あなたが明るい緑の目の幸せな所有者である場合、メイクの配色は髪の色に基づいて選択する必要があります 。太い飽和色はブルネットに適しています。ブロンドの場合、影は軽く、軽く、無重力でなければなりません。ガンマ自体に関しては、選択は広範囲に及ぶ可能性がありますが、薄い緑と青の色を避けることをお勧めします - その中で目は失われ、自然な表現力を失います。
灰色の緑の目は、あなたの欲望と気分に応じて、緑または灰色のいずれかに焦点を合わせることができます。 2つのオプションのいずれかについて、パステルカラーとソフトシェードを使用することをお勧めします 暗くて派手な色を避けます。黒い液体のアイライナーに頼ることはお勧めしません。それではなく、鉛筆を好むか、それなしでもやる方が良いです。下まぶたのまつげの成長線に沿って、いくつかのライラックまたは軽い紫色の色合いを分配することで、興味深い重点を置くことができます。
濃い緑色の目はまれです。このような珍しい色の愛人は、メイクアップに使用することができます暗い色合い あらゆる種類の色。この場合の古典的なネコの「矢印」も便利ですが、ブルネットまたは茶色の髪の女性のみです。
例として、昼間のメイクのオプションの1つを検討してください。基礎として、柔らかい桃の花の影を取ります 上まぶた全体をカバーしています。まぶたの内側部分の約1/3は、明るい灰色の色合いで明るくする必要があります。目のまぶたの外側の端にバイオレットの影を塗り、それらを少し真ん中に混ぜます。まぶたの下まぶたで、まつげの成長の線に沿って、セピアの色合い、つまりナーカーの小さな灰色を使用します。マスカラ上のまつげ、この場合はペイントしない方が良いです。必要に応じて、まぶたを真ん中から外側のエッジまでから薄いブラシまたは鉛筆で持参できます。
夕方の外観を作成するために必要な化粧品さまざまな色合い 。上まぶたの内側(2/3)に明るい灰色の影を、それぞれ外側1/3に暗い灰色を置きます。これはすべて徹底的に覆われています。まつげの成長の線に沿って同じダークグレーのパレットを下まぶたに置くことを忘れないでください。私たちはこれを細いブラシで慎重に行います。輪郭を鉛筆で塗り、マスカラで仕上げます。
実験することを恐れないでください。しかし、毎日のメイクでは、実証済みのWin-Winオプションに従うことをお勧めします。高品質のメイクアップの成功の鍵は、自然が与えたイメージの変化ではなく、その正確で微妙な装飾 、さまざまな状況での特定のオプションの関連性を考慮して。
緑の目に毎日メイクを適用する方法(ステップバイステップ) - 写真と説明は、このような興味深い質問を明確にすることができます。
ファッショナブルな弓を作成するとき、緑色の目をした所有者に青のあらゆる色合いを使用するように強くお勧めします 、それは見た目を大幅に計量するからです。
注:上まぶたが明るい色合い、たとえばピンクやライラックで覆われている場合、より穏やかな色合いで底を強調する方が良いです - 灰色、茶色、または黒。
スタイリストは、顔の形状とその上部の割合を視覚的に整列させることをお勧めします。そのようなまぶたを3つのトーンで覆う方が良いです - ニュートラル、明るい、暗い飽和。
この欠点は、2つの色合いの影で均等になります - 明るくて暗いです。まぶた全体と眉の領域さえも光で覆われており、目の内側の角を覆い、慎重に外側の部分に溶け込む暗い色の滴で。
このタイプの目の主なものは、目に見えない遷移であり、目に見えるスポットはありません。 上からのアクセントに使用された同じトーンで目の下部をそっと覆います。
緑色の目の毎日のメイクはステップバイステップ(写真と説明は最も一般的な間違いを避けるのに役立ちます)には主なルールがあります - すべての詳細を描くことなく、すべてを慎重に行います。
この機能を備えた女の子は、見た目をさらに深くするために塗装する必要があります。たとえば、ベージュブラウンガンマなど、自然に近い色合いを使用するのが最善です。 win-winはこのオプションです:
Smokey Eyesは、常に流行している最も人気のあるメイクアップオプションの1つです。さまざまな色で実行されます。スモーキーアイスを試すことを決めた緑の目の女の子は、次のポイントを考慮する必要があります:
It is no secret that depending on lighting, clothes and makeup, green eyes can change the shade, in this regard, it is extremely important to choose the right beautiful and contrasting make-up. Professional makeup artists advise choosing shades from a warm palette to emphasize the eyes.
The most suitable shade tones for green-eyed girls in purple colors. Ideal shadows for girls with green eyes:
Scarlet shade in the shadows, burgundy eyeliner or red mascara - a great way to emphasize eye color and expressiveness of the look.
However, red nuances should be handled carefully, because depending on the skin tone, such a tint can give the appearance of soreness. To avoid the effect, you need to dilute the makeup with a black or dark brown element.
In some cases, shadows can be replaced with pale pink blush. The basic rule is a light and soft shade, possibly with a peach tint. The main thing is that the blush is always dry, with a creamy texture, problems may arise when applying.
From lipsticks to green-eyed girls, the colors used in classic and retro makeup are suitable:
The advantage of green eyes is that almost all well-known makeup techniques are suitable for them. Colored arrows, stylized in a colorful tone, the outer corners of the eyes and the embossed method of applying shadows will look most beneficial.
It is especially important to choose the right makeup for green eyes and blond hair. Without a suitable combination of shadows, green eyes may be lost against a bright background. Green-eyed blondes are especially suitable shades:
The most fashionable and relevant will be the taupe shade - a combination of gray-brown color with a lilac undertones. If you complement this makeup with neat arrows, you can achieve a stunning effect.
Mascara of almost any shade is suitable for fair hair and green eyes:black, gray, brown, with sparkles. The same can be said about eyeliner, especially caramel or green. The blue and burgundy arrows will look no less beautiful.
Lipsticks for green-eyed blondes can be selected in any shade. Brown shades and orange pigments are best suited. The choice of lipsticks should focus on bright colors:
You can apply lipstick in the ombre technique, creating a smooth transition from one color to another, while you should not forget about the pencil for the contour. This method will help visually enlarge the lips.
Makeup options for green eyes and dark hair are many. Thanks to this combination, you can choose almost any technique and color scheme, which will help make the image even more spectacular.
Makeup artists are also advised to use a shimmer to give expressiveness to the look, especially for evening festivities and special occasions. Shadows with a pearly shimmer will be quite relevant. However, there are a number of contraindications, for example, too clear bright contouring and brown mascara.
From eyeliners, it is better to give preference to the classic black, purple, green and blue options. Gray arrows are allowed if they are with glitter.
For brunettes with green eyes, there is a huge selection of makeup techniques, from simple arrows to complex tricks, such as the “butterfly”. Depending on the reason and purpose of the makeup, the tones used in the make-up and, of course, lipstick vary.
Fashionable and beautiful shades of lipstick for dark-haired girls with green eyes:
Saturated lipsticks should be chosen with a matte finish, less bright ones with a pearly tint. Such combinations will help balance the makeup without overloading it, especially if the makeup is designed for work or a day date.
Depending on the purpose of makeup, there are two main types:evening and day. Girls with green eyes must take this nuance into account in order to create an image that suits the occasion.
Evening makeup is usually much more colorful and vibrant than daytime. Everyday focuses on the allocation of only the eyes or lips, mainly the emphasis of the daily make-up is placed directly on the eyes.
The shades of shades and lipsticks corresponding to the event also differ. However, there are universal options, such as makeup with arrows or nude smokey ice. The only difference is the tone and the number of bright elements in the image.
Evening makeup for green eyes necessarily includes bright color nuances. Basically, to create such a make-up, it is recommended to use shades that emphasize the color of the eyes and with the flicker effect.
Ideal shadows for evening makeup:
The most fashionable evening make-up technique for green eyes is Smokey Ice. For smoky make-up, at least two shades of shadows should be used. The most trendy option will be:golden, green, black, with a brown element.
Another great color combination for an evening smokey ice:yellow, light green, aquamarine. The transition should be made as smooth as possible from light from the inner corner of the eye to dark from the outside.
Perfectly complement the bright smoky makeup blue eyeliner or pencil, applied to the inner part of the lower eyelid. Using false eyelashes with such a make-up will be overkill.
Lipsticks for evening makeup are better to choose depending on other shades:
Also, a make-up for an evening celebration can be supplemented with bright arrows. If the makeup is done in nude tones, it is recommended to use a shimmer or a saturated eyeliner of bronze, golden or indigo. And in order not to overload the selected color scheme, you should draw arrows from the same palette, but the shade is darker or lighter.
The easiest evening make-up option is performed in a relief technique using a shimmer. To do this, it is necessary to cover the entire eyelid with a base, preferably a beige nude shade. Then, light brown shadows are applied to the moving eyelid, mainly cream shades for better coverage.
The shimmer is applied to the movable eyelid, then gently blend it onto the stationary eyelid to create a gradient transition. Glitter is also carefully added to the inner corner of the eye and under the lower eyelid with a thin strip.
The creation of daytime makeup for green eyes is based on the selection of neutral shades, as the everyday make-up is intended mainly for work, business meetings or dates. However, even the daily option can be made interesting and attractive.
Suitable shades of eyeshadow to create a day makeup for green eyes:
Professionals of their business argue that for everyday make-up, arrows will not be superfluous:nude, golden, brown or even black. Regular eyeliner can be replaced with a soft pencil, which should be shaded.
Moreover, daily makeup for green eyes is recommended to be diluted with a small bright accent. It can be arrows or eyeliner of the lower eyelid with saturated color.
Lipsticks for daytime makeup are also chosen in light and warm colors. Ordinary lipstick can be replaced with a light shine with a subtle pink tint or even use cream blush.
Shades of lipstick for daytime makeup green eyes:
Everyday makeup for green eyes can be done step by step in delicate colors using a relief technique and the addition of an unfinished arrow.
Step 1: Using a medium hard brush, apply a color base to the movable eyelid. For this purpose, you can take peach or beige shades, preferably with a mother-of-pearl shimmer or golden tint.
Step 2: Using a soft brush, smoothly blend the shadows onto the fixed eyelid and into the outer corner of the eyes so that the shadows resemble a blurry triangle.
Step 3: With a black soft pencil we draw an arrow from the middle of the eyelash growth line on the upper eyelid. The arrow should not be wide, just fill the space between the eyelashes with color.
Step 4: With black eyeliner, repeat the shape of the existing arrow and complement it. From the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the arrow should expand, and its tip go beyond the eyelids. The outer tip is recommended to be made as thin as possible and bent up to “open” the look.
Step 5: Choose an additional shade of shadows. The ideal option would be taupe or dark gray. With a narrow brush, apply it over the arrow, visually reducing it so that until the middle of the century there remains a barely noticeable strip. Then shade closer to the outer corner to get a smooth transition.
Step 6: Having finished shading carefully, so as not to stain makeup with mascara, we color the cilia. We try so that they do not stick together, otherwise the effect of “natural” makeup will disappear.
The green eyes of girls are unusual and beautiful. They differ in shades and require a special approach from the owners to emphasize the beauty presented by nature. To n everyday makeup for green eyes looked natural, you need to choose the most winning tones.
Adhering to certain rules for applying makeup, girls will be able to emphasize the beauty and naturalness of their eyes. Experts advise starting with the selection of cosmetics, given the following nuances:
The best way to emphasize the natural beauty of the face is to use warm, pastel shades of decorative cosmetics.
Everyday makeup for green eyes begins with a careful selection of cosmetics. To emphasize the natural color, shades such as peach, emerald, turquoise, brown, purple and violet are suitable.
Shadows are selected based on the desired result:
Multicolor makeup is also appropriate, but it requires the right selection of shades. Emphasizing green eyes is not as easy as it seems. The natural shade in itself is beautiful and self-sufficient.
Every day, girls want to look beautiful and well-groomed. Consider how to do everyday makeup for green eyes step by step:
You can learn how to apply makeup even at home. The main thing is that while working with cosmetics, do not overdo it with color and apply them carefully.
Properly selected shade of shadows can make the image of a girl gentle and natural. Everyday makeup for green eyes, the photo of which can be seen in this article, was made by professional stylists.
At home, mastering the technique of applying cosmetics is very simple. Consider the best makeup options for green eyes.
Smoky shades are suitable for girls with big eyes. Smooth color transitions from light to more saturated are the main secret of makeup. The best shades will be purple, terracotta. In this makeup do not use blush and bright lipstick.
Suitable for both everyday make-up and festive. In this case, use a soft pink blush. Smooth transitions of shades of shades in copper and chocolate tones will allow you to get a cute image.
Calm shades are suitable for office makeup. In this case, the use of arrows, eyeliners, bright lipstick is completely eliminated. Shades are selected in brown and peach tones.
Pastel colors will help create makeup in the power of "nude." A minimum of cosmetics is used, which allows you to make the image natural.
It is better for beginners to start doing everyday makeup for green eyes step by step. A photo of the process from professionals will help you choose the right shades of decorative cosmetics.
Girls use cosmetics to emphasize their natural beauty, remove skin imperfections and give the face a healthy look. To create a light everyday makeup for green eyes, adhere to the following rules:
To emphasize the eyes, you need to draw eyebrows.
This simple and easy make-up is very popular among young girls. It is perfect for office dress code. Everyday makeup for green eyes, made in this technique, looks very beautiful and natural. How to make it:
This method of makeup can be mastered by every girl. It does not require special skills and a lot of cosmetics.
Green eyes are a gift of nature. Girls must learn to properly emphasize their beauty and color depth. To do this, you need a minimum of skills and a small amount of makeup.