顔の血腫、特に目の下は、道徳的および肉体的に不快な現象です。あざが何であれ、私たち一人一人はそれを隠し、偽装し、すぐに削除しようとします。それ以外の場合、誤解、推測、仮定が始まります。今日はあざについて説明します - それがどうなるか、なぜ衝撃後の最初の数分で行動するか、既存の血腫を除去またはマスクする方法について説明します。
さらに、リオトン、あざ、ラブリューオフ、ライフガード、サイロバルザム、ソス、ラトフニクなどの薬物を使用してあざを取り除くことができます。それらはすべて使用が便利です。数回、下まぶたエリアに適用する必要があります。一日。これは、打撲の癒しの時間を半分に短縮するのに役立ちます。ただし、薬物が目の粘膜に当てはまらないように注意してください - これは危険です。
血腫が広範囲であり、何も塗られていない場合 - 2つのオプション:
\ u200b \ u200bの領域の治療直後、初日の治療は、冷却、抗炎症、鎮痛ゲルのみでのみ許可されます。それらをこすらないでください、それは1日に最大4回まで薄い層で皮膚に塗ることができます。
覚えておく必要があります。薬(家を含む)を使用する前に、アレルギー反応の可能性を確認する必要があります。内側から手首に薬を滴るだけです。 15分後に腫れや発疹が形成されなかった場合、あざは恐れることなく薬で覆うことができます。
バンプからあざを治療する場合、打撲サイト自体だけでなく、周囲の肌(直径4 cmまで)だけでなく、ローション(ジェルで潤滑剤)で覆うことが重要です。外傷性脳卒中の後に出血摩耗が形成された場合、上皮を防腐剤で掃除する必要があります。滅菌ワイプ、沸騰して冷やした水を使用してください。
ジャガイモのコールドコンプレスは、新鮮な出血を取り除くのに役立ちます。細いおろし金に擦り切れた生野菜。 grは30分間冷蔵庫に入れられ、あざに適用されます。
生理食塩水溶液は浮腫を除去するのに役立ちます。アートを取るために必要な水の半分の水。 l塩。ソリューションからローションを作成します。
TRAMPは、不要なマークを削除するための効果的なツールですが、初日にのみ機能します。 Badagiであざを塗る頻度は、その処方箋に依存します。新鮮な血腫を2〜3回処理するだけで十分です。古いものを除去するには、少なくとも3日かかります。
打撃後に現れた眼の古い血腫があるため、民俗治療による治療が可能です - コルツフットの煎じ薬。植物の花と葉は押しつぶされ、水浴で10分間調理されます。次に、フィルタリングしてローションを作成します。
ヘパリン軟膏またはトロクセルチンの適用をすばやく許可します。負傷後の最初の日には、4時間ごとに使用する必要があります。浮腫を緩和するために利尿薬を使用することはできません - 彼らは効果がなく、腎臓病の人を傷つけることができます。
打撲傷は永遠に残ることができますか?これは、犠牲者、特に女の子を心配させるものです。これは恐れる価値はありません - あざは、遅かれ早かれ溶解する血液の血液です。
顔の打撲の原因が何であれ、治療せずに放置すると、顔の組織の回復に 10日間になります しかし、体内最大20〜25日 。
Healing powder is mixed with ointments, creams or even just with water. In the pharmacy you can buy a composition for independent use.
Badyag is recommended to be applied evenly on the affected area. Then in 20 minutes the product should be washed off.
The procedure must be repeated a couple of times a day.
You can remove bruises and bags on the body with a pepper patch. It differs in absorbable properties and allows you to get rid of the hematoma.
On the face it can be used only in areas of not very sensitive skin. If the skin is very thin, then the patch cannot be used.
It is not difficult to use the tool, it is necessary to cut a circle according to the size of the swelling.
Through 18-20 minutes the patch should be removed, and grease the area with baby cream.
If you need to quickly get rid of bruises, then use an iodine grid. Apply several strips of iodine to the area of \u200b\u200bthe hematoma with a cotton swab. A substance such as iodine promotes the resorption of blood clots. This reduces the size of bruising.
According to reviews, the temperature effect has a good effect on bruises. Effective help with bruises - cold.
You can use ice from the freezer. Cold reduces bruising and has a positive effect on edema.
Before use, the ice should be wrapped in a towel or napkin. Apply a cold object for 18-20 minutes. If there is a bruise on the arm or leg, then the limb can be placed under a stream of cold water.
If the tumor is 2 days old, then the area can begin to warm up. This procedure will speed up the regeneration process and reduce bruising.
You can use compresses with heated salt.
Bruises can occur from injections, cosmetic procedures, or lack of sleep. To remove such defects in one day, all kinds of ointments and gels are used.
To eliminate yellowness or other manifestations of bruises, such agents are used:
Before using the drug, you must consult your doctor. An allergic reaction can occur to some drugs. Any of the funds should be gently rubbed with massage movements.
You can also apply treatment with folk remedies. This is an economical and most profitable option. Means have virtually no contraindications.
Consider some ways to eliminate bruises.
Onion treatment helps. A mixture of salt and onion can be applied to the affected area. To do this, chop the onion in a meat grinder, and then pour a spoonful of salt into the mixture.
Then the mass must be folded in gauze and applied to the bruise. Such compresses should be changed throughout the day, every three hours.
Cabbage and plantain are used to treat bruises.
Rinse the leaves well, and then beat off with a culinary hammer so that they release juice. Then the leaves are applied to the sore spot.
There are many recipes based on honey.
It is often used if it is required to treat hematomas on the face, for example, to remove a bruise from the lip. Honey can simply be applied in a thin layer to the skin or mixed with other ingredients.
It is mixed with raw potatoes, onions or carrots. Apply masks on 3-5 times a day 。
It is used to treat starch. It is mixed with warm water and rubbed, and then applied to a bruised place.
The mask needs to be changed as the starch dries.
You can make an effective remedy based on. To do this, take 3-5 drops of iodine , 30 ml vinegar and a tablespoon of salt.
All components should be mixed, put in gauze and put on a bruised place. Such a mixture easily resolves hematomas.
Try to make a special cake from bruising. To do this, mix the gruel from butter, honey and horseradish.
Proportions can be taken by eye. In this case, the oil should be as much as honey. The mixture is applied to the injury site and left on 20-30 minutes 。
Such a cake can be made in the morning and evening.
It is used to treat and. Take two tablespoons of the powder and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to them.
Put the cake on the skin until it dries completely, and then rinse it off with warm water. Clay will allow not only to deal with bruising, but will also remove swelling around the bruise.
If you need to urgently remove a bruise, first put cold for 15 minutes and then with the help of corrective and tonal means, make a masking makeup.
When using folk recipes, do not forget that they can cause an allergic reaction, especially if you have an increased sensitivity of the skin.
If the treated area began to hurt, then the treatment mixture should be immediately washed off and a cream with a wound healing and calming effect should be applied to the area.
Before using any healing product - cleanse the skin, then the drug will be more effective. Useful components can penetrate into damaged skin layers faster.
I hope you will find my recommendations useful and help quickly remove any traces of bruise. If you know some quick way to get rid of the problem, write in the comments.
See you again, friends! Come often to visit.
No one is safe from accidentally getting a black eye. This is most unpleasant if you go to work in a couple of days or you are planning to attend a certain event. Well, if you are a girl and you have bruises under your eyes, then there’s not even a reason. However, you can get rid of the bruise within one day at home, thanks to several proven recipes. How to remove a black eye from a blow quickly, we will tell in this article.
First of all, to remove the bruise, lay something cold to the bruised eye. A perfect ice cube wrapped in cloth. This method will save you from possible subsequent edema and the formation of a hematoma.
重要! Do not apply clean ice to the skin, especially in the eye area, as it can cause frostbite.
If there is cabbage, take one leaf and chop it. Applied immediately after a bruise, it is also able to help prevent the formation of a hematoma. Another quite effective way:
重要! Use ice only in the first day after the injury, in the future only anti-inflammatory and decongestants are indicated. Warming up the hematoma under the eye is strictly prohibited!
The first thing that is necessary to reduce the bruise in 1 day is to buy a badyag in the nearest pharmacy. The powder is very effective, so be careful as much as possible. Dilute the product in one tablespoon of water to make a not too thin slurry, put on gauze or a bandage (folded several times) and apply a compress to the bruise.
In order to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, alternate the compresses of badiaga with a compress of onion gruel. To do this, finely chop a small onion head, add 1 tbsp. l salt and let it brew for 15–20 minutes. When the juice drains from the onion, put the gruel in gauze and apply to the bruise for 10-15 minutes. The procedure, of course, is not very pleasant, but very effective in combination with a grub.
You can remove the hematoma in one day by various means. If you do not have any medications on hand or do not want to take them, your products will completely replace the first-aid kit.
Salt has a truly mass of magical properties, for this case it is also useful. So, the recipe for removing bruises from strokes:
Iodine has a known warming effect, which will help get rid of a bruise much faster:
重要! Before applying iodine, make sure you have enough time to wait until it is completely absorbed. In addition, doctors do not recommend the use of this tool, since iodine easily causes burns, especially when applied to delicate skin.
A fairly well-known way to deal with an undesirable bruise near the eye is a pharmacy nonsense:
重要! Be extremely careful in applying the nonsense to the eye area:in large quantities, it can cause skin burns.
In the absence of a pharmacy ointment, you can well prepare your own home version on your own:
With the help of a pepper patch it is quite possible to get rid of trouble in one day:
Coltsfoot has long been known for its healing properties:
If the bruise has formed very extensive and occupies a considerable area on the face, a honey compress will help:
The above methods did not help? Try an absorbable aloe vera remedy:
Fresh wormwood grass has a unique calming property, due to which it is actively used for bruises and wounds:
Quite effectively eliminating the bruising under the eye will help ordinary warming, which is performed as follows:
In addition to pure cabbage, there is a recipe for cabbage with plantain, thanks to which the healing properties of the compress are significantly increased:
Recipe from onion with the addition of salt contributes to the speedy healing of the skin:
重要! Carefully make sure that the product does not leak out and does not get into your eye, in case of contact, rinse immediately with water.
Perhaps the easiest way to hide a sudden bruise is to use foundation or concealer. If you prefer a concealer, choose its peach color to neutralize the blue or purple hue without too dense a layer.