体重を減らすことを計画している人にとって、ランニングは頭に浮かぶ最初のトレーニングの1つです。 w eは間違いなくこれが効果的な方法であると言うことができます: 155 lbの人の場合、5 mphで30分間走ると 298カロリー。 ただし、一部の人々はランニングにまったくありません。たぶん それは膝と関節に着ているからです。
we at bright side Some を見つけました 走るよりも脂肪を燃やすことができる他のエクササイズ。 また、最後にボーナス「エクササイズ」をチェックしてください。
これは単なる人気のある子供のゲームではなく、これは一般的な演習です多くのアスリートの間。 ジャンプロープ それは複数の方法で行うことができるので、誰でも自分の「トリック」を考えてこの演習を試すことができます。
水泳は、いくつかのカロリーを燃焼させ、> 糖尿病、脳卒中を避ける効果的な方法です心不全の他の形態。 Also, it helps to strengthen muscles, but with the advantage of not putting any stress on knees or hips.
Here’s a thrilling and fun way to burn some calories. Rock-climbing exercises muscles from pretty much the whole body, and its benefits can be felt even in your mental health, as it increases focus and self-efficiency.
The calorie loss obtained by riding a bike, like running, has much to do with the intensity of training. Adding some intermittent sprints during the ride may also be effective. There is also no shortage of reasons to ride a bike. Aside from being a good workout, with benefits for your muscles and heart, it’s a convenient, eco-friendly way of transportation.
Aerobics are one of the most engaging activities at gyms, usually accompanied by mood-lifting, mid-tempo music. This exercise is not only good at burning fat, but also at improving your cardiovascular health. Since step aerobics does not stress the joints, it is a good workout to be done by people with osteopenia or osteoporosis.
The elliptical machines provide a good way to exercise the whole body . It shapes up the lower body (calves, thighs, glutes) and upper body (arms, back, and pecs). As a low-impact exercise, it is a good option for women who want to get in shape after pregnancy .
This may be one of the most dynamic calisthenics exercises — ones where you use your own body to do the work, with minimal or no equipment at all to assist you. Burpees create a whole-body muscular response, allowing you to lose up to 10 calories per minute, depending on the intensity.
Sports, more than competitive games, are great exercises too. This game, in particular, is among the ones that burn the most calories since the players are moving around the whole time during the match.
That’s right, we don’t necessarily have to become fitness freaks to lose weight. An hour of playful time with your kids may be enough to burn a good amount of calories. Mothers with young children who don’t have time to go to the gym might be happy to find out about this.
Note :The values mentioned in this article consider an average caloric loss of a person who is approximately 155 pounds, performing the mentioned exercises for 30 minutes, except where noted.
Do you like running? When do you prefer to work out — in the morning or in the evening?なぜ?