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Balayageとは何ですか? Balayageは、「掃除またはペイントする」という意味のフランス語の言葉です。髪の毛に関してはまさにそれです!





Q&Aとスタイルの作成者、Rachael Louise
オーナー /アーティスト @ Yasss Studio St. Albert、AB










Rainbow Balayageは活気に満ちた人目を引く色で、群衆の中で髪を際立たせます。レインボーバレージは完全にカスタマイズ可能であり、スタイリストは、このゴージャスな虹色の溶融物を作成するためにブレンドするのに最適な色合いを選択するのに役立ちます。



Q&A With Style Creator、Sladja Tomic
美容師&メイクアップアーティスト @セルビア、クラギエバックのビューティーサロンエレナ





icy blonde


Q&A With Style Creator、Sarah Cabral
スタイリスト /インディペンデントブース賃貸人 @ MGサロン、MA、MA


今年はバレイジの流行がまだ強くなっています。この外観のために、私たちは氷のような金髪のトーンをしました。 Balayage(hair painting)テクニックは、より自然な成長に対して混合されたルート化された効果を与えるために作成されました。





Q&Aとスタイルの作成者、Kayla Richmond
Hairstylist @ JBLOOMデザイン、ファーミントン、UT







Q&A With Style Creator、Desiele Hardin







スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Shanna Henke
ヘアスタイリストとカラーエデュケーター @ MI












hairstylist @シャノンヘア、カリフォルニア州バレンシア




着色には、20 VolでWella Multi-UseブロンドールとWella Color Touchと6 Volで調子を整えることをお勧めします。スタイリングには、上から始まる1 1/4インチのカーリングアイロンを使用して、端の約1インチを残します。髪とスプレーの指の指を櫛でR+Co Death Valley Dry Shampoo Texturizing Spray。








スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Cassi Pierce-Lackey
COコロラドスプリングスのColor Of ColorのHouse




このスタイルを実現するために、私はBioLageの生の栄養シャンプーとコンディショナーから始めました。このペアは、あなたに本当に健康で光沢のある髪を与えます。 KenraのRevive Oil and Blowout Sprayを使用して、ブロードライヤーで髪を滑らかにします。 2インチバレルの杖でカール(ポールミッチェルがクリップされた杖が大好きです)とジョイコヘアシェイクと乱雑なフィッシュテールブレードでフィニッシュします。







スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Danielle Abarientos
Hairstylist@ 5番目の&Mae Salons、Ga


この外観は、通常の6〜8週間のスケジュールでサロンに参加できない忙しいクライアント向けに作成されました。それはよく混ざり合っており、非常に自然なコントラストを持ち、多忙なスケジュールで動作します! Balayageの私のお気に入りの側面は、メンテナンスが少ないことです。私のクライアントの中には、年に1〜2回だけバレイジを完了させます!


私はアヴェダ製品が大好きで、私のキャリア全体を通してアヴェダと協力してきました。この外観のために、私は少量のアヴェーダのダメージレメディーデイリーヘアの修復を使用して、吹き飛ばしの間にタンパク質と保護を追加しました。 o wave it out、私は1インチのストレートバレルの杖の周りに大きな垂直セクションを包む前、最中、後にアヴェダの航空制御ヘアスプレーを使用しました。

私はポール・ミッチェルのニューロワンドを使用しました。それは私のお気に入りです!また、カールして最後の1〜2インチを離れて、柔らかくモダンな乱れを得るために、方向を交互に忘れずに忘れないでください。 Avedaの軽い要素が流体を滑らかにすることでカールを分解すると、あなたは完了です!




Balayageのメンテナンスは非常にシンプルで簡単でなければなりません。 12〜16週間ごとに、単純な光沢(トーンを調整する/不要な暖かさを減らす)とカットをするために来ることをお勧めします!数か月ごとに1時間の予約は、あなたのバレイジが続き、持続することを確実にします。ハイライトが戻ってくるのか、それがあなたのバレイジが再び行われる必要があるときになることを決めることができます。




スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Alohi Lewis
Hairstylist@Cristophe Salon、CA




サロンでは、さまざまな線の組み合わせを使用しています。この外観には、Wella LightenerとWella Color Touch Demi Colorを使用しました。また、ブラジルのB3をライトナーに補充しました。これは、軽くするときに破損を防ぐのに役立ちます。








スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Carrieann Njaastad
ヘアアーティスト&カラーリスト @スタイルオンサイト、イリノイ州


これは私たちが「人魚の髪」と呼ぶものです!それは本当にあなたが水に見える色を持っています - 水色、ティール、ダークブルース、さらにはいくつかのドラマのための紫のヒントさえ。ビーチで、エッジの効いた、そして楽しいです。


カラーメルトアプリケーションに関する限り、Pravana VivivsとJoico Semi Permanent Fashion Colorsは、私がそれを作成するために使用したものです。また、ケンラのバイオレットセミパーマネントカラーを使用しました。








ヘアスタイリスト @ウェストハリウッドのサロンキングストン




Balayageで使用するのに最適な製品は、常にカラーセーフシャンプーです。私は、硫酸塩を含まない高いコンディショニングシャンプーとコンディショナーの要素を好む。スタイリングにとって、ビーチのようなカールを再現することは、その色を誇示するための最良の方法です。あなたが目指している見た目を覚えているのは、太陽がキスされているので、太陽にキスされた髪とは何が最善ですか? Beachy Waves!




Balayageは、最も低いメンテナンス色です。ブロンドのハイライトは、サービスの間に長く進むことができるように、根強い外観と非常にブレンドされることを意図しています。 4週間から5週間後に1つの光沢サービスをお勧めします。その後、元のサービスの3か月以内にタッチアップのために戻ってきます。



オーナー/スタイリスト/レッドケンカラースペシャリスト @サンシャインヘアデザインノースカロライナ州




私は、髪の完全性を保護するために、40ボリュームとRedken PH BonderでRedken Flash Liftを使用して、彼女をバラサートしました。室温で30分間処理しました。処理後、私はRedken Shades eq 1パート9Vと1部のクリスタルを15分間クリアして、gl薬、トーン、シールで戻りました。


















スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Mola Raxakoul
Burlingame /San Francisco Bay Areaのヘアスタイリスト&カラリスト




私はoribeシャンプーが大好きです。私の2つのお気に入りは美しい色と金の欲望です。また、髪が光沢があり柔らかく見えるようにするために、金の欲望の血清が大好きです。クライアントは、輝きを保ち、色を色を塗って色を豊かにするために、8〜12週間のどこにでも来たいと思うでしょう。 gl薬は髪の活気を維持するのに役立ちます。







sunkissed blonde


hairtystylist @elite salon&dayスパジャクソンビル、フロリダ










Ruby Red


スタイリスト&サロンの所有者 @ reveal salon&spa in omaha、ne


この外観は大胆で生意気です。私は光がRuby Red Balayageをキャッチする方法が大好きです!


この外観を実現するために、私はアヴェダの毎日の髪の修復とケーンサテンオイルを使用して、髪を柔らかく状態に柔らかくしました。彼女の自然なカールのために、私はEvo Easy Tigerを使用して滑らかにしてデフリズしました。頭皮にKeune Root Boostを追加して、柔らかく弾力のあるホールドを与えるために、大量の膨大な量とKeune Musseを追加しました。私は彼女のカールをアヴェダのコントロールペーストでつなぎ合わせて、少し輝きと分離しました。







スタイリスト @prワシントンD.C。のパートナーヘアサロン








この色の最大の部分は、メンテナンスがどれほど低いかです! 3〜4か月ごと(またはシーズン1回)にヘアカットと色のタッチアップをお勧めします。スタイリストに完全なバレージ/ハンドペインティングサービスを依頼し、髪の完全性を維持するために、Olaplexのような毎週のトリートメント/ボンドビルダーを必ず持ち帰ってください。



スタイルクリエーターのQ&A、Amanda Vandongen
ヘアスタイリスト @ケリーカルデナスサロン、ソルトレイクシティ、UT













私はこのバレイジを金髪の陰鬱だと説明します。それについての私のお気に入りは、それがどれほど楽で自然に感じているかです! The soft fade from a slightly warmer root to a bright blonde on the ends gives a summer vibe that’s suitable for all seasons.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

For this look I would recommend using a 1 to 1 1/2-inch wand to create a loose, beachy waves. I love to use Kevin Murphy Hair Resort Spray over dry hair to create that cool beachy texture after I’m done with the styling.

What type of person would this look work best for?

This look would work best for anyone who loves to be blonde, but wants a low maintenance color. The shadow root that I created let’s the new growth come in with no line. Any face shape and skin tone can pull this off, but it may be most flattering on those with lighter skin.

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

My best tip for someone who’s considering this look is to understand the styling time and tools that are needed to achieve it. Hair texture and density is also a factor. I always tell my guests that a picture is just a bas line or an idea, the end result will always vary depending on the person’s hair type and natural color.

Red, Balayage Ombre


Q&A with style creator, Katie Formica
Stylist @ Salon Blk. in Sewell, NJ

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This look is so simple, yet super chic! This is one of my absolute favorite color/style combos. Balayage ombres are so beautiful alone, but combining the touseled waves with the color brings the whole look together.

My favorite thing about this whole look is how easy and low maintenance it is! You can easily recreate this textured look at home just by using the right tools and products. The color needs to be done by a professional, but the minimal upkeep is one of the reasons this color is in such high demand.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

To recreate this look you will first need to curl hair using a large barrel curling iron wand. I would recommend using Matrix’s “Airy Builder” to add texture and body to your dry waves. Follow up by using Matrix’s “High Amplify” flexible hold hairspray. This will hold the style without leaving it stiff and crunchy. Finish off the style with Matrix’s Biolage Sugar Shine Illuminating Spray for a light, non-greasy shine.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

For this particular color/style combo, someone with a warmer skin tone and hair that already has a slight wave and texture to it can easily pull this entire look off.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

楽しむ! Use this color/style as inspiration and put your own spin on it. Don’t be afraid to change things up to accentuate you or your client’s facial features in regard to skin tone, face shape, etc.

Rooted Honey Blonde Foliage


Q&A with Style Creator Sammie Rodriguez

Hair Artist @ Wander Salon Barnone in Arizona

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This look is a lower maintenance version of highlights or balayage. It is a bright honey blonde with a deeper root for contrast. This look is amazing because it stays with the current trends for blondes while keeping the client happy their hair healthy. It looks good either straight or curled, so that’s a double bonus!

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?
For styling, I used Matte Waves Texture Lotion and Gold Lust Oil by Oribe before blow drying. I then curled the hair in alternating directions (away from the face on both sides) and finished by spraying in a dry texture spray and using my fingers as a comb to separate out the curls.

What type of person would this look work best for?

This hair color works best for someone who doesn’t like to have the high maintenance of highlights, but wants to stay current on trends while having an easy growout along the way.

The color in the picture works best for lighter skin tones, but the amazing thing is that you can simply tone this color more or less warm to fit any skin type!

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

The best tip that I can give someone thinking about going for this look is to do some research on the stylist you are going to see. Make sure they are current on trends and know how to do a shadow root so you end up getting what you want. Also remember that in regards to styling, messy and imperfect is better! The more texture you have, the better this style will look.

Hand Painted Pearl


Q&A with Style Creator Pamela Adam

Hairstylist @ Bloom Hair Studio in Edmonton

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This dimensional balayage is classic, yet modern. I love that you can easily dress it up or down!

Which products would you recommend for this look?

Always use a heat protectant or oil to prep the hair for heat styling. I prefer Davines Oi Oil and 1 1/4-inch Hot Tools curling iron to create beachy waves. To recreate these waves, curl away from the face and begin the curl in the mid shaft for more volume.

Use a texturizing mist/hairspray to finish the style and give it an undone look. I LOVE Kevin Murphy Doo Over. It’s a hairspray, dry shampoo and powder puff all in one bottle. It gives a beautiful matte finish without any residue and will hold the style all day.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

This particular client has a very fair skin tone, but the cool tones work because her base color still contains warm tones to complement the skin. Her hair was maintained during the lightening process with a bond builder. I prefer Schwarzkopf FIBREPLEX for both me behind the chair, and for clients to use at home for maintaining the health of their hair.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

Hair doesn’t work, unless you do. Invest in the proper products and in the health of your hair. This client has been lightening her hair over several sessions to ensure the integrity of her hair was never compromised. The beautiful thing about balayage is that you are able to go longer between appointments due to the natural grow out process. However, take the time to utilize heat protectants and at home treatments!

Black &Grey


Save the day as Storm from X-men with a lovely fusion of dark, foggy hues. Hairdresser Elise perfectly painted on smokey hues for a hot look.

Workin’ It!


Q&A with Style Creator Amy McManus

Hairstylist and Colorist in Massachusetts

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a very blended, rooty blonde balayage highlight. My favorite thing about this look is that it looks beautiful when styled straight or wavy.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

I recommend a sulfate-free moisturizing shampoo and conditioner since we used lightener on her. For styling products, I recommend a light serum to help keep the hair polished cock-tailed with a foam to add volume and control.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

The skin tones that can pull off this color would be medium to light.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

To recreate this look you’d need to have or create a base level at a 6 and balayage to create a seamless start to her highlights, then saturate throughout the midshaft and ends for the ombre part. We achieved this over three balayage sessions. To maintain this color, she comes in every eight weeks for a toner and light trim.

Dark Brown with Blonde Highlights


Soft-swept champagne highlights on coffee-colored hair is a match made in heaven!

Modern Silver Balayage


Shine and glow like a knight in an armor but with the charm of a princess. Colorist Brie almost made this so reflective it’s like looking at a mirror!

Bouncy, Multidimensional Tones


Q&A with style creator, Chanel Carstensen
Owner/Educator @ The Mane Loft in Costa Mesa, CA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This entire look is definitely one my favorites. I love how the soft bouncy curls showcase the balayaged pieces in her hair. Unique, multidimensional tones are a some of my favorite personal touches for clients.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

My favorite lightener to use for this look is Schwarzkopf Blondeme lightener with 40 volume developer. I always use B3 Brazilian Bond Builder in my balayage formulas to keep my client’s hair looking and feeling amazing. After processing, I shampooed with Fanola No Yellow shampoo and I custom toned with Redken Shades EQ 9nb/9v.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

Since a balayage service is unique to each client, results can aways vary with different hair types and textures. This look was achievable after her third session with me. The dimensional tones in her hair would look amazing on clients with light/medium and medium/dark skin tones.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

Consistency of your lightener is everything when it comes to the perfect balayaged highlight. If your lightener is too thick, it can dry out quickly and stop processing. If it’s too thin, it could bleed and look splotchy. Most of my clients with this look have their hair done two to three times a year, however I always recommend that they come in for a toner or gloss in between their balayage services. I stress the importance of using professional products at home to maintain healthy and beautiful looking hair.

Ash Blonde


Free-hand painting created a graduated effect on these long locks. The blonde peeks just right for an awesome movement from the hair layers and colors.

Smoky Plum


Q&A with style creator, Melissa Taylor
Master Colourist &Stylist @ Artel Salon in Vancouver, BC Canada

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This cut and colour was created to make growing out a pixie cut look stylish! I added micro bangs and texture in the lengths around the ears to give versatility in how she styles it. I love that it can be worn sleek and straight, or mussed up for a little edge. We went for a smoky plum colour over balayaged highlights and melted a deeper brown root to blend. My favorite thing about this look is that even while growing out a haircut, this little bit of edge can make all the difference and keep one from chopping it all off!

Which products would you recommend for this look?

For color I mixed Pravana Violet, Lilac, Magenta and Silver. For styling, I used NÜLA’s Surf Spray for some gritty texture along with NÜLA’s Ylang Ylang Hair Serum for shine and softness. I would also recommend Kevin Murphy’s Free Hold for some pieced out bits in the bangs. And finish with your favorite hairspray! Mine is Kevin Murphy’s Session.Spray.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

I love this shade of this purple as I feel it is flattering on most skin tones. In fact, I haven’t found one that it hasn’t looked stunning on yet! Thick hair, whether fine or normal, works best for this combo. You need the weight in the bangs to lay flat and in place as well as the ability to have texturized ends to create the roughness.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

My best tip is to wash and rinse in cold water to maintain the colour, frequent little touch ups with the bangs and a little clean up around the nape as the hair grows. Bang trims make all the difference in keeping the cut looking fresh! If you’re asking your stylist for this cut, ask for a very short tapered bob, leaving longer bits around the ears with blunt micro bangs!

Honey Caramel Hue


This bronzed look warms up the skin instantly for that sun-kissed glow.

Sun Kissed


Q&A with Style Creator Lenna Kelly

Hairstylist @ Ziggy’s Hair in Los Angeles, CA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a classic balayage. It’s soft and blended with no harsh lines. The overall look we were going for was natural, sun kissed, and lived-in. My client is fairly low maintenance, so what I love most is that she won’t need to come in every six to eight weeks, but rather every three to six months, depending on her preference.
Which products would you recommend for this look?

I really love Kevin Murphy. We retail it at the salon I work at and I couldn’t be happier with it. I sent my client home with Hydrate Me Masque by Kevin Murphy because she has such long thick hair and it will help keep those ends from feeling dry. I also recommend Blonde Angel Wash, also by Kevin Murphy. It’s purple-based so it will help keep out brassy tones. This purple is amazing and doesn’t over deposit which is perfect for blondes that don’t want to be overly ashy. Purple shampoo is a must for most blondes! All color used to create this look is by Wella.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

I’m a firm believer that anyone can pull off a balayage. It’s all about working with your natural hair color. If you want less maintenance, I don’t recommend going lighter on the base color, but rather working with the natural color and creating a blend.

A balayage is much different than a highlight. There is much more dimension. You really have to envision what color will look best against your natural hair color. For this look, I didn’t lift my client’s base because she can’t be in the salon every two months. To avoid a line of demarcation or a “band of roots”, I hand painted a balayage and left her base natural.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style? 

Toner refreshers are wonderful! I offer toner packages to all my balayage and blonde clients so that they keep their color fresh in between services. The toner is usually a semi-permanent, ammonia-free color that can help neutralize unwanted tones. It is great for up keeping that fresh blonde look!

As for the style, use a 1 1/4 to a 1 1/2-inch curling iron. Alternate the direction in which you curl the hair so that the curls don’t end up merging together through out the day. This method keeps the curl defined and more “beachy”. To finish, I sprayed this style with dry shampoo (Fresh Hair by Kevin Murphy) and gently shook the curls out with my fingers. Happy styling!

Faded Pastel


Q&A with style creator, Amanda Halladay
Stylist in American Fork, UT

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a faded pastel balayage! I love how low maintenance balayages are, and pastels are also easy. Just know that they rinse out faster than other colors, so it’s easy to change from color to color. If you you want the same color however, they are higher maintenance because they rinse out so easily.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

I recommend a pastel pink and purple mixed together (1/2+1/2) and put over platinum hair. It will start out brighter than you think, but as it fades it will fade to this purple pastel pink. If you want this exact look, dilute with some clear as well. Just know it won’t last long!

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

I feel like anyone can pull off a balayage because it has both dark and light tones. It comes down to a matter of preference! Some clients love warm pink tones, and some prefer cooler purple tones. If you’re still unsure, ask your stylist and they’ll lead you in the right direction.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

To maintain any professional color, use a professional shampoo and conditioner! Drugstore shampoos and conditioners will strip your color so fast! Professional shampoos are formulated to help the pH level on your hair to make it healthier, stronger and shinier. I always recommend Olaplex or some kind of rebonding treatment when you get a fashion/fantasy color done because it will seal the cuticle. Sealing in the color gives you more longevity and makes your hair extremely healthy.

I also offer my clients a specially mixed conditioner with their specific fantasy/fashion color in it so that when they condition their hair, they’re refreshing the color as well! Keeping heat off your hair will make your fantasy/fashion color last A LOT longer. I color my fashion color once every two months and it always looks bright and freshly done because I keep heat off of it as much as possible. I heat style maybe once a week. If you do need to heat style your hair, do not put any heat on the hair for 24 hours after they’ve let it air dry or blow dry. Even if your hair feels 100% dry, there is still water in the cuticle of the hair for 24 hours after you’ve washed it whether it’s air dried or been blown out. So if you’re heat styling right after drying, it’s like putting heat on wet hair and it will damage your hair and the color will come out faster.

Low heat is always recommended when having fantasy/fashion colors because high heat will literally take the color out right before your eyes. I always use a leave-in conditioner, (my fave is L’anza Trauma Treatment) and oil, (Redken Diamond Oil) at the very least to provide moisture, shine and heat protection.

Lived-in Feel


Q&A with style creator, Brittany Sandretto
Owner and Stylist @ Salon 43 One in Birmingham, AL

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This balayage look has a lived-in feel and is very low maintenance. You can have dark hair with dimension and lightness around the face without having to get your roots touched up every four weeks.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

The products I used on this style were Oribe Supershine, a 1 1/4-inch curling iron, and Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

This particular color combo works best with brunettes. Blondes can work this style as well, but will need to go lighter on the base color for sure. The good thing about this style is that it works for a lot of people. It is very versatile, I’ve done this style on both shorter hair and longer hair.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

My tips for keeping this style looking fresh is to definitely use a color safe shampoo and conditioner. It is a very low maintenance color. Unless you need grey touched up, I usually suggest my clients come back every 12 weeks.

Sun-Kissed Honey


Q&A with Style Creator Kat Aquino

Hairstylist @ Salon Norrell in Tampa, FL

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a swirled caramel balayage. My favorite thing about it is how soft and natural it looks, while at the same time having bold pops of dimensional caramel tones. The alluring effect is a head-turner for sure! It is as if you have spent hours on the beach rather than hours in the salon.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

I recommend Aveda’s Color Conserve Shampoo and Conditioner to keep the color vibrant longer, as well as the Color Conserve Strengthening Treatment once a week to strengthen and protect the hair and illuminate the color with shine. And I absolutely can’t go without the the Color Conserve Daily Color Protect which seals in the color and keeps it shiny and moisturized. Color conserving products are super important to keep those rich, caramel tones in longer.

The styling products used for this signature blowout were Aveda’s Pure Abundance Style Prep and Phomolient Styling Foam which infuses hair with all day weightless volume and lasting results. I finished it off with a little of Aveda’s Brilliant Shine Spray. It all smells amazing and is super soft to the touch.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

The wonderful thing about balayages is that all skin tones and hair types can pull this off. With the appropriate styling products, the hair can move from sophisticated to tousled. Balayage has opened the door to creative hair color for many women.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

To maintain this look, my guest visits the salon every 12-16 weeks for more brightness added as it grows out. I often recommend glossing treatments between color appointments to keep the high shine.

Sun-Kissed Purple Balayage


Q&A with style creator, Katie Brown
Stylist @ Porcelain Hair Studio in Huntington Beach, CA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This purple balayage is a sun kissed, soft highlighted style that gives the hair a graduated, natural-looking effect.

My favorite thing about any balayage is how low maintenance it can be. When done correctly, balayage grows out seamlessly. I also love that balayage is completely customizable and unique for everyone, like in the case of this fun color combo.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

I love to style balayage with a big curling iron and finish with UNITE Texture Spray to give those sun kissed locks a beachy, soft hold and textured style.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

Being that balayage is a technique of painting, it works for everyone and every style. Balayage works for a color or lightener.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

My best tip for anyone hoping to get a balayage done is to make sure they do their research on finding a stylist that either specializes in it, or has photos of their previous experience with it. It’s a lot harder then it looks to achieve that seamless sunkissed color, and there are so many different techniques out there. If the stylist hasn’t had too much experience, you could end up with some funky and chunky lines of highlights/color.

To maintain this style once you find a stylist you love, be sure to prebook your next appointment with them. Not only are busy stylists usually booked up, but with this style being so low maintenance you probably won’t even notice you need your color done again until it’s too late and then you’ll end up having to wait to get back in. I always have my clients come back at least every 8-12 weeks for a toner touch up and trim.

Ash Brown


Partner your smokey eye make-up with this smokey gray-brown hair that is guaranteed to leave you breathless (but in a cute way!)



Q&A with Style Creator Sarah Gossett
Hairstylist &Colorist @ Kyle Lawrence Salon in Simi Valley, CA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

I would describe this look as the modern balayage! More and more these days, you will see people wearing these “fun” or “fashion” tones. Instead of doing the entire head which is very high maintenance, you can overlay a color onto highlights or a balayage for a softer, more wearable look.

Which products would you recommend for this look?

To create the style in this photo I always start with a blowout using Kenra Blow Dry Spray to give the hair heat protection and shine. Once dry, I use Amika “The Shield” aerosol heat protectant before I curl. I use a 1 1/2-inch Babyliss curling iron in the vertical position and curl away from the face, leaving out the ends.

I finish with Kenra Dry Texture Spray to give it that beachy, lived-in look. This client’s hair holds a curl very well, but if the person has straight hair that doesn’t hold a curl, I would suggest a workable hairspray before you curl and a firm hold finishing spray at the end. My favorites are Redken 12 (fashion work) and Redken 28 (control force).

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

Pinks and purples are the most wearable of the fashion tones, so I would say that any skin tone can pull them off. My client in this photo is actually in her 50s, so don’t think that age makes a difference either! As for the style, anyone can pull off long hair with beach waves. It is an effortless, natural look that goes well with any hair type/texture.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

The best way to maintain this color is to use the Viral color depositing shampoos at home. I sent her home with the Intense Purple and the Intense Pink and had her mix them together to create this fuchsia shade. As for maintaining the style, I love Kenra Dry Shampoo to make these waves last for days!