moving On Group, and the Resiliency Circle.
Encouraging women to support and uplift each other following her courses, Ann has created the perfect space to let out your pain and then pick yourself back up. And on the subject of feeling better, you might like this article on “Love You, Love Your Body”.
What we love about this site:
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Ann hasn’t just created a great blog, she’s created a network of women who have shared experiences and can help each other through the post-breakup fog with her guidance.
Navigate the scary world of being newly single alongside blog founder, Kellie Wagner. She shares parts of her breakup and new beginnings, with the community free to ask questions on her blog.
So, whilst you nurse your own broken heart, you might take comfort in reading other’s stories and Kellie’s thoughtful advice to help you through this difficult period.
What we love about this site:
It’s great to see how interactive Kellie is with her readers. It’s a platform for people to share experiences and support each other in moving on.
iBelieve Relationship blog centers around Christian women who want to balance their faith alongside the tricky world of dating and relationships. With several Christian female bloggers, readers can enjoy articles on love, heartbreak, faith, and lifestyle.
They tackle tough issues such as “5 Common Roots of Jealousy” as well as how to cultivate healthy, genuine relationships.
Using a combination of Biblical teachings and expert advice, they’ve created a unique space for Christian women to use as they navigate through love and faith.
What we love about this site:
iBelieve covers everything you need to know about love, relationships, and breakups whilst seamlessly incorporating prayer and faith into the mix.
BeyondChai is a Muslim relationship site that offers expert relationship advice as well as a unique matchmaking service for the US and Canada.
Consisting of consultants, coaches, matchmakers, and counselors, they’ve got a great team all focussed on helping Muslims find love (and tips on what to do once they’ve found it).
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Whether you want to know “How to Deal with Differences in Your Marriage” or general advice on choosing the right life partner, the BeyondChai blog is a great place to start.
What we love about this site:
As well as a video corner, there’s plenty of heartwarming success stories to read through too. The blog covers many relationship topics and whilst the service may be limited to two countries, the advice is universal.
Combining biblical wisdom with current, up-to-date relationship advice, the team at Boundless has put together a blog for young Christians on the search for love.
They hope to help people date with purpose and create beautiful unions, and they offer advice in the form of a relationship blog, podcast, and faith teachings. You might enjoy this article on “7 Qualities to Look for in a Spouse”.
What we love about this site:
The site also provides a rounded view of sex and intimacy, setting young people up for healthy, happy relationships.
Christian Connection stays true to its name – it’s an interactive site where you can meet other like-minded Christians searching for love. And if you’re just there for some top dating tips, there’s plenty of that too, just click on the “blog” section at the top.
You’ll find engaging articles like this one on “How to write great messages“, as well as expert advice on how and where to find love.
What we love about this site:
The blog posts target any age and any relationship stage. Whether you’re new to the dating scene or you’ve been married 25 years, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.
The Muslim Vibe is a site for young and old Muslims to learn more about marriage, overcome barriers in love and build successful relationships.
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As well as covering popular issues in love, they also guide their readers on how to deal with abuse in relationships, with articles like “5 Ways To Tackle Possessiveness in Relationships”.
What we love about this site:
The subjects are varied, and they give a great overview of what a healthy marriage should be. Their advice is current, practical, and easy to apply to real-life relationships.
Ryan and Selena know what it takes to make a marriage work – they've been married for more than 10 years and they're here to help you get through the ups and downs of your relationship using Christ and biblical teachings as a guide forward.
You’ll find books, podcasts, resources, and articles as well as online lessons to help improve your marriage. A must-read post is this article on “Bringing Husbands Back To Life”.
What we love about this site:
Ryan and Selena are dedicated to their faith as much as they are to their marriage. Their commitment to helping others is inspiring and their site has plenty of useful information.
Justin And Trish have combined their marriage blog with their ministry, to combine God and Love in the same place. They offer practical marriage tips based on biblical teachings and their own experiences.
Their blog covers topics like lifestyle, relationships, social pressures, and more. An interesting read is this article on “10 Signs Your Marriage Is Drifting”.
What we love about this site:
Trish and Justin also coach couples, have written a book, and include plenty of resources for couples to benefit from on their site.
International speaker and author Gary Thomas believes that being closer to Christ will help with being closer to others. He aims to help couples with intimacy, commitment, and communication in their relationships.
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On his site, you’ll find blogs about connecting with Christ, and connecting with others. One such article that addresses a common issue in relationships is this post on “Artificial Intimacy” which is well worth a read.
What we love about this site:
Gary has a great following with lots of interaction on his posts. It’s a community to join for Christians who need everyday guidance in their relationships.