This is why leaning back, having “rules and standards”, feigning disinterest, playing hard to get, and rotational dating are so much more popular.
They may or may not provide short-term results without adding to your own value, or adding value to the connection you have with a man.
With high value banter, you’re taking the chance to not only add value to the connection in the relationship. You actually also weed out the low esteemed men and the manipulative, narcissistic mean in the process.
Because it’s these types of men who cannot handle banter. They are too afraid and they live too small. Here’s an article on does high value banter work on every man?
Here’s a free class on high value banter. My husband takes the class and he’s brilliant.
Most women and men don’t use the art of banter to get someone to chase them, because they never developed the skills to do so.
Instead, they actually create more disconnects through withholding contact and initiation, solely for their own gain.
Again, this is just negative novelty that will at some point, make someone think you’re a horrible person.
That is NOT going to create a relationship.
More importantly, the types of guys that this works on, are the guys who already have poor self esteem, or the guys who are ok with (or oblivious to) the abuse involved.
Do you see what I’m getting at now regarding value-extracting techniques and value-adding techniques?
If you’re not sure, that’s probably because I haven’t explained it properly. So let me explain ever so briefly.
When you want a guy to chase you, what you really want is for him to value you and to feel attracted to you.
To do that, you need to create fun, novelty and/or uncertainty.
Most people know intuitively that the novelty and uncertainty is important in dating.
Make Him Chase You In A High Value Way
But what most people do not understand, is that there’s a good way to do it and a bad way to do it.
There’s a high value way to do and a low value way to do it. Here are 3 traits to avoid to be a high value woman to men.
The only way to do it as a high value woman, is to have the humility and care to develop the skills to create that uncertainty.
ACTUAL skills and understanding.
Not just weird rules like the 80/20 rule or leaning back.
There’s no skill in the 80/20 rule. It’s just a rule.
There’s no skill in holding back out of fear. That’s just fear.
Actual skills that emanate through understanding and care for what you’re trying to achieve for yourself and your future, are where the real value is at.
Because if you keep extracting value from men, if you keep putting the emotional connection and emotional attraction last in the name of “keeping him interested”, you will pay a terrible price.
A price, I would argue, that you may wish you never had to pay.
Because here’s something important to know about ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’….
Only the women who don’t care for a guy could accomplish the idea of ‘treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen’ long term.
Anyone who cares about the connection with the person they are interested in, couldn’t do it.
Much more importantly, anyone who is falling in love couldn’t do it. Because being in love makes you attuned to your lover and have empathy for them.
When you have empathy, you usually would not deliberately use this kind of treatment for the sake of gaining a feeling of power or control for yourself.
And the women and men out there who are unaware that they harbour a deep well of resentment for the opposite sex and often use this strategy, are asking for it to backfire on them.
Remember, falling in love is a two-way street. It requires two people who are attuned to each other in order to eventuate.
Attunement isn’t about control in the slightest. By nature, being attuned requires you to surrender and just be. You’ll respond to what’s needed.
If your goal is to have a guy be your little b*tch, then sure, use this tactic. Plenty of women do.
But if you use it, I’m pretty sure you do not value him at all.
Rather, he’s just a toy for you to play with.
And only really stupid guys, or guys who don’t know they’re being abused, or even guys with poor attachment patterns, would tolerate this.
Also, guys who have no perceived options would allow a woman to do that to them.
Why would he have to be stupid to allow a woman to do that to him?
Because it’s the “not so aware” men who are ignoring that fact that women who treat them like this, are the same types of women who would cheat on a man or cuckold a man.
Think Jim Carrey in the movie Me, Myself &Irene. He’s funny, but oh boy, is his character naive.
And very few men are stupid enough to emotionally and financially invest in this type of woman. (The type of woman who doesn’t actually care about him.)
Remember that in relationships, we attract our reciprocal. So if we approach dating with the need to control, what do you think you will get in return?
As D.Shen often says, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
Rotational Dating Or Having A Man Funnel
This strategy has been around for as long as the leaning back theory has been around.
Some women claim that this is how men date (they have a rotation), so why shouldn’t women date this way?
Here are 8 Shocking Reasons Why Rotational Dating Can Be Low Value.
Rotational dating is used by many women to make the guy “step up” and ask for exclusivity with her.
It is to create this idea that there’s competition for her affection, so that guys might actually be “inspired” to chase her and “claim” her.
It is also used by women to try to negate their early attachment to one man.
Quick side question.
Do you think Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn or Nicole Kidman had to resort to rotational dating?
Something to think about.
The rationale behind this rotational dating is different for different women.
Yet the most popular reasons I’ve seen for using this strategy is to try to make yourself less attached to one guy by spreading your eggs over several baskets.
It never works. Women always attach to the highest value man.
That’s in our instincts. Most of us aren’t stupid.
The distraction provided by 5 average men in your rotation isn’t enough to ‘turn off’ a woman’s feminine bias of attaching early to a man of high value.
Rotational Dating Triggers Men To Compete For Your Affection?
And the other big motivation for multi dating or circular dating is, (according to some), about increasing the competition for your affection.
Not only that, it’s about increasing your popularity in the man’s eyes, making him want to ‘get’ you.
But does creating an air of popularity going to change whether he actually values you for a relationship or not?
Imagine a woman putting a terrible quality profile picture up on facebook. It’s blurry, and it’s hard to discern the features of her face or the quality of her facial expression in the photo.
Imagine that she attracted 750 likes for this profile photo.
Now imagine that another woman puts up a stunning picture for her facebook profile photo.
She’s smiling, happy, and clearly very beautiful. You can see the life in her soul through her sparkling eyes.
Alas, this stunning profile photo only gets 27 likes.
The first photo looks far more popular than the second photo.
But which photo has the most intrinsic value?
It depends who you ask. But there’s really only one truthful answer.
Of course the second one!
It doesn’t matter how popular the first profile photo seems, the value of it didn’t increase due to the likes it got.
(Also, there’s lots of narcissistic people out there who have successfully attracted a clan of minions who are desperate for the narcissist’s approval and abusive treatment. Making them the perfect types of people to want to like such a photo!)
It’s much better to have fewer likes on your photo, but the likes are from high value people, than it is to have a bunch of low value fake friends to make your profile picture seem higher value.
Not to mention, likes can be bought. Popularity can be bought and faked.
If you care about looking popular enough, you’ll find a way to do it. In fact, a little bit of money can go a long way for looking popular.
There are plenty of “like” farms out there that will give you thousands of likes for less than a soft serve at McDonalds.
The same goes for an auction for a house.
One lady once said to me, something that went like this…
I acknowledged her comment and told her that no matter how many people are there bidding for the house, it doesn’t change the intrinsic value of the house.
If the house has a leakage that’s causing a massive mould problem, its popularity doesn’t change the mould problem.
Trying to make a house seem more popular doesn’t increase the real value of the house in the eyes of an educated buyer.
We also can’t forget that humans bid on houses at all different times, for all kinds of reasons.
It doesn’t mean they’re all in love with the house, nor that they are making a good financial decision by bidding on it.
In fact, when it comes to investing your money, trusting the judgement of a pack of average folk isn’t always the best idea.
Maybe there’s far less people at an auction for one particular house because it’s a well built and expensive home, in an expensive area.
An expensive area that the vast majority of the population cannot actually afford to bid on.
So of course less people will show up. They know they can’t afford it, so why waste their time?
Quiz Time:is je man serieus om je aan je te binden? (Alle antwoorden die u op zoek is over hem liggen binnen deze 8 vragen.)
Popularity Is Not A Game You Want To Play
…in order to get a guy to invest in you.
Perhaps it’s a game you want to play if you want average guys to chase you in the short-term, for no real long-term gain on your part.
In fact, very few women can get 5 or more 10 out of 10 guys chasing her, and lining up to be in her rotation. It doesn’t work that way.
The 10s will disappear fast. They’ll also disappear faster, if the woman was successful in trying to fake her detachment from the man who is a 10.
Remember, a 10 won’t be after your detachment. He’ll be after what’s valuable for him in a relationship.
A woman who fakes things to try to detach is in fact one big red flag for a guy who is looking to commit and invest.
As for having a rotation to get a guy to chase you, for most women, the best they could do is to get about 10 average or below average guys to seemingly line up for her.
That’s going to make no difference to a high value guy’s opinion of you at best.
And at worse, it’s going to make him trust you less.
Because what kind of woman gives her valuable time, energy and attention to 5 or more average joes?
Really, though.
From a man’s perspective, just because you’re trying to fake the feeling of having more options, doesn’t mean that he’s going to perceive that you have more options.
So, focus not on popularity to get him to chase you, but on value.
Remember, smart men carry the knowledge of their male ancestors that came before them. They know what’s intrinsically valuable when they see it.
They don’t need you to have a bunch of guys vying for your attention in order to secure their judgement.
Does this mean that you should only date or talk to one man at once? No. Remember that it’s ok to date more than one guy at once.
As I said in my article “8 Shocking Reasons Why Rotational Dating Can Be Low Value” , it’s somewhat normal to be seeing more than one guy at once, if that’s just what’s happening in your life right now.
It’s another entirely to try to make him chase you by creating an image of popularity and desirability through the strategy of rotational dating.
You might be able to trick yourself for a while, but the truth is:that will likely come at the price of showing loyalty.
Remember, any man who gets your time should have earned it.
He shouldn’t just get your time (or your interest ) just because you want to use him to try to attach less to some other guy!
Get a Man To Value You With Genuine Value, Not Due To Being A Basket Case
You’ve probably noticed by now, the message I’m sending to you.
If you want a guy to chase you, there’s many methods you can use to your detriment.
Yet there are also methods (or skills) you can develop that are authentic, and actually raise your value as a woman.
You can make him chase you from a low value place or from a high value place.
Don’t get him to chase you, get him to value you instead
I would argue that there’s a better question than “how to make him chase you.”
Instead, the better question is:
Because as I said before, a man who values you, will invest in you.
If you can make him realize your value by just being a high value woman, you’ll have a much better time connecting with men.
A man who chases you, could be chasing you for a multitude of different reasons.
Some of those reasons are NOT good for you. At all.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting more influence over how men treat you. In fact, I’d argue that this is a smart endeavour.
You just have to think long-term. Don’t do silly things that make you look low value, because you’re too busy extracting value for yourself.
I understand that dating feels hard.
But even today, you have more opportunities than ever. If you play the game right, you can win it easily. Because remember, men know what value is.
And if a little control and dignity is all you want, then you cannot go wrong with developing the dark feminine art and skill of high value banter.
Geheimen onthuld ... Ontdek hoe u ook deze weinig bekende "donkere vrouwelijke kunst" kunt gebruiken om de giftige mannen uit te wieden terwijl u echte emotionele aantrekkingskracht met hoge waarde met hoge gewaardeerde mannen cultiveert.
How To Balance Showing Too Much Interest Versus Showing Not Enough Interest?
At the end of the day, as a woman your challenge in dating will always be “how do I show just the right amount of interest?”
Here’s an example of the struggle women have…
The answer is two-fold.
You balance it by focusing on the right goal:to build your own intrinsic value.
And to focus on the only two things that matter:Attraction and connection.
Because when you focus on the things that matter, suddenly you become a woman of value to men. You also realise that this is not just about control, it’s about value-adding.
Why Do Men Disappear When I Show Interest In Them?
I’ve heard over and over again from women…
Here’s a few examples…
So why do men disappear when you show interest in them?
Firstly, they don’t disappear specifically when you show interest in them. They disappear when they sense the interest is coming from a particular place within you.
The answer to this question is to first realize that most people are very good at noticing if the other person has options in their life or not.
We’re also very good at sensing when someone else doesn’t value their own time.
So, even if you do have lots of options, but you give away your time and attention easily, here’s what men sense or see.
What men sense is a lack of exclusivity in the way you give your time and attention away.
And men don’t like that. It’s a sign of disloyalty.
See, the point of dating for a man and a woman is to prove your value to each other in the initial stages.
And in the initial stages you both have your radars on. You’re both sussing out each other’s value.
With that said, if you both haven’t proven any value to each other yet, then why should a woman give away her time and attention to a man?
He may wonder…maybe she hasn’t got anything better to do?
The solution is to remember one important thing:
If you’re going to show interest, ask yourself if that interest has been earned.
So if you ever wonder if you should express your interest to a man, ask yourself “has it been earned?”
If you read the above screenshots, you may suspect that in one of them, the woman was “doing the right thing” in terms of reciprocating interest.
And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a beautiful trait to have, of honesty and kindness.
Yes there’s a “however”.
And the “however” is here because reciprocating interest. is a great thing, but showing interest for the sake of it is bad.
If a guy hasn’t earned your interest in any way, he may start to wonder why you’re giving away value for no real reason.
This may sound complicated. But it’s not when you think about it. It’s actually simple.
You just make sure that you show your value by not giving away attention and time just for the sake of being the nice woman.
Remember, guys don’t care about your need to stay true to your identity of “being nice”.
In fact, if you’re nice to every guy, you’re nice to no guy.
(Remember above we talked about being multidimensional? So it’s ok to not be nice when it’s right.)
How Do You Know If A Man Has Earned Your Time And Attention?
When there’s a solid connection and sense of attunement between you.
(Side note:expect to be out of attunement with a guy at some point. The key is to see your mutual willingness to be attuned.)
The way a guy can earn your attention is also through banter.
Use high value banter, and you will start to see very quickly, whether there are any red flags about this man , (and therefore you shouldn’t give your time and attention away to him).
And you’ll see also very quickly which of the men are willing to be in attunement with you.
Play Playful GAMES From A Playful Place.. .
…Not games played to extract maximum value.
In conclusion, try to remember that your task is to become a woman of intrinsic value.
It’s not the game playing that is bad here. It’s the negative methods men and women use to try to extract value from each other that is bad.
Play the game using value-adding methods and you will see your love life changed forever.
Lead with playfulness, and bring out the playfulness in men.
I hope you enjoyed this article and I will speak to you soon!
Leave me a comment below with your feedback too. I read every comment!