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P>多くの女性は、家で美しく構成する方法に興味があります。ほとんどの美しさはテクノロジーの良いコマンドを持っていますが、多くの場合、アイメイクを行うために使用される多様な色とツールを理解することができません。同時に、装飾的な化粧品で美しく強調された目は、形と色の美しさを好意的に強調し、女性をより魅力的で、外観にします - より表現力豊かです。


メイクアップ方法 - メイクアップの微妙さ



  1. 日陰の下のベース。
  2. 個々のパッケージまたは適切な色合いのパレットの影。
  3. 鉛筆はアイライナーのために暗くて明るい(粘膜の場合、特別なタイプの鉛筆が必要です-Kayal)
  4. 便利なタイプのアイライナー - クリーム、ジェル、液体、フェルトペン。
  5. 目的のシェードのマスカラ。















大きな目の幸せな所有者はマスカラしか使用できません - そして、彼らの目は宝石で輝きます。目を持っている女性はこの利点を持っていませんが、化粧品は彼らがすぐに目を大きくすることを可能にします。



  • 奥深くの目に明るい影を適用すると、それらはより凸状で大きく見えます。
  • 膨らんだ目は、アウトラインを使用せずに上まぶたやマスカラの暗い影で修正できます。
  • 下まぶたのアイライナーラインを眉の外側の角に向かって伸ばすことで、美しいアーモンド型の目の形を与えることができます。上まぶたのこの方向に作られた矢印は、目に壮大な「猫」の形を与えます。
  • 密集した目は、目の外側の角を暗くし、内側の目を強調することで視覚的に「別れ」できます。目が幅が広すぎる場合、それらはまったく逆のことをします。






  • 美しい矢を描くには、作業手の肘を固体の安定した表面に置き、目の外側の角から描き始め、並んで、上まつげの輪郭を描く必要があります、それを尾に接続し、最終的に\ u200b \ u200bの領域を描画します。目の内側の隅。
  • 矢印は、薄く、中程度の厚さ、大きく、二重、1色、2色であり、上まぶたまたは両方のまぶたのみの輪郭を強調します。鉛筆を使用して、下まぶたのためだけにオリジナルのアイライナーを作ることができます。
  • 初心者は、特別なフェルトペンを使用して矢を描くことができます。通常、目的のラインをすばやく簡単に描画することができ、それを使用すると、問題なく矢の厚さを調整できます。これを行うには、フェルトペンを押す強度を増やすか減らす必要があります。しかし、このタイプのほとんどのアイライナーには重要な欠点があります - それらはすぐに終了するか、あまりにも速く乾燥します。
  • 経験豊富な若い女性は、ジェルまたはクリームアイライナーを使用することを好みます。それは、多数の化粧品会社によって生産され、かわいい小さな瓶の中で特別なブラシで塗られています - 薄い先端または斜めに塗られています。このようなツールの助けを借りて、60年代のスタイルで最も薄い矢を描いたり、広い矢を描いたりすることができます。















  • 基本的な明るいアイシャドウを上まぶた全体に適用します。
  • シェードはわずかに暗く、柔らかいふわふわしたブラシで上まぶたの折り目を強調し、色を目の外側の角に近づけます。
  • 上まぶたを、まつげの成長ラインにできるだけ近く、さらにはそれらの間でさらに良くします。これにより、目が大きくなり、見た目がより表情豊かになります。
  • 上まつげを暗いマスカラで覆います(ブルネットと茶色の髪の女性の場合 - 黒、ブロンドと赤毛 - 茶色)。
  • この単純なメイクアップの上に、明るいサテンの色合いで目の内側の角を明るくし、眉の下の領域を軽くするのが良いです。




















メイクを適用する前に、顔を準備し、浄化して保湿する必要があります 。これを行うには、肌に適したローション、トニック、クリームを使用してください。クリームが吸収されたら、その残骸が取り除かれるようにナプキンで顔を軽くたたいてください。目の下で、暗い円を隠し、繊細な肌に潤いを与えるのに役立つ特別なテクスチャーのコンシーラーを使用してください。









私たちは影に移ります。開始するには、目の眉と内側の端の下に軽いベースシェードを塗ります。乳白色またはベージュの色の影を使用してください。これは、目の間の距離を視覚的に増やし、眉を上げて目を開けるのに役立ちます。次に、まぶたの折り目をメイントーンとブレンドで覆います - 明確な線は残る必要はありません。アイライナーについては、そのためのメイントーンの色合いを使用してください。これは、アプリケーターを使用して軽いストロークで適用されます。



マスカラを適用する前に、カーリングアイロンを使用してまつげをわずかに曲げます。次に、それらを保護するきらめきベースで覆い、マスカラの適用を改善し、メイクアップ除去プロセスを促進するのに役立ちます。 。





唇の色付け方法を学ぶには、まず唇を準備する必要があります - たとえば、粉末








再び、広い柔らかいブラシで顔をそっと歩き、余分なメイクを取り除きます。知恵の最も重要なルール   理想的には、比例感覚を示すことです。顔のキャッチーな明るい色が下品に見えます。これは特に昼間のメイクに当てはまります。鏡で自分を注意深く見て、結果に満足しているかどうかを判断してください。







  • 最初のステップは、爪を染色するために準備することです。マニキュアリムーバー(アセトンなしで使用することをお勧めします)を取り、過去のマニキュアの残骸を洗い流します。その後、石鹸で手を徹底的に洗い、乾燥するまで待ってください。
  • 粉砕ファイルを使用して、すべての爪の表面を砂
  • ネイルプレートをネイルファイルで形作ります。楕円形と正方形の爪の形状は最新のファッショントレンドを反映しており、最も一般的ですが、別の形状を選択できます。

知ることが重要です!   爪の角の絶え間ない切断は、剥離と弱体化につながります。


自分自身を描くことを学ぶ方法。まつげカーラーを使用します 蒸しバスにいくつかのバラの花びらを追加できます - これは、プロセスにアロマセラピーのタッチを加えることができます。


  • 特別なお風呂(または別の小さな容器)で、温かい石鹸水を動かして、ピンチの海塩を加えます。ハンドバスの準備ができました。お風呂で手を握ってください 10〜15分 、タオルで取り外して拭いてください;
  • キューティクルをスティックまたはプッシャーでネイルプレートの底にスライドさせます;
  • ピンセットを使用して、処理された釘板の両側に角質化した皮膚をトリミングし、キューティクルを切り取ります;
  • マッサージされた動きで治療領域にクリームを塗布します;
  • 組織で爪をよく拭きます。



これは簡単な方法で確認できます。ワニスのボトルの上にブラシを垂直に保持します。 3 の後の場合   ブラシの数秒はすでにドロップがあり、この時間の後に落ちると、このワニスは高品質で使用できます。

注意!   ワニスはブラシからすぐに排出されるべきではありません。液体ワニスが多すぎるのは、不適切に作られた希釈されたワニスです。


ルールによれば、ペイントブラシでは、ヴィリは丸い形で、側面に突き出ている必要があります。 レイヤーの均一性はブラシに依存します。 。したがって、剛性が中程度であることが必要です。








自分自身を描くことを学ぶ方法。まつげカーラーを使用します スキーム:適切に爪を塗るオプションの1つ



十分に速く乾燥するワニスがあります。   ただし、爪が2つの層でニスを塗られている場合、乾燥するのにもっと時間がかかります。時間を無駄に無駄にしないように、冷たい水のお風呂に爪を浸すことができます。



過剰なワニスは慎重に掃除する必要があります。 、そしてマニキュアを消去しないようにマニキュアが乾燥した後にのみ:

  1. つまようじを取り、端に小さな綿ウールを巻きます。リムーバーのリムーバーに浸したつまようじで過剰なワニスをすすぐ。
  2. 石鹸で手を数回洗います。皿を洗うか、シャワーに行くことをお勧めします。余分なワニスはそれ自体で洗い流されます。







自分自身を描くことを学ぶ方法。まつげカーラーを使用します フランチャイズを作成するには、特別なステンシルを使用できます



  1. マニキュアトング。
  2. さまざまな研磨性のファイル。
  3. キューティクルワンド。
  4. キューティクル軟化液
  5. ベースとトップコート。
  6. この特定のタイプのマニキュアを作成するように設計されたワニス。
  7. ステンシルまたは通常のテープ。


    1. ネイルファイルを使用して爪を形作ります。フランス語の最も一般的な形式は、楕円形と楕円形です。すべての爪が長さが同じであることを確認してください。
    2. ハンドバスを準備して手を握ってください、 8分   それぞれ。次に、タオルで拭きます。
    3. キューティクルを取り除く:キューティクルに液体を塗布し、 20秒   ナプキンで余分な液体を取り除きます。キューティクルを棒で動かします。きちんとしたキューティクルを切ります。温水で手をよく洗ってください。
    4. 保護ベースで爪を塗ります。乾燥するのを待ちます。
    5. すでに成長している爪のその部分で、白いワニス弧(笑顔)を描きます。爪の端から始めて中央に通じてから、同じ方法を描き、爪のもう一方の端から中央まで描きます。時間をかけてアークをきれいにしてください。ワニスが不均一な場合は、マニキュアリムーバーで湿らせた綿棒で過剰を取り除きます。色が表立していると思われる場合は、2番目のレイヤーを適用します。
    6. 最も自然な色合いを持つ明るいピンクのワニスを取り、すべての爪を塗り、爪板の表面全体がニスをします。爪が乾いたら、最後のステップに進みます。
    7. 特別な固定液で爪を塗ります。このコーティングにより、マニキュアは長持ちします。また、爪に光沢のある光沢を与えます。




  • 宿題;
  • プロフェッショナル。


  • ドット - 最後にボールが付いた小さなスティック。小さな要素で適用されます。
  • ブラシ - 複雑なパターンの適用に使用されます。ブラシは、薄くて平らなファンとライナーのブラシに分かれています。


  • ブラシ、フォンダンブラシ。
  • 針、ピン、ピン。
  • アプリケーター、フォームスポンジ。


知ることが重要です!   爪に絵を描くには、作業するために明るい場所を選択する必要があります。


  • 小さな図面は短く、大きくて生い茂った長い爪に適用されます;
  • 小指は最初に装飾されています;
  • 暗い色と明るい色合いを使用すると、爪を視覚的に短くします;
  • フランス語は、それどころか、爪を視覚的に長くします;
  • 最初に、爪はワニスで塗られ、乾燥後にのみ、図面が適用されます;
  • 図面を適用する前に、必ず古典的なマニキュアをしてください;
  • パターンを描いた後、爪を固定剤で覆います。

Do not be discouraged if the first time you do not work out very carefully. With each new pattern you will get better. Therefore, for beginners, it is advisable to select simple drawings for the first time.

Manicure with scotch tape. How to make at home

The manicure with scotch tape is original and uncomplicated. Even beginners quickly learn it.

You will need:

  1. Narrow and single sided tape.
  2. Base for varnish.
  3. Fixing coating.
  4. Nail polishes, several matching shades.
  5. Decor for manicure.

How to do:

  • apply the base under the varnish. Wait until it dries completely;
  • paint your nails with colored varnish. When dry, proceed to the next step;
  • now stick tape to create a picture;
  • apply another varnish to the part of the nail that is open. Again waiting for drying;
  • now you can remove the tape;
  • apply a fixing coating;
  • decorate nails with rhinestones or sparkles.


As you can see, everything is simple. Using tape, you can make up and create a beautiful picture on your nails.

Craquelure effect - how to make it yourself

Craquelure - translated from French means “crack”. This type of manicure belongs to the vintage style. 。 Due to its originality and unusualness, it has become very popular. There are even special craquelure varnishes , after drying of which so-called cracks appear on the nails.

Lucky is divided into two types:

  • filament craquelures (spider);
  • crackle cracks (fences).

What rules should be followed when creating a craquelure:

  • on the nails should be applied a base coat;
  • craquelure is not done on extended nails;
  • varnish is applied quickly so that no lumps form;
  • do not apply varnish in two layers.

First, do a classic manicure. Then apply a basic coating on the nails, after it dries, paint the nails with the selected varnish. As the varnish dries, apply craquelure. And at the end, cover the nails with a fixative.

自分自身を描くことを学ぶ方法。まつげカーラーを使用します   The process of creating a manicure with craquelure effect

Subject to all the above rules, you will be able to make a nail craquelure at home. To create it, you just need to paint over the treated nails with a special varnish, and a beautiful manicure is guaranteed to you.

Do I need to use top and topcoat

Many girls who do manicures for themselves at home find the fixer useless and unnecessary. Perhaps these girls simply never used the topcoat, or used plain transparent varnish instead.

However, a high-quality top coating has several advantages:

  • gives the nails a matte or glossy look, making them more elegant;
  • protects nails from external factors;
  • with fixer manicure will last longer.

There are many types of topcoats from different manufacturers. These are transparent, decorative, matte tops. In addition, today you can find the top and topcoat in one bottle, which is much more convenient and economical.

Is nail polish allowed during pregnancy

There are many different prohibitions for pregnant women. Sometimes they are so strict and adamant that, having heard them, you can begin to be afraid to just live. However, do not run your nails during pregnancy.

For most women, during this period, nails deteriorate from calcium deficiency, so the question often arises:is it allowed to paint nails with varnish during pregnancy.

To apply nail polish, of course, you can, you just need to adhere to some rules:

  • paint nails in ventilated areas;
  • buy varnishes that do not contain camphor and toluene;
  • use a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

Being pregnant is happiness. And if you really wanted to paint your nails, then do not deny yourself this little joy.

In this video, you can learn about one of the ways how to paint your nails at home quickly and accurately:

In this video, you can find two neat ways to apply nail polish:

In this video you can learn about how to beautifully paint your nails with a sponge:

It is important for every woman to maintain a well-groomed appearance and attractiveness. Of particular importance is makeup, which is able to hide all the imperfections on the face and give the image a fresh and neat look. Only here, not every woman knows how to paint, and hence the unwillingness to start this business altogether. Some cannot go outside without makeup, while others remain gray mice, having no idea what shadows, lipsticks and creams are. Stop living like this, let's learn to do the right makeup together.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. Do not believe if you are told that only professionals do good makeup. You yourself can do everything. And what you need for this, now find out.

Stage 1:preparing the face

Wash your face and apply a nourishing cream on it. Wait until the cream is well absorbed, and only then proceed to the next step.

Stage 2:create the foundation

If your face has acne, blackheads, bruises under the eyes, then you can skillfully mask them with a special corrector. As a result, your face will get a well-groomed and neat look, as if it had always been like that.

Now apply the foundation. Remember that it should not differ from the color of your face or be only a tone lighter. To apply the tonal use sponge. Do not overdo it, the foundation is applied in a thin layer, otherwise your face will look artificial.

Stage 3:apply powder and blush

Since you are just learning how to paint correctly, you can completely do without these funds, a foundation will be quite enough. And yet, powder and blush are an important component of beautiful makeup. The powder is applied with a brush. By the way, loose powder is the best. With blush, be careful not to spoil everything, apply them lightly on the cheekbones. This will help you adjust your face shape and make your makeup more expressive.

Stage 3:paint the eyes

Now let's see, in pencil. This simple item is able to make eyes more expressive and attractive. A line with a pencil is usually applied in front of the shadows, but some do and vice versa. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the structure of the pencil:it should be soft and not scratch the skin of the eyes. To begin to draw lines, you can practice on a piece of paper. You can draw a line with a pencil in two ways, starting from the inner corner of the eye or from the middle. The closer the line is to the eyebrows, the better. You can use a pencil for both the upper eyelid and the lower one. if you do not succeed all at once, as you can paint correctly only after a few workouts. In general, drawing with a pencil is more difficult than eyeliner:you won’t be able to draw a line without breaking.

Try experimenting with shadows. To make the eyes more expressive, choose light shades. Dark shadows can visually enlarge the eyes, and if you do not need it, then try to avoid them.

Well, finally, we will figure out how to properly color eyelashes. The price of the carcass does not play a special role, since even the most inexpensive can be of high quality. Mascara should be applied from the roots of the eyelashes to the ends. After applying mascara, comb the eyelashes with a special brush, and then wait a minute until they dry. Then you can apply the mascara again until you achieve the desired result. But do not overdo it, it is not necessary that there are too many mascaras - the eyelashes will look clumpy and sloppy. Try to color the side and lower eyelashes, so it will be more attractive. By the way, it is not necessary that the mascara is black. If you have blond hair, then you can also apply brown eyelashes.

Stage 4:paint the lips

To understand how to properly paint, you can not lose sight of the lips. Beautifully made up, they perfectly complement any kind of makeup. Small difficulties arise with the choice of lipstick or gloss color. Do not be afraid to experiment, because only in this way will you be able to find the color that suits you best.

First, draw a pencil around the contours of the lips. It should be a little darker. After that, gently paint your lips with lipstick or gloss.

That's all, the makeup is done!

The female gaze is able to subdue and capture attention from the first seconds. For this reason, most makeup options focus on the eyes. It is important to know how to properly paint them to emphasize the advantages and visually hide the disadvantageous anatomical features.

What is needed for eye makeup?

Stylists advise to pre-equip a cosmetic bag with a basic set, which includes:

  •   for shadows, preferably in 2 sizes;
  •   (tapes, bunches);
  • eyeliners;
  • shadows;
  • convenient eyeliner;
  • mascara (preferably black);
  •   - optional.

Before you make up your eyes, it is recommended to apply a base under the shadows on your eyelids. In this area, many (about 80%) women have oily skin. As a result, cosmetics can crumble, roll into sloppy rollers and collect in folds. The base warns of such problems. Additionally, it prolongs the resistance of visage (up to 16 hours) and enhances the pigmentation of shadows.

How to make up eyes beautifully at home?

The perfect make-up of glossy magazines, made by professionals, can be done independently. Beautiful eye makeup should meet the following rules:

  1. Contrast with the color of the iris.   If the shades of cosmetics coincide with it, the look becomes dull, lost against the background of shadows.
  2. Disguise the flaws.   Make-up for narrow, deep-set eyes, overhanging eyelids and other defects is performed with certain features.
  3. Accent.   Makeup is designed to emphasize the look and focus on it.
  4. Durability.   Even the ideal ways to beautifully make up your eyes will not save when using low-quality products.
  5. Harmoniousness.   Cosmetics should go well with the whole image - the outfit and hairstyle, the individual style of the woman.

There is a classic scheme on the basis of which most makeup options are made. The standard method for applying eye shadow is shown in the figure. The numbers indicate the degree of brightness of cosmetics:

  • 1 - the lightest tone;
  • 3 - shadows of medium saturation;
  • 4 - a more contrasting shade;
  • 5 - the darkest shadows.


An intermediate tone (2) is obtained by mixing 1 and 3. In the process of thorough shading, a smooth transition from a light to a dark shade is formed. If desired, you can add separately the 2nd color to the scheme, between 1 and 3. The simplified method of applying shadows involves the use of 3 shades - the lightest, medium saturated and dark.

The specified type of cosmetics helps to emphasize the growth line of eyelashes, to make them visually thicker. Using a pencil, the eye section is clearly distinguished, they can beautifully draw arrows and even apply instead of shadows using the feathering technique. This product is available in 2 versions - with retractable and stationary stylus. The first type of pencils is softer, they are more economical to use and shade well. The second type is harder, it must be constantly grind.

How to apply eyeliner is shown in the diagram below:

  1. Draw a neat, even line along the growth zone of the upper eyelashes, filling the gaps between the hairs. It is better to use black or dark brown.
  2. With the same pencil, slightly emphasize the lower eyelid, starting from its middle.
  3. In white, draw the inner edge and outer corner.


The described cosmetic is necessary for drawing clear lines without shading, therefore it is used when creating graphic arrows. Before you apply eyeliner, you need to draw them in shadows. If the products are used in the wrong order, the lines will be faded or blurry. Eyeliners are available in different versions, women individually choose the most convenient types:

  • gel;
  • cream;
  • felt-tip pen.

Given the features of this product, its bowl is used when drawing arrows. The photo below shows how to beautifully apply eyeliner:

  1. Draw a straight line along the eyelashes, preferably in one motion.
  2. Closer to the outer corner of the eye lift it up a little.
  3. Draw a line that extends the lower eyelid from the outside. Connect it to the top.
  4. Fill in the empty space of the arrow.


The final stage of makeup is one of the most important. If eyelashes are poorly stained, the entire effect of makeup is lost. In some cases, mascara may be the only cosmetic product in the make-up, for example, beautiful eye makeup for brown large eyes with natural thick and curled eyelashes is sometimes performed without eyeliner and eye shadow. Using the technique recommended by experienced stylists, it’s easy to achieve results with budget cosmetics.

The figure below shows how to apply mascara on eyelashes:

  1. Dye the upper hairs from the inside, moving from the eyeball to the tips. The brush should not only go out, but also “walk” from side to side with a small amplitude.
  2. Using soft twisting movements, apply lashes on the outside.
  3. Make hairs in the outer corner of the eye separately. The carcass brush should be at an angle of 100-120 degrees to the line of the moving eyelid. The outer corner is painted over only with its end.


How to make up eyes?

With the help of competent makeup, you can visually smooth out many anatomical defects of the eyelids, including ptosis (drooping) and make the look deep and sensual. Ways to expressively make up eyes depend on their section, size and makeup goals. Any make-up should emphasize the shade of the iris and create a pronounced accent, draw attention to the look.

How to increase eyes with makeup?

There are several basic tricks that provide the desired result. Recommendations on how to make-up your eyes so that they seem bigger:

  1. Apply a light beige, milk or pink pencil to the entire water line of the lower eyelid.
  2. Draw the inner corner of the eye with white shimmering shadows or with the effect of radiance.
  3. The arrow along the eyelash growth line should be either as thin as possible or well shaded, with or without a short ponytail.
  4. It is important to tighten the eyelashes and work well with mascara. A pronounced increase is given by false hairs, tape or bundle.

Before you beautifully make up your eyes and make them visually larger, it is better to familiarize yourself with the work of professionals. The photos below show the most successful makeup examples from famous stylists collaborating with Hollywood stars. Most of the options are very simple, they can be repeated at home.

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How to make up deep-set eyes?

Most women confuse the impending eyelid with this particular look and cause the wrong make-up. It is important to use the correct methods, how you can make up your eyes and visually reduce the depth of their fit, push forward (examples are shown in the photo):

  1. Do not emphasize the natural fold between the movable and fixed eyelids. Arrows do neat and clear, without shading.
  2. Make up the upper eyelid with light, flickering cosmetics.
  3. Twist the eyelashes and color with mascara, which gives volume. If desired, you can use overhead accessories.
  4. Lighten the inner cavity near the nose or concealer.
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How to make up narrow eyes?

Women with an Asian age tend to visually expand the incision vertically. Beautiful makeup for narrow eyes helps to achieve this goal, but it is important not to overdo it by drawing unnatural lines. Good evening make-up options for the described cases - smokey ice in any shades. This type of make-up visually expands the cut of the eyes, rounds them. Daytime makeup should be less saturated and bright. To create it, the following recommendations should be followed, how to beautifully paint narrow eyes:

  1. The upper arrow should not be too thin, the average and increased thickness, clarity and graphics of the line are welcome.
  2. It is better to emphasize the lower eyelid with dark shadows or a soft pencil with shading of 3-4 mm. This extends the boundaries of the eye.
  3. The upper eyelid, up to the brow bone, is covered with light shades. Dark color is applied only to the outer corner of the eye and above the natural fold.
  4. The longer and rounder the eyelashes, the wider and more open your eyes.
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How to make up big eyes?

A large section of the eyes does not always look beautiful. Excessively convex and round eyes have to visually make smaller and more proportional. Visage in the situation under consideration is fundamentally the opposite of the previous options. Makeup for large eyes is based on the following principles:

  1. The upper and lower arrows are drawn along the entire line of both eyelids, like a stroke
  2. It is important to use a dark soft pencil to blend the lines. Arrows should be thick and fuzzy.
  3. The moving eyelid is completely covered with dark shadows or color with medium pigmentation.
  4. The area under the eyebrow should remain clean.
  5. False eyelashes will not be needed, an extension mascara will be sufficient.
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How to make up eyes with overhanging eyelids?

The main task of this makeup is to emphasize and raise the natural fold. With such a feature of the eyelids, standard methods will not work, how to make up arrows on the eyes. In the case of a strong overhang, it is better to completely abandon them, emphasizing the line of eyelash growth with a fine feathering of dark shadows. Some useful tips on how to beautifully brighten your eyes with a “heavy” eyelid:

  1. Darken external corners as much as possible. The area with the application of saturated cosmetics should be clearly visible with an open eye.
  2. Using a wide eye shadow brush, apply a dark color to the crease of the movable eyelid and above it (0.5-1 cm).
  3. Above the eyelash growth line should remain a bright strip. It can even be emphasized with a white pencil or shadows.
  4. It is important to blend the cosmetics thoroughly, creating a haze effect, no sudden transitions are allowed.
  5. Gently brighten the inner corner of the eye, capturing a third of the moving eyelid.
  6. To emphasize a little the growth line of the lower eyelashes, similarly blending the drawing.
  7. Curl and make up eyelashes in bulk.
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Beautiful eye makeup for every day

Visage for work, study and other activities should not be too catchy and bright. Everyday eye makeup tends to naturalness, so when it is performed, professionals recommend using a restrained range of cosmetics:

  1. For gray and blue shades of the iris, you can apply “cold” (silver, blue) and warm (beige, brown, pink) colors of shadows.
  2. Daytime makeup for brown eyes is easier to perform than others, any makeup palette is suitable. Some women have enough to gently apply eyelashes and emphasize the line of their growth with eyeliner.
  3. Daytime makeup for green eyes looks beautiful with a combination of swamp and brown shades. The most restrained option is pastel shades of body gamut.
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Beautiful evening make-up

For special cases, a rich and contrasting make-up with a pronounced emphasis on the eyes is required. To emphasize the color of the iris, it is important to choose the right shades:

  1. Evening make-up for blue eyes (and gray) looks beautiful when using turquoise, purple, bright blue and similar tones. Bold combinations with gradient transitions can be invented.
  2. Evening makeup for brown eyes is performed with any palette of shadows. The main thing is that the main color does not coincide with the iris.
  3. Evening makeup for green eyes is recommended to be done in contrast. Red, orange, yellow shadows will do. With a dark iris, grassy, \u200b\u200bemerald colors look beneficial.
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