このバラエティはとても上品で繊細ですが、それは強力な影響力を持っています!深みのあるエスプレッソブラウンのトレスと、ライトブラウンの染毛剤で実現されたハイライトの組み合わせが特徴です。 2つの色合いの違いはそれほど大きくありませんが、それでもブロンズの次元を与え、顔を明るくするのに役立ちます。
茶色の髪も少し暖かくなります。これは通常、黄色または赤がたくさん含まれていることを意味します。 2つのアンダートーンは大きく異なり、少し複雑になる可能性があります。
この薄茶色の染毛剤は、ほぼすべての人に最適です!少し明るくしたり、少し暗くしたりする場合でも、髪をほんの少し金色のゴージャスな茶色の色合いにすることができます。これは、ほとんどの人にとってお世辞です。クリームの処方は髪にとても優しく、完全なグレーのカバーも提供します。フォーミュラには他のアンダートーンも含まれているので、誰でも一致するものを見つけることができます。 Amazon から注文する !
灰色を覆ったり、茶色の髪の色を調整したり、ブロンドの髪を少し暗くしたりしたい場合は、この染毛剤が勝者です。とても優しくて潤いがあるので、デリケートな髪や傷んだ髪の人には特に素晴らしいです。ミディアムブラウンの髪には効果がありますが、ダークブラウンやブラックの髪を十分に明るくしない場合があります。この色合いは、温かみのある色調と涼しい色調の両方で見事な銅のヒントを伴う黄金色ですが、より赤みがかったまたは恥ずかしがり屋のオプションも大好きです。 Ulta で入手してください !
特にライトゴールデンブラウンは、暖かみと輝きはありますが、真ちゅう性がない素晴らしい色合いなので、お世辞と豪華です。グレーをうまくカバーしますが、このリストの他のいくつかのオプションよりも少し速くフェードします。 Amazon で購入できます 。
If you’re covering grays or looking to just slightly alter your hair color, this gentle hair dye is a great choice. It works well on light brown or dark blonde virgin hair, though it’s ammonia-free so it won’t lighten dark hair more than a level or two. This neutral-cool light brown tone is very versatile, and it pairs well with other ashy colors (light brown and ash blonde balayage, anyone?), though there are also options with more coppery or golden undertones. It’s available on Amazon 。
If your goal light brown hair shade is a golden caramel, this is the perfect color. This formula from Garnier is especially great for lightening darker hair. While the formula is reinforced with different botanical oils, it still contains the ingredients necessary to lift pigment from the hair, so if your hair is dry, it could still damage it a bit. Amazon から購入してください !
When you want drama, L’Oreal Feria is one of the best hair dyes to choose! It’s not ideal for covering grays, but this means that it also gives a very multi-dimensional color. We recommend Downtown Brown with very dark brunettes in mind because this color simultaneously lifts and colors the hair. This means you won’t have to bleach your hair at all! The shade it gives is a shimmery cool brown that can look great as a balayage or all over. If your hair is naturally lighter, 60 Light Brown is a good choice instead. Both are sold by Amazon 。
If your hair is naturally light or it’s already been bleached, this is a great way to experiment with light brown hair – especially if you’re not ready to totally commit! It’s a gentle, moisturizing semi-permanent formula that imparts zero damage but a gorgeous, warm brown color with a caramel-like undertone. The formula is very thin, so it’s easy to spread, but it can make a bit of a mess. It leaves the hair feeling soft and smelling amazing. Pick it up on Amazon !
If you’re dreaming of a light brown balayage over darker hair, then this kit makes it easy. It lightens the hair by just a few levels to give a golden light brown shade while minimizing potential damage. It comes with an applicator brush and instructions for easy and foolproof balayaging at home! Like other Garnier formulas, it also contains avocado oil to nourish and condition the hair. You can shop for it on Amazon 。
We think out of all of the options on our list, this is the easiest light brown hair dye to apply! It comes as a foam, so rubbing it in is simple and gets into every nook and cranny. The shade itself is a neutral light brown that is rich, chocolatey, and universally flattering. It covers grays thoroughly and will help color both slightly lighter and darker hair. Amazon から入手してください !
If you’re the kind who likes to mix, match, and DIY, this ashy light brown hair dye is awesome. It’s made with professionals in mind, so we don’t recommend it for beginners, but if you’re a regular hair dye user, it’s worth a try. This permanent color covers grays completely, and it lasts a very long time. It gives a light, ashy shade of light brown that’s cool-neutral and very versatile, and you can use as much or as little as you need each time. Amazon で見つけてください , along with the appropriate developer!
This hair dye is a classic, and even after so many years on the market, it’s still a great choice. This shade is a gorgeous golden brown that gleams and pairs well with lighter gold tones. The long-lasting formula is easy to apply with a thick cream consistency that doesn’t drip. It processes quickly to cover grays and alter both lighter and darker hair colors. It’s available on Amazon 。
Dyeing your hair light brown might mean that you have to go darker, or it might mean that you have to go lighter! It all depends on what hair color you’re starting out with.
If your hair is just a little darker or a little lighter than the light brown hair color you want to try, then a regular hair dye will be more than enough! If your hair is significantly darker, however, then you will probably need to bleach it first, although just one session with a lower-volume developer will probably be enough.
That said, we did find a few light brown hair dye kits that can lighten dark brown hair all on their own. It’s worth noting that when you go from dark to light, the hair often turns very warm naturally, so you may want to choose a more golden or ashier light brown hair dye, even if you’re aiming for a neutral or slightly warm light brown hair.
If your hair is very light, then you might need to dye it a few times before the light brown hair dye can really take hold. You can do this in steps – first dyeing your hair a darker blonde and then dyeing it a light brown.
Another thing to keep in mind is undertones – it’s very common for ash brown hair to turn green when applied to very light hair, but you can counter that by opting for a warmer light brown hair color or by filling in your hair with a darker golden blonde or copper blonde color at first.
If your hair has already been dyed, especially if it’s a darker color or a very saturated color, you should first do a color-removing session. Otherwise, it’s very difficult to lighten dyed hair, while for hair that’s been dyed a lighter color, the pigment can cause your light brown hair dye to come out muddy or altered.
Finally, another thing to consider is what kind of light brown hair color look you’re going for. Are you wanting light brown hair all-over, or just a balayage? We give directions for solid, all-over color, but you might want to play around with placement or combining different shades of brown for different effects.
• Before you get started, set yourself up for success! Make sure you have everything you need on hand. Then get yourself ready by putting on an old shirt and the gloves.
• Using the pointy end of your hair dyeing brush, separate your hair into however many sections will make it easy for you to dye. 3-5 is usually perfect. Make sure the sections also follow the natural part of your hair.
• In a bowl or mixing bottle, put together your hair dye and developer and mix them together.
• If you’re worried about staining the skin, apply petroleum jelly along your hairline and to the tops of your ears, and it will act as a protective barrier.
• If you’re also relying on the hair dye to lighten your hair, save the roots for last. If you’re covering gray hairs or starting with a light hair color, then start with the roots.
• Start by covering the part of your hair with light brown hair dye. Dispense the color and then use the brush to pat it in along the length of your part and pull it outwards about an inch.
• Next, start dyeing your hair in sections. Unclip the first section and separate a smaller piece from it. Start applying color at the root, pulling the color down towards the ends with the brush and dispensing more dye as you go along if it’s necessary.
• Keep dyeing that first section in small pieces until it’s covered in its entirety. You can massage the hair a bit with your gloved fingers to make sure the hair dye covers each hair completely.
• Once you’re done, clip that section back up and unclip the next section.
• Continue dyeing your entire head in the same fashion.
• Finally, once your entire head is covered, go back over the roots since that’s usually where mistakes and missed spots are the most likely. You can simply massage more dye into the roots with your hands.
• Clip up all of your hair and wait 20-45 minutes for the color to take its hold. Usually, the longer you let the color sit in your hair, the darker it will get, although this also depends on the formula.
• You can put on a shower cap, especially if you’re worried about staining walls or clothes.
• Once your hair has finished processing, hop into the shower and rinse out the color. Don’t shampoo your hair, although you can condition it if you like.
• Get out of the shower and either wait for your hair to air-dry or help it along with blow-drying on a low, gentle setting.
• Examine your hair to see if you spot any mistakes or missed spots – if you do, correct them with a bit more hair dye.
• Once your hair is done, enjoy your new look and keep reading for more brunette hair tips!
Light brown hair dye tends to hold quite well, but you should still follow some basic maintenance steps in order to keep it healthy and shiny.
• No matter the color, it’s really important that you keep hair washing to a minimum after you’ve dyed your hair. The less frequently you shampoo your hair, the longer your color will last, and the better it will look.
• What you use when you shampoo your light brown hair is also very important! First and foremost, avoiding hot water is key to preserving the integrity of the hair, especially if you transitioned from dark brown to light brown.
• Sulfate-free shampoos are also important because they help to clean the hair without pulling out the dye.
• You can choose a slightly tinted shampoo that will help to reinforce the undertone of your light brown hair, as well. Choose a shampoo that corresponds with the undertone of your light brown hair, so a reddish shampoo for copper brown, a gold shampoo for a golden brown, a blue shampoo for cool brown, or a purple shampoo for ash brown.
• If you’ve dyed your hair light brown all over, you will have to touch up the root every 4-6 weeks. Light brown balayage and sombre hair colors are much more forgiving, and you may not need to worry about touching up the roots at all.
• The sun’s rays can cause colors like light brown to fade, so take care of your hair by wearing a hat or by using a UV protecting hair product like Sun Bum’s 3-in-1 Leave-in Hair Conditioner Spray from Amazon 。
• Heat styling is not as problematic on light brown hair as it is on heavily bleached hair, but it still takes a toll. Try to limit how often you use heat-styling tools and opt for lower temperatures. Blow-drying on a low setting is usually the safest way to heat style the hair.
• If you’re a swimmer, be aware that chlorinated water from pools can alter your hair color. You can apply a protective leave-in conditioner before getting in the pool or even just soak your hair with regular water to prevent the chlorine from getting in. Make sure to wash your hair immediately after getting out of the pool in order to rinse the chlorine out, as well.
The great thing about light brown hair is that it doesn’t require too many changes. Other details, like your skin tone, eye color, and outfit color will be much more important when it comes to creating your makeup look. We still have a few tips and tricks to help you match your makeup to your hair, although, don’t be afraid to break the rules and experiment!
• The one thing you will probably have to change is the shade you use to fill in your brows. Make sure to choose an eyebrow pencil that matches the undertone of your light brown hair. Choose a chocolate tone for neutral light brown, an ash tone for cool brown, an auburn or ginger tone for reddish brown, or a blonde shade for brown hair with gold undertones.
• When it comes to foundation or concealer, you don’t need to change anything! As long as you get the level of coverage you like and your products match your skin tone, you’re good to go.
• The same applies to other complexion products like contour, bronzer, and highlight. Depending on the type of color change you’ve undergone, you may find yourself wanting to use those dimension-enhancing products more or less. Usually, when going from lighter hair to darker hair, you want to amp things up and vice versa.
• Unless your light brown hair color leans very strongly towards cool gray or reddish brown, you don’t need to worry at all about your blush clashing, so just make sure to choose a blush shade that suits your undertone.
• If your hair does lean very strongly towards a particular undertone, choose a blush that’ll match, so a warm peach or copper blush for coppery hair, a berry, pink or purple-based blush for cool hair, or a neutral blush for red-brown hair.
• The same undertone principles apply to lipstick, although, there is a ton of room here to play around, and the less saturated a lipstick color is, the more likely it is to work with your hair no matter the undertone.
• When it comes to eye makeup, you can play around as much or as little as you like! Neutrals, metallics, jewel tones, earth tones, bright shades – the important thing is that the colors you choose flatter your skin tone and eye color.
• Finally, let’s talk about mascara! A black mascara is always a safe choice, even with light brown hair, but if you want an extremely natural look, you can choose a dark brown mascara instead.
Brunettes can wear whatever they please! Once again, there are no strict rules, but we do have some suggestions.
• In general, some contrast between clothes and hair tends to be the most flattering, so you want to avoid brown shades that are too close to your hair color, especially in dresses or jackets that take up a lot of space.
• We find that even when it comes to brown hair that skews warm or cool, there are rarely any clashes since the brown base is still more balanced than primary or even secondary colors.
• Choose solid colors that have contrast with your hair! Any vivid or bright color will work.
• Light brown hair looks especially fetching against bright yellow, any saturated shade of blue, violet, magenta, orange, and, of course, red!
• If you want a more elegant look that won’t stand out too much, opt for darker hues of those bright colors, like navy, dark green, or burgundy.
• When it comes to pastels, it’s better to choose a lighter pastel that’s very close to beige or white, so you can have a bit more of a contrast between your hair and the garment.
• From color blocking to subtler color stories, feel free to experiment. As long as there’s some contrast between the different shades you’re wearing, it’ll be easier to wear colors that on their own wouldn’t look good with your hair, like browns.