Gel nails brands:LCN, Calgel, Brisa, etc
Question I was hoping you could explain the difference among these 3 brands of nail gels. While I realize the result depends mostly on the technician applying them, is there any difference among those brands? Thanks so much!
Answer Hi Aimee,
Most of these brands share allot of the same components.For a tech it really depends on what consistency you like to work with Brisa has thin consistency and tends to run if you aren't working fast enough,Lcn is a heavy consistency as is En Vogue can work with these two products much longer and you can do all 5 nails at once no need to do the thumbs separate.I like the gel that is non self leveling you can easily sculpt with it.En Vogue has been awarded the green product seal which is a great way to promote this product to your clients.
another big concern is price, LCN is extremely expensive! En Vogue is very well priced for the busy tech. En Vogue and LCN are equal in many ways so in this situation I would go with the lower cost product.
Calgel I am not familiar with!
I would suggest getting a sample of any gel you are interested in to see what works best for you.
All the salons I go in techs are pretty picky about there products,Gels are getting very popular being they are much safer for the tech,client, and environment.