Tyvärr, oavsett hur mycket du tar hand om ditt blonda hår, kan dina champagnestrån bli mässingsfärgade och gula och ser rent ut sagt billiga ut. Det är inte alltid ditt fel. Tonern som färgläggaren applicerar är ganska ren och kan försvinna snabbt och lämnar oönskade nyanser efter sig. Dessutom är blont hår mer poröst och ändrar färg med tiden genom design.
Att bli för blond gör håret extra poröst. Den suger upp vatten och produkter och kan lätt bli dålig. Din duschs hårda vatten är den värsta boven, vilket innebär att ett duschfilter blir en nödvändighet. Gamla byggnader med föråldrade VVS är din värsta fiende.
Att överdriva ditt lila schampo kan också orsaka problem. Låt bara sitta i 2-3 minuter. Längre än 10 minuter kommer att lägga pigment till ditt hår. Bara löddra in, kamma igenom och tvätta ur så snabbt som möjligt.
Brunetter med blonda highlights bör istället hålla sig till blå produkter. Du kanske inte heller inser att även om du har lödder i håret, allt fint och vackert, är sulfater ett helvete för blondiner och bör undvikas i allmänhet.
Apoteksbelysningsprodukter kan också orsaka stora missfärgningsproblem, vilket gör att du spenderar mer på att åtgärda problemet efteråt än att bara låta din färgare ta hand om ditt blonda hår som behöver fräschör.
Vi vet att blont hår är extremt svårt att ta hand om. Men det är verkligen värt det i slutet!
Precis som mode, som vi kommer att komma till senare, finns det vissa dos and don'ts för att sminka sig som en blondhårig sexig kvinna. Vissa sminkfärger kan vara för hårda och tvätta ut dig. Andra kan helt enkelt se helt malplacerade ut.
Blont hår gör ett uttalande, vilket innebär att sminket som är fäst vid utseendet också måste sammanfalla med det. Blondiner börjar dock med den mest neutrala paletten, vilket innebär att de kan ta ganska lite mer risker på skönhetsavdelningen än vad andra hårfärger kan.
Du kommer att vilja få in en kraftfull läppfärg med en balanserande gnistra till ögonmakeupen. Det har såklart också med din hudton att göra. Eftersom de flesta kvinnor med blont hår kommer att ha en ljus hy, finns det några saker som man bör komma ihåg.
• Foundation :Ljus hud behöver medium till hög täckning för den perfekta hyn, såvida du inte har välsignats med klar hud.
• Ögonmakeup :Mindre är mer. Verkligen. Pastellfärger har mer tilltalande effekter på den ljusare huden i kombination med den ljusa hårfärgningen. Grå eller brunaktiga undertoner ser bra ut med rosa och lila färger utan pärleffekt, medan askblondiner bör välja gyllenbruna skuggor.
Gyllene blondiner ser fantastiska ut med lite mörkare lila och magenta på locken. Smokey makeup på kvällen är nästan ett måste, med brun eller mörkgrå som används istället för den svarta skuggan av ögonen.
Undvik svart mascara också, och välj en mellanbrun istället. När det gäller kvällens ögonskuggor kan du fördjupa dig i silver och grått, fodra de nedre fransarna med metallic och bli dämpade för de övre delarna.
• Brown :Naturliga blondiner ska inte bli mörkare på brynen. Ljus gråbruna nyanser är ett bättre alternativ i allmänhet, med gråaktig ros ett intressant val att arbeta med specifikt för blondiner.
Små korta linjer bör dras mellan de befintliga strängarna för att fylla ut ögonbrynen, medan om du har fått ditt hår blekt vitblont eller en nyans som är tillräckligt nära, kommer dina ögonbryn att behöva en blekningssession också.
• Cheeks :Lighter blondes should stick to clear pink hues, while darker blondes should go for a dusty rose. Golden blondes should play with rose and peach, while bronzers should be used sparingly. Coppery hues wash you out, it appears.
• Lips :Strawberry lips on blondes are delectable. You will look pretty wearing pink lipsticks, no matter the shade. The delicate pinks with beige or brown undertones go well with light blondes, platinum wearers can venture into bluish reds, while those with a clear and even complexion can do well with intense darker lips.
A lip liner of the same color should also be applied. Dark lip liner on a blonde woman is a huge NO.
Best Makeup for Blondes According to Skin Tones
Taking into consideration all the shades of blonde hair that match up with different skin tones, here are a few makeup tips for blondes to keep it looking fresh and oh-so-lovely.
• Fair Skin :You will be playing mostly with soft peachy shades on the lips and cheeks, so as not to clash with a ruddy complexion. A flushing blush is perfect, along with some lovely seashell neutrals.
For the night, play with orange- and blue-based reds to really glam it up. Since you are prone to showing off blemishes though, in terms of foundation, you will have to opt for the medium to high coverage.
Rose makeup hues are not generally your friend, with a neutral beige or something yellowish looking pretty interesting.
• Medium Skin :A slight tan to the skin means more glowing colors in less pastel-style blushes, with lovely shimmering bronzes on the eye and coral red lips. Just like with the fair skin, when you are getting ready for the night, work with the blue and orange-red shades.
• Tan Skin :Orange shades are a better option for darker skin, as pale pinks can look a little too drab. You want to stick to illumination here, bringing out the natural color, while augmenting with the artificial.
High shine glosses are also a great choice. You want to go a nice cherry color on the lips for that perfect pop, as you would on dark skin tones.
• Dark Skin :You are definitely going orange here, with sparkling orange lips and more orange and red pinks on the cheeks. Even the lipstick should be reminding you of tango passion.
A darker tan or just plain dark skin does very well with a pop of red on the lips and coppery shadows on the eyes for instant glam.
Fashion Tips for Blondes:What Colors Look Good on Blondes
What not to wear for blondes can really be turned into a reality show. While blondes do get a pretty wide range of picks, there are things that look amazing and things that really are better off left on the racks.
Not every color looks great on a blonde, and there are a few that are simply bombastic. Mustard, brown shades, classic white and black, metallics, red and blue are some of the colors that look best on blondes.
• Red :The top color on the list? Scarlet! A poppy emblazoned scarlet and black dress, for example, is the easiest way to wear red for little drama. Showing off flesh while wearing a scarlet gown is sure to incite some passions and have men singing “Lady in Red” throughout.
Adding embellishments and lace gives the scarlet a more mature but equally alluring feel, while even street looks like bomber jackets get that extra dose of zing with a scarlet hue. If you want a sassy red outside of scarlet, you might want to go for a pomegranate hue that is not too far behind.
• Metallic Gold and Silver :Second on the list is the lovely gold and silver combo. They can appear on their own as simple metallic or combined beautifully on the red carpets and everyday lives. Adding white shoes brings the eyes to the hair, as that is where the pop of color is.
Classic gold softens the general flow, and combined with a golden blonde head of hair, it looks divinely feminine. Bright silver also has a very futuristic feel, almost giving hope for a domination of the inherently recessive blonde gene.
• Cobalt Blue :Following this comes the cobalt blue hue, wherein the strawberry blonde looks especially ravishing. The bright blue really has a knack for capturing one’s attention with ease, no matter if there is much skin showing or not. It can also be made to look especially mature, without losing its charm and abilities.
You can easily mix and match with accessories as well, while the cobalt blue dresses have a rather versatile effect overall. Simple slip dresses in cobalt blue are a thing for the power ladies of the era.
• Nude Pink :Blondes really do look amazing in nude pink. Honestly! A silky slip of a dress in a nude pink on a light blonde is enough to send the blood pressure up through the roof. The innocent effect is not to be denied here. It is gentle and has a certain ability to make ice blonde look super attractive.
It can slightly wash you out, of course, which is where tasteful makeup comes in handy, like cherry red lips. Tulle dresses in a nude pink are even more of an innocent image creator.
• White :The non-color style hue that looks perfect on blondes is the neutral and everyone’s favorite white. Showing skin or covering up, playing with layers, or cramming your body inside, white dresses look incredible with blonde hair. There is just a lot of light happening there. Add in black accessories and pointed toe shoes and you have luxury within your grasp.
Crisp white shirts, simple white tees, fully white power suits… no matter your personal style, white will look amazing with just about all shades of blonde among the masses. Plus, it looks quite innocent, especially if adorned with lace. Light blondes should opt for beige though, while the honey blondes can enjoy the crisp white.
• Black :Drama follows a blonde who walks down the street in black. Little black dresses are a great go-to in your closet, no matter the shade of blonde, but particularly the icy and platinum shades.
Black is a classic and looks great on everyone, particularly the lighter blondes who can knock the socks off those around them in a sexy work pantsuit. This color is perfect both during the day and when night falls, having the psychedelic entertainment begin.
• Emerald Green :The final color that is said to look good on blondes is the very Oz-worthy emerald green. Seriously! You do not even notice the blonde with this one.
You can pair it with black and white of course, which automatically brings the hair back to the forefront. Ensuring you have dark roots showing reduces your age here significantly as well.
The emerald green can simply be an accent as well on an otherwise colorful outfit. You can also make that accent a shiny green shoe, glittering like it belongs to a witch of some sort under your blush pink dress.
Now, since not all blondes are the same, you should keep in mind a few fashion tips:
• Pale blondes look best in pastel colors, blue and dusty shades of pink or lavender. Orange, red and golden undertones should be avoided though. Warm colors, in general, should be off the list of clothing hues to shop for.
• Warm blondes look best in bolder hues, particularly jewel tones, or colors with red and orange undertones. Reds should be more on the tomato side, greens on the grassy, blues more on the turquoise and aqua, yellows on the lemon, and purples on the amethyst.
The best, though, is considered to be the simple black or white shades, which are equally dramatic and flattering. Golden blondes should steer clear of olive and mint, as well as pieces with blue undertones.
You will probably want to go easy on the pink, frills and generally girly looks, since your blonde hair will already be pointing in that direction.
You will, however, look amazing in the latest power suits that are all the rage, whether with pants or skirts. Just make sure it is tailored just right. Blazers over slacks also have their rather cool and career-woman feel to them, with just the right amount of sass.
If you are going to be wearing animal prints, make sure it is of the highest quality, or else you are going to surpass chic and dive right into hussy. It can look sloppy if not paired with the right pieces, or if it is too eye-catching.
Finally, bring the best blondes of the past decades to mind when considering your style. After all, no matter how gorgeous Audrey Hepburn may be, she is still a lovely shade of brunette.
25 Shades of Blonde Hair Color:Blonde Hair Dictionary
There are many types of blondes that you can pick from, as per our discussion earlier on. The blonde hair color you choose should not only match your skin tone, but your personality as well. You need to love yourself once you go blonde, in every way, shape or form.
With all the different blonde hair shades to choose from, we have decided to give you a bit of an intro to each, helping you decide which one best defines the person that you are. The rest comes afterwards, including cuts, makeup and fashion styles.
Platinum Blonde Hair
Platinum hair colors are the lightest of all the blonde shades, and as mentioned earlier, look best on fair skin tones, as well as lighter mediums with a yellowish tint. It looks fabulous with any eye color though, brown and blue looking equally as striking behind it. All-over platinum hair is a major trend these days as well, and can look quite lovely on most who fit the bill.
Light Ash Blonde Hair
A whiter shade of blonde with an ashy tone, light ash blonde is a cool form of a platinum blonde and looks best with light colored skin tones and light colored eyes. Blondes can add this with balayage, or it can be all-over coloring for those on the brunette side.
Natural Blonde Hair
A very natural appearing hue, natural blonde is the blonde we are born with for the most part. It has multiple dimensions to it, and blends in beautifully. It can look great on most skin tones. Light skin would have a lighter natural blonde, while darker skin would have a slightly more shadowed hue. Looks great with any eye color.
Strawberry Blonde Hair
A lovely warm coloring with reddish hues, strawberry blonde is like a sunset in your hair. It looks best on light skin tones and lighter blue eyes, or even greys. It looks amazing if your hair is light anyhow and you add in the balayage.
Buttery Blonde Hair
A warm blonde hue, butter blonde is simply ravishing with its splashes of honey in there. It is nice and sunny, with a pearly edge to it and works best on lighter or medium skin tones, with any eye color, particularly browns. It has a certain beachy effect overall.
Beige Blonde Hair
Beige blonde includes a darker base and a cooler highlight, looking its best on a medium skin tone that can easily bring about a natural effect. You want to keep it warmer though but not too much, as an orange tone can really wash you out here. Dark hair and dark eyes work well with turning you into a beige blonde.
Silver Blonde Hair
An aging color with an ashy shade, silver blonde is best on light skin tones and blue or green eye colors. It can be perfect for covering up greys with more greys. Adding a warm honey to it helps keep it nice and young though. This is the heavy metal twist to blonde hair really, with sterling silver hair color a top choice for certain celebrities.
Creamy Blonde Hair
Medium to dark skin tones benefit quite well from a creamy blonde hair color that is on the cooler, whiter side. A cream and butter balayage is one of those combinations that can really bring out the best in your features.
Dark eyes go well with a creamy blonde. This is the most in-demand blonde hair color this year though and should be blending well into the coming one as well.
Dirty Blonde Hair
One of the commonly known blonde hair shades that we associate with a brunette cross is the dirty blonde, medium-toned and looking almost dirty. It looks great with brown eyes and medium skin tones, with highlights and balayage giving the final effect. This is also the perfect beachy blonde effect, looking rather amazing with windswept locks.
Honey Blonde Hair
There is something really warm and lovely about a honey blonde hair color, a hue that looks best with medium skin and dark eyes. Darker roots also look great with a honey highlight.
It is just the perfect shade for the summer and can also bring some warmth to your appearance during the cooler days of the year. The yellowish brown of the highlights here allow for natural color elevation.
Bronze Creamy Blonde Hair
We already mentioned how well creamy blonde goes with darker skin tones, but the bronzed version is best with the medium, with the eye colors preferably a blue, grey or light brown.
Bronze creamy blonde is with a light brown base and honey highlighting, making it quite lovely and the epitome of Hollywood goddess. A gorgeous balayage in ombre also works especially well with the bronzed creamy look.
Golden Blonde Hair
There is molten gold and then there is cascading golden blonde locks of hair. Golden blonde is multidimensional and looks perfectly natural, with a mix of butter, gold and honey. It goes perfectly with fair complexions and pale blue or hazel eye colors, while the hair itself appears sun-kissed, achieved best with a lovely form of balayage coloring.
Ash Blonde Hair
There was a light ash color, and now we add the simple ash blonde to the list of the blonde hair shades. Ash blonde is a cooler shade of silvery blonde with a darker shadow to it, looking so much better on darker skin, eyes and natural hair color.
It can be warmed up with highlights or left as is, depending on the skin tone you wish to match it to. Naturally greying hair looks great with an ash blonde coloring.
Sandy Blonde Hair
Best described as a richly warm hair color, sandy blondes generally have fair skin and blue, hazel or even violet hued eyes. A dark blonde base with a cool beige balayage turns out to be a rather lovely sandy blonde finish, gently fading into lighter tones. Sunny highlights to the sandy base are perfectly illuminating for the visage as a whole.
Auburn Blonde Hair
A strawberry blonde with a tangerine twist is how Auburn blonde is generally described. It is beautiful and dramatic, looks amazing with curling hair, and can be worn with any skin tone.
Lighter skin and lighter eye colors are the best though for this specific hue. Blue, green or hazel eyes are recommended. It is a bit more of an autumn shade and looks positively delicious.
Copper Blonde Hair
Light and luminous, copper blonde is a warm color with amber undertones. Copper blonde is one of the loveliest blonde shades one can find and looks incredible with dark skin and darker eyes. It does not look brassy in the least and plays a rather natural role on the originally dark locks of the darker skinned.
Brownish Blonde (Bronde) Hair
Blonde with brown brings us a warm and natural hair color, one, which appears rich and absolutely beautiful with a cooler buttery balayage. Bronde looks incredibly good with light and medium skin tones, as well as eye colors that border on light brown, blue or with gold flecks. It is a similar hue to dirty blonde, but with a darker overall look.
Caramel Blonde Hair
Who does not love caramel? Seriously! Hair color in a caramel shade is just as warm and delectable, looking especially lovely on any complexion, particularly darker skin tones.
It is a very natural hue for your hair, particularly those born with darker browns. A dark golden base is used with pale highlights around the face for the optimal look. It finishes off with a lovely glow to the skin.
Chocolate Blonde Hair
A darker shade of caramel, we are looking at an even more delicious blonde here. Chocolate blonde looks particularly stunning with golden highlights, spreading out from a dark base.
Darker skin tones and darker eyes benefit from this blonde coloring best, though it can be made lighter or darker to suit any complexion. Just be careful not to mix with white, platinum or orange locks.
Chestnut Blonde Hair
Dark hair and golden highlights make for a lovely chestnut hue, particularly if there is caramel also involved in there somewhere. Chestnut blonde is nice and warm, suiting darker complexions best, as well as darker eyes, though it can look especially alluring when paired with medium skin tones and darker blue orbs. Chestnut blondes manage to show off a rosy, summer glow.
Rose Gold Blonde Hair
Rose gold blonde has been a top choice of blonde for this year really, where pink and blonde combine for a color that is gentle, feminine and quite perfect for the summer months. It looks amazing on most complexions and is especially doll-like with deep blue eyes and fair skin.
Rose gold hair looks lovely with waves cascading down the back, catching the light and bouncing off colors beautifully.
Black Blonde Hair
Two polar opposites can be worn together to achieve the black blonde style, a look that is quite dramatic and somehow works beautifully because of the major contrast on any complexion and eye color.
The best way to wear it is in an ombre, but not everyone will be brave enough to rock this look with ease. An especially sexy look begins with black roots to about mid-way, where it melts in a stark contrast in a very light blonde color, preferably platinum.
Reddish Blonde Hair
If you have ever really looked at Rachel McAdams’ hair color, you will realize that it is a perfect reddish blonde, not quite a strawberry blonde though. It has a warm ginger tint to it and screams wealth and beauty.
Fair skin, light colored eyes and bright red lipstick bring out the best in this reddish blonde hue. A red and blonde melt in ombre is also a great way to show off your new color.
Peach Blonde Hair
One of the top blonde hair colors you can go with for the summer months is the peach blonde, an entirely too pretty and lovingly feminine hue, which uses an orange base with a pink dye. The more on the yellow side, the lovelier it is really. It looks amazing on fair skin and any color of eyes.
Peach hair dye is harder to find, so you might need to have your colorist play with a few colors to come up with the hue that is right for you.
Grey Blonde Hair
A more subdued blonde to consider, this light but cool coloring uses a darker base and really makes the facial features of those wearing it pop. Grey blonde works really well with lighter skin tones and covers up greys beautifully. It is especially lovely as a pearly white with dark, possibly even black, undertones.
Grey blonde can also be seen as an icy blonde coloring, while an ombre that starts with slightly darker grey roots and ends in a white blonde is a lovely way to finish.
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