Love Beauty >> Älskar skönhet >  >> Skönhet >> Hår >> Frisyrer

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Inte för kort och inte för länge, dessa söta axellängd frisyrer för kvinnor faller precis vid den perfekta platsen! Om du växer ut håret i axellängden hår kan du uppnå flera utseende. Rak och elegant, vågig och rolig, eller lockig och söt, kommer du att upptäcka att en av dessa bilder av populära och enkla frisyrer kommer att inspirera ditt nästa snitt!

Stylish Deep Side Part

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Sänghuvudet såg aldrig så bra ut! Koppla ihop de gyllenbruna bokade lagren med en rörig, djup sidodel för en helt trendig axellängd utseende.

smidig och chic

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Ingenting säger att chic ganska som denna eleganta och mest populära hårklipp i axeln. Oavsett om du shoppar med flickorna eller går till ett affärsmöte kommer detta utseende att bära dig dit och överallt däremellan.

Tousled, Middle Part Layers

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

En något off-center-del, med glamorösa tokade lager som bara är lite under axlarna. Den subtila färgen gör att denna utseende är till en av de mest underbara axellängda frisyren den här säsongen.

kortare hästsvans

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

En lätt men vacker frisyr på axellängd hår. En söt låg hästsvans gör att du kan flagga ansiktet och hålla håret av om du är en idrottsman eller en gymnastik. Sätt helt enkelt på ditt favorithårband för extra håll och stil.

Messy Sandy Ombre

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Detta är bokstavligen en av de enklaste och mest snygga frisyren för hårlängd hår. Du kan prova om du vill ha en enkel och enkel hårvårdsrutin. Messy axellängd skär parar bra med en skarp ombre. Naturliga rötter ger dig all struktur och volym du behöver för en super smickrande utseende.

Formella lockar

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Denna axellängd "gör är för dem som vill ha en fantastisk gatsby -look! Prova detta felfria mjuka tag på 1920 -talets frisyr. Du kan lägga till några varma höjdpunkter för att göra det ultramodern!

Afroamerikansk hår

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Rock din axellängd väver bekvämt och fashionabelt samtidigt med denna enkla och flörta frisyr. Att placera håret på ena sidan och arbeta med dessa lager med vissa vågor skapar en smickrande finish.

Casual Updo

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Den perfekta go-to-stilen för vardag eller till och med för en formell händelse-denna avslappnade och snabba bulle är genomförbar för alla hårtyp så länge du har tillräckligt med längd för att hålla den.

Längre vågor av benben

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Håll dig mjuk och fladdrig med dessa enorma vågor som fungerar bra på håret med axellängden. Dessa längder är också de bästa duken om du vill prova den populära ombre -stilen.

Twisted Wedding Updo

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Letar du efter en elegant men ändå ungdomlig och trendig bröllop frisyr efter ditt axellängdshår? Vändningar fungerar alltid perfekt för allt hår, särskilt när du har höjdpunkter för att ge dessa vändningsdimension. Avsluta i en bulle och några lösa vågor framför för en härlig look.

Loveliest Light Brown Hair Color

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Smickrande på alla hårtyp och ansiktsform, den söta bruna axellängden är vad varje kändis har nu på grund av dess mångsidighet i styling. Den här stilen kommer att få ditt hår att se tjockt och friskt oavsett hur du stilar.

härlig ljusblond trubbig snitt

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Ett nytt trubbigt snitt som passar alla som vill hålla sig naturligt blond. De subtila höjdpunkterna och mörka rötter hjälper till att ge håret mer dimension och struktur för ett komplett strandigt utseende.

otrolig bob för lockigt hår

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Omfamna din gåva och vara säker på att visa upp genom att få denna perfekta axellängd för lockigt hår. Kom ihåg att fuktgivande är nyckeln till att ge dina lås det liv och studsa de behöver!

mörk espresso med mycket lockigt hår

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Flickor som naturligtvis är välsignade med underbara lockiga lås bör prova detta enkla men livliga utseende. Om du letar efter ett sätt att lysa upp huvuddelen som långa hoppskåpor kan ge dig, välj det här korta hårklippet som fortfarande gör att du kan visa upp dina fantastiska naturliga lockar.

perfekt pastellrosa

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Ett glamoröst pastellrosa hår som detta kommer att få dig att känna dig som en sjöjungfru prinsessa varje dag! Lev dina drömmar med denna supersöta och bländande färg som är smickrande på alla frisyrer.

Önskvärd dimensionell lob för kvinnor över 50

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Utnyttja ditt lättare hår med denna ungdomliga axellängd frisyr för kvinnor över 50. Den livliga bronden och felfria vågor är också ett enkelt trick för att lägga till volym till ditt hår.

texturerad kastanj

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Denna hårfärg är super behaglig för ögat på grund av dess varma och sexiga aura. Perfekt för alla typer av hudtoner och eventuella frisyrer.

bodde i trubbig snitt

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Den mest populära frisyren i år-"Woke-Up-Like-This" -utseendet är vad alla suger efter. Det är superlätt att utforma, underhålla och trendig samtidigt! Det gör att du kan arbeta med din naturliga färg medan du har några strandiga höjdpunkter som lägger till stor dimension till håret.

Söta sidosvepta lugg

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Denna mjuka, Silver Ombré gör sin trubbiga Bob med söta sidospatta bangs-framstående och kommer ihåg av alla! Det är en frisyr som ser bäst ut på ansikten som är hjärtformade eller ovala.

Strawberry-Copper Angled Bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Ta ytterligare ett steg längre genom att välja denna rika jordgubbblondin med kopparundertoner på ditt raka axellängd hår. Denna mycket söta färg är idealisk på rättvis och neutral hud.

Rosewood Red Invertered Bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Denna fantastiska staplade bob är ett bra exempel på hur du kan förvandla hårklipp med axellängd med en djup färgfärg. Det är kryddat av en fantastisk slät djup röd passar alla slags hudtoner, varm eller kall. Tänk bara på att röda är högt underhåll men definitivt värt det!

fint vinklat bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

anmärkningsvärd rakkniv

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Gör ditt hackiga skiktade axellängd hår ännu mer intressant genom att lysa upp det med en blond balayage. Rakkniven plus den underbara färgen kommer definitivt att ge din frisyr ungdom och liv.

Splendid Straight Blonde Hair

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Om du blir uttråkad med ditt långa hår, kanske du vill prova något nytt och kortare som denna fantastiska raka blonda lob. Kom bara ihåg att användning av mycket lätta färger behöver TLC och högt underhåll för att hålla dem fantastiska.

fantastiskt skiktad bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Dessa raggiga vågor kompletterar fantastiskt skikten och de subtila ombre och höjdpunkterna samt för att skapa ett dimensionellt och strukturerat utseende. Avsluta med en tjock frans för den kompletta moderna shag -looken.

Flawless Ash Brown

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Få alla förvånade när de ser dig med denna charmiga askbruna hårfärg med en vågig lång bob. Denna fantastiska färg passar coolt till medelstora hudtoner perfekt bra.

Flödande silviga långa lager

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

svart till grå ombre

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Du kan prova den trendiga ombre som alla vill ha just nu med en enorm stänk av grå. Lämplig för alla hårlängder så länge du är hängiven till att se till att ditt hår är friskt för att få ut det mesta av denna fantastiska färg.

rak mittdel

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

En mittdel för medelstora rakt hår skapar en enkel ram runt ansiktet och förlänger den också. Denna enkla men ändå effektiva styling låter din ungdomliga och moderna personlighet sticker ut.

Drömaste krulat hår

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Medium bruna höjdpunkter på felfritt krulat hår kommer att göra att du vill bli en show-off! Höjdpunkterna skapar den bästa dimensionen och djupet tillsammans med vågorna.

coola bruna toner

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Ett klassiskt men ändå trendigt sätt att arbeta med dina mörka rötter är att måla håret med några coola brunetthöjdpunkter som alltid ser underbara på något sätt du utformar det.

vågor av silver

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

En magnifik look för de som växer ut sina hackiga korta bobs eller de som vill ha en ny kort till medelhårklipp! Lägg till några imponerande vågor för att hjälpa till att visa den livliga silver- och askbrun smältan och gör dig redo att få överfyllda komplimanger överallt där du går.

Stålgrå hår ombre

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Visa din vilda sida med detta moderna utseende! En rörig solid vågig grå lob är super idealisk för dem med förtroende för att rocka denna unika stil och har tid att hålla jämna steg med sitt höga underhåll.

Söt rak bob ombre

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Ett utsökt verk på en blandad blond ombre som detta kommer att göra att du känner dig lätt och fashionabla hela dagen. En medellång frisyr är tillräckligt för att visa upp den smidiga övergången som denna trendiga stil kan ge dig.

perfekt för tunt hår

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Nu kan du komma över dina tunna eller fina hårproblem genom att prova denna super chic frisyr. Mörka rötter och en isig blond balayage ger dig det färska bedårande utseendet du alltid har velat.

markerad vinklad bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Krydda upp din färg medan du håller dina rötter och bas naturliga genom att få varma blonda höjdpunkter som inte bara ljusare utan också lägger djup till ditt raka hår.

rolig axel längd blond bob hår

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Sätt en vild twist i den klassiska blondboben genom att lägga till super roliga långa lager framtill medan du håller ryggen kort och staplad för en lätt look.

Beachy Lob för ett rundare ansikte

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Utan tvekan är en av de bästa längderna för runda ansikten en medellång axellängd frisyr. Sideparting och tillägg av vågiga strukturerade strandvågor hjälper mycket att tunnas och förlänga ansiktet.

bedårande askbruna lockar

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Dessa subtila askbruna höjdpunkter ger lite djup i håret medan de felfria vågorna visar upp dimensionen. Detta söta axellängdshår är superlätt att skapa och perfekt för en vardaglig feminin look.

trendig topp smutsig bulle

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

En rörig hög bulle kan göra ditt liv enklare för dagen genom att få ditt hår från ansiktet och ge dig en fräsch blåsig känsla. Du kan också bära den här fantastiska frisyren i formella evenemang genom att lägga till vågor i håret för en mer fantastisk look.

en djärv vinröd röd

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Mesmerisera alla med denna super älskvärda vinröd på rakt hår! Denna underbara färg ser bra ut på varma och solbränna skinn och behöver underhåll för att hålla den livlig hela tiden.

Box -flätor

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Tilltalande för alla eftersom dessa flätor kan utformas på otaliga sätt, kräver bara lite underhåll och arbetar med alla hårtyp och struktur. Håll den i en axellängd eller kortare om du vill känna dig lätt och sorglös.

Frågor och svar med stilskapare, Zhané
Student i Kansas City, KS

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Detta är en vild och gammal skolutseende. Dessa kortare lådflätor ger mig en 90 -talskänsla. Det jag gillar med den här frisyren är längden och juvelerna. Juvelerna i slutet gör att denna frisyr sticker ut.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Om ditt hår är lite för långt, vik håret i hälften så när du klipper ändarna snipar du inte av misstag håret! Se också till att du återfuktar hårbotten en gång i veckan för att undvika irritation och torrhet.

V-formad frisyr

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Denna kraftigt skiktade snitt utskjutande smickrar alla medelstora till långt hår lika detsamma. Tillsammans med dessa höjdpunkter skapar denna teknik djup och rörelse i dessa trådar.

Frågor och svar med stilskapare, kim taglienti
frisyr @ art + science salon &spa i Philadelphia, pa

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Detta är en V-CUT med massor av lager och med en färgkombination av babybelysning och balayage, färdig med strandvågor. Hennes färg här visar hur lågt underhåll den kombinationen är för att vi inte ens gjorde det under den här sessionen.

Det här är färgen jag gjorde 10 veckor före, och det ser fortfarande bra ut! Jag älskar verkligen de trender som är enkelt underhåll för människor när de målar håret. Det gör att människor kan leka med färg.

Jag älskar att lägga till strandvågor till de flesta av mina färger och snitt eftersom det får fram färgens dimension och färskt struktur. Färg kan verka så annorlunda när den är rak jämfört med när den är krullad. Dessutom kan strukturen på en frisyr vara så vacker när den är krullad.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Jag skulle säga gå för det! Du behöver långt hår till att börja med för att skapa V-formen ordentligt, men det är verkligen mångsidigt för alla hårtyper och strukturer. Det ser också bra ut när rakt eller krullat.

Jag gillar personligen den här frisyren med massor av lager för att visa upp strukturen och ge håret massor av kropp och volym.

Jag tror att någon kan ändra detta snitt enligt deras ansiktsform, genom att välja vilka ansiktsramstycken du lägger eller inte sätter runt gästerna ansikte. För längre ansikten gillar jag att lägga till fler bitar runt ansiktet.

För att skapa det här utseendet använde jag Avedas volumiserande tonic vid hennes rot och Avedas skadahem dagliga hårreparation genom ändarna. Jag blåser sedan torkad och slutade med ett 1 1/4 ″ curlingjärn, växelvis riktningen jag gick in.

Efter att lockarna kyldes sprang jag fingrarna genom håret, bröt upp lockarna och slutade med Avedas kontrollkraft hårspray. Den hårsprayen är min absoluta favorit eftersom det är en superrörlig hårspray, men också har ett långvarigt grepp.

Frizzy Waves

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, chantelle smegal
> Anpassad färgspecialist @ Black Fox Studio i Spruce Grove, AB

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Denna målade hackiga bob -look är extremt mångsidig och låg underhåll.  Det är ett riktigt roligt, flörtigt utseende som kan bäras av alla åldersgrupper. Med en hårmålningsteknik som används för ljusning möjliggör det en super låg underhållsfärg som fungerar med hennes hudton och ger ljusstyrka och dimension, allt medan håret växer ut fantastiskt.

Denna A-Line Bob-frisyr ovanför axlarna är mycket mjuk. Vi har lagt till lite mjukt skiktning genom toppen och runt ansiktet för att ta bort lite bulk och lägga till en lättare känsla i det övergripande utseendet. De högt strukturerade ändarna skapades med hjälp av punktskärning för att mjukgöra linjen, vilket skapade ett mer lekfullt och ostrukturerat utseende på Bob.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Gå för det. Det här utseendet är extremt smickrande för alla ansiktsformer. Det här utseendet kan vara enkelt för dem som har en viss struktur och för dem med lockigt hår.

Jag skulle bara rekommendera att du lägger till några extra lager i det för ännu mer viktborttagning för dem med tyngre hår, så det förblir inte för skrymmande genom botten. För dem med rakt hår är det mycket enkelt att lägga till lite rörelse med en curlingstav, curlingjärn eller platt järn eftersom det är avsett för ett ångrat utseende.

Jag rekommenderar alltid att du använder en termisk skyddsspray när du använder heta verktyg och avslutar utseendet med en textureringsspray för extra håll, volym och separering.

naturligt lockigt rött

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, Emily Mazour
> Color Specialist &Creative Director @ 77 Salon i Portland, eller

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Min klient är naturligtvis en nivå 2 med medium till grovt hår. Hon har övervägt att göra rött länge. Färger som detta tar en djärv personlighet och en som inte är rädd för uppmärksamhet. Hon bär det både lockigt eller rakt. Mitt mål när jag gör modefärger eller några färger är att se till att hårets integritet är intakt. För hennes utseende vill hon spela det både lockigt eller rakt, så jag gör hörnen i den främre omgången för att uppnå en krökt utseende när den är lockig.

Portland handlar om intressanta snitt och färger, varför jag älskar att bo här. Jag gör en hel del modefärger. Beroende på hur mycket engagemang, hur ofta de vill komma in och hur de behandlar håret hemma, varierar utseendet och placeringen av mina modefärger.

Mitt mål är också att se till att det kommer att bära länge och se bra ut även om det bleknar. Jag älskar lockigt hår, och jag älskar hur hon inte är rädd för att visa upp det. Hennes hår ser helt direkt från operationen.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Var medveten om att vara på ett rutinmässigt schema som kommer in i salongen. Vi fräschar håret var sjätte vecka.

Du vill se till att använda svalare vatten hemma. Tvätta inte varje dag och använd ett färgsäkert schampo och balsam. Jag gillar att använda Angel Wash and Rinse av Kevin Murphy, smidig igen för att kamma håret ut, och cocktail Deva Curl Styling Cream and Gel, sedan diffus.

För lockigt hår känner jag att någon ansiktsform fungerar. För din livsstil måste du verkligen se till att din chef inte är jävla.

Jet Black tog examen Bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, sarah klimara
> Frisör @ salongelement i Hudson, fl

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Detta är en elegant, samtida tag på den vanliga Bob. Jag älskar absolut den branta inversionen, som lägger denna frisyr bortsett från den typiska boben.

Mångsidigheten i denna frisyr gör det möjligt för en klient att bära rakt, med naturliga lockar eller strandvågor.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Denna frisyr kan bäras av vem som helst, men för dig med en rund ansiktsform ger den faktiskt utseendet på ett smalare ansikte. Oavsett om ditt hår är fint eller tjockt, kan denna frisyr vaggas och få huvuden att vända!

Om platt strykning eller curling för strandvågor, använd alltid ett värmeskyddande medel när du applicerar värme på håret. Jag älskar Kenra Hot Spray Heat Protectant, eftersom det också fungerar som en hårspray. Om de väljer att bära med naturliga lockar, hjälper Devacurl att minska frizz och definierar lockarna utan att göra håret styvt eller fet.

rockabilly green

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, megan moye
> Stylist @ panache i Boise, id

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Det här utseendet är en vintage -stil med en modern twist. Jag gillar mest att det är så kompletterande för nästan allas hår. Det är en mycket mångsidig stil och det lägger till en klass för alla tillfällen.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Jag åstadkom den här stilen genom att hänvisa till ett inställt mönster, använda ett curlingjärn och fästa varje lock på plats som en fatrulle. Efter curling använde jag Aveda Air Control för att ge ett lätt grepp, och sedan släppte jag ut alla lockarna. Med hjälp av en paddelborste och retade där jag behövde volym skapade jag den form jag ville ha och avslutade den med Aveda -kontrollkraften för ett fäste. Det här utseendet är fantastiskt för nästan alla tillfällen och är fantastisk för haklängd till långt hår.

lugg och lager

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, Ashley widmann
> Frisör @ Stella Luca i Winter Park, fl

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Den här klienten kom in och ville mjukgöra några lager som nyligen klipptes. Anledningen till att jag tror varför dessa lager ursprungligen inte fungerade för henne är att hon har massor av fint hår. De komprometterades något, så du kunde se varje snip av saxen från föregående snitt.

Jag gick igenom och mjuknade hennes omkrets genom att peka på medan det var torrt innan jag schamponerade henne. Sedan använde jag en rak rakkniv i hela (inte med bladets lägenhet) för att försiktigt ta bort vikten från skikten, och jag mjukade också ändarna mer med rakkniv.

Därefter torkade jag allt och utjämnade snabbt ändarna, så att jag kunde utvärdera vikten och hur allt låg. Jag slutade med att plocka upp några bitar för att avta ändarna för att göra det supermjukt med min sax, för att ge lite mer rörelse och hjälpa till att jämna ut viktlinjerna från tidigare.

Hennes lugg var redan på punkt, så jag städade dem bara lite för henne, mjukade dem genom att göra en djup och grunt punktklipp när de torkade.

Jag älskar hur jag fick använda mitt öga för hela snittet, snarare än en förklappad perfekt sektionerad frisyr. Jag älskar det absolut när jag kan göra det!

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Det här utseendet är bra för någon som föredrar lite bodde i/rörig stil - som om du inte letar efter en perfekt strukturerad bob, utan en stil som bara går med flödet. Du kan lufttorka det om du älskar din naturliga struktur eller kastar ett par trasiga bitar där inne.

Jag skulle inte rekommendera detta snitt för hår med låg densitet eller för trånga eller spiralfjädrade lockar. Det är bra för medelstora strukturer, medelstora till tung densitet, rakt till vågiga eller mjuka lockar.

För hennes torrt, använde jag humla och humla frisörer osynliga oljeprimer och humla och humla förtjockande spray överallt. Jag använde sedan en trollstav för att lägga till lite extra rörelse och dimension. Jag avslutade hennes blick med Bumble and Bumble Dryspun finish över hela rötterna och genom hela huvudet!

perfekt platinblond färg

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, Melissa Kingma
> Stylist / Colorist / Makeup Artist @ Govero Salons in Des Peres / Clayton, Mo

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Jag skulle vilja kategorisera detta som en California Girl/Beachy Chic look. Min klient kom in med håret som behövde någon större TLC. Efter att ha lysat upp henne gav vi henne ett snitt som kan vara lätt för dag till dag eller en rolig helgglam. Det finns inget bättre än den här sexiga strandvågen! När jag sätter efterbehandlingen på håret är det som att fyrverkerier går av och jag blir kär.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Även om det här utseendet är utmärkt för en underhållsperson med låg till medium, är produkter ett måste för att säkerställa färgen och stilens livslängd. Med alla coola blondiner skickar jag dem alltid hem med Kevin Murphy Blonde Angel -regimen. När jag stylar en texturiserad men ändå elegant look, räcker jag alltid efter en mängd Kevin Murphy -produkter - hårort, sovrumshår och någon av skimmersprayerna. Allt fungerar fantastiskt med alla hårtyp, vilket ger en volumiserad glansig finish.

utsökt rörigt bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, Katie Bacigalupi
Stylist @ Hector Estrada Salon i San Francisco, CA

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Det är en enkel texturiserad lång bob. Den här klienten har en liten våg i ändarna på håret vilket gör att det ångrade ser mycket lätt att uppnå. Jag älskar det bebodda utseendet som denna snitt och stil har. Det finns mycket struktur i snittet som möjliggör det röriga utseendet.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Det här snittet fungerar på nästan alla ansiktsformar och hårtyp. De med en naturlig våg eller krullning kommer att bli lättare att få det röriga utseendet. Om håret är rakt, använd ett platt järn eller curlingjärn för att ge håret en lös lock, använd en bred tandkam och borsta ut dem tills du har den önskade mängden våg. För att avsluta stilen är en bra textureringsspray eller lotion allt du behöver - som Oribe torrt textureringsspray som jag använde.

hackigt hår med naturliga höjdpunkter

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, Jess Gannaway
> Hair Artist @ Eden Salon &Barbershop i Colorado Springs, Co

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Det här utseendet är enkelt. Vi tar ditt naturliga vågmönster och klä upp det. Easiness är det som gör mig lyckligast med det. Gick hon bara upp ur sängen och sprang fingrarna genom håret? Går hon till kyrkan eller klassen? Är toppen nere på sin bil och hon slutar på gymmet? Ingen vet för att utseendet är så rent och milt är avvecklat.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Lobb är för alla! Alla ansiktsformer och storlekar! Choppy Lobs är lätt den universella frisyren jag känner att någon kan bära. Investera i ett bra curlingjärn. Jag använder heta verktyg som ett fat curlingjärn och @domdomhairs curlingteknik, men sedan rullar jag alla mina lockar på samma sätt. Vänd håret över, kasta några @love_kevin_murphy sovrum hår i det. Arbeta igenom med fingrarna och avsluta det med @love_kevin_murphy torrt pulver överallt och pulverpuff vid rötterna för intensiv volym.ka

staplad bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med Style Creator, Michelle Deluco
> Frisör / ägare @ Delucos hårdesign i Vernon, CT

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Denna frisyr, känd som A-Line Stapled Bob, är en av mina favoritnedskärningar.  De längre längderna i framsidan gör det möjligt för kvinnor att prova kortare stilar medan de fortsätter att ge dem känslan av långt hår.  Det är mångsidigt för så många livsstilar! Dra tillbaka det, klibbera och gå, eller slät och räta ut - det är allt upp till dig! Den rika chokladbruna basen, accentuerad med bara en touch av röda nyanser, är perfekt för denna brunett. Den naturligt blandade höjdpunkterna lättare den mörka basen under de kommande sommarmånaderna och skapar olika djup och färgdimensioner.

Några råd för någon som överväger det?

Staplade Bobs kompletterar nästan varje ansiktsform och hårstruktur. Denna stil kan delas på vardera sidan eller ner i mitten. Det kan spelas upp med textureringsprodukter för en rolig dag på stranden eller utformad smidig för en elegant natt på staden.  För fint hår skulle en förtjockande glasyr cocktailed med en medelhög gel eller mousse fungera bra, och för tjockare hår, kommer du att ge en lätt styling creme medan du blandar in en silkening glans.  Slutför det här utseendet med en glansspray eller arganolja så är du redo för allt livet kastar dig.

ingefära prom

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A med stilskapare, Maria Peters
> Hair Artist @ Isaac Roberts Salon i San Diego, CA

Hur skulle du beskriva det här utseendet?

Det här utseendet var en korrigerande färg. Hon kom initialt till mig med en mörk och nästan vinröd ton som redan växte ungefär en tum av hennes naturliga askblond rot och bleknade ändar.

När jag såg henne visste jag omedelbart från hennes hudfärg och ögon att hon skulle se underbar ut med en kopparröd. Hon gillar tjocka lugg så jag integrerade ett kort texturerat lagerklipp för att ge henne en modern vintage -stil.

Efter att jag avslutat hennes färg och klippt håret torrt, satte jag håret på lockar och fäst dem att torka. Sedan borstade jag dem ut och gav henne en stiftkrullning för en flare vintage -stil.

Jag älskar att den här nya färgen inte bara kompletterar henne mer än tidigare, utan det är också mindre underhåll och hennes rötter nu är mindre märkbara också.

Any advice for someone considering it?

Always consider your skin tone, your natural hair color, eye color, and lifestyle. Your natural beauty always speaks the truth.

If you have pink skin, freckles, light blonde or light red hair, this color would more likely compliment you very well.

Always be sincere with yourself. A lot of women want something completely opposite of their own natural spectrum, and that will need a lot of maintenance and budget.

Wanting a new look doesn’t always require you to do something super crazy and drastic to be beautiful.

Thick straight bangs aren’t for everyone. For some people, it would be easy to style them. For some, it might take time to train the hair to go where you want them to lay.

Always talk to a professional hairdresser and bring your realistic inspirational pictures with you.

Middle Part LOB

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

This style is fresh and versatile. It’s great for any woman searching for a new look but also wants to stir away from a bob. With the midi in fashion right now, the LOB is a must-have, as it works for both straight hair or sexy beach waves for that “I woke up like this” look.

This length can pretty much suit any face shape, though the front would need to be tweaked to tailor-make the style according to one’s bone structure.

Aside from a middle part, it can also be styled into a side part, which would be essential for a long or oblong face.

Use some products for a more finished look. Some sea salt spray, putty, and hairspray will work wonders.

Vintage Updo

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Krista Bernardo
Hairstylist @ goldplaited in Chicago, IL

How would you describe this look?

It’s a modernized vintage updo. The client went to a 1920s-themed school event and wanted to fit without going overboard.

I love the clean lines, and that it captured the old Hollywood elegance without being too stylized.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This style is best performed on medium to thick second-day hair, so that it may hold the created shapes better.

Play around with the pin curls in front. Varying degrees of volume will make the look suitable for different face shapes.

It’s a great option for anyone who wants the old school glam without seeming costumey.

French Braid

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Jessie Rose
Hairstylist / Makeup Artist / Brow Technician @ in Neston, England

How would you describe this look?

I would put this look in the ‘boho category’. The soft waves and chunky braid give it the effortless look you need for a boho look.

I think my client’s color gives the braid some definition. Sometimes you find braids get lost in dark hair, but this caramel color breaks it up.

Any advice for someone considering it?

My client thought that you can’t do anything with short hair. Wrong!

Obviously, you are limited to what you can do, but this definitely gives a shorter bob some character and a bit of fun.

I used the Babyliss wand for waves and backcombing dust for texture.

You can wear it to any occasion, and you could also decorate it with flowers or a sparkly hair accessory.

Bright Blonde for Straight Hair

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Q&A with style creator, Krystyna Hammond
Hairstylist @ Adore Hair Studio in Atlanta, GA

How would you describe this look?

I like this haircut for my clients with thin or fine hair. By keeping the length blunt, it creates an illusion of fullness.

I love to add a slight downward angle towards the front to create a focal point. It keeps the cut looking chic and on trend.

I added foil highlights to give her dimension and keep her color bright. I love the way the light reflects off the champagne tone.

The benefits of highlights or babylights with fine hair is that the lightener often slightly swells the cuticle adding even more fullness. It helps to create texture as well – a win-win!

Any advice for someone considering it?

The first thing to decide is where you want it to hit:above the shoulders, at your chin, or mid neck.

Usually, this depends on your face shape and neck length. Often, people forget that their neck length can make a big difference when cutting a bob.

For this client, she has an elegantly long neck creating a sleek style that suits her.

Plan on styling your short hair. I love to use a thickening mousse and blow dry it in using a flat brush.

There are many variations of the bob haircut. Ask your stylist to help you decide which version fits best for you!

Dark Mahogany

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Bri Claire
Stylist @ Bobbi Pins Salon in Glendora, CA

How would you describe this look?

This is a dimensional ruby red. I like how the red compliments the green in her hazel eyes, and how the brighter pieces highlight the texture in her cut.

Any advice for someone considering it?

For anyone who’s looking for a bold red color, they should first consider that a bolder color requires more maintenance.

Reds are notoriously high maintenance but are easily kept up with a color depositing shampoo, such as Viral in Ruby or Overtone products.


100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Beckie
Hairstylist @ Atomic Style Lounge in Las Vegas, NV

How would you describe this look?

This look is classic, a modern spin on a vintage pageboy combout. It works perfectly for shoulder length styles to give it the right amount of sheen and bounce. It’s off her face, but its forward curves also give softness to her face. I love how her color magnified the entire style.

Any advice for someone considering it?

Any kind of angular face (heart, diamond, square) does justice to a shoulder length blunt cut with minimal layering. We’re trying to enhance the shocking and bold angled features, not soften them. I prepped her hair with Amika Thermal Shield Spray to help morph the curls into shape. Then I combed it out and put Sexy Hair Powder Lite in her hair from the base to ends lightly to create hold for the curls without teasing. I finished with Amika Fluxus Hairspray and CHI Shine Spray.

Waves for Thin Hair

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Q&A with style creator, Cynthia Alenius
Hairstylist @ Angles Hair &Aesthetics in Cochrane, AB

How would you describe this look?

This is a tousled, beachy textured look. The grown-out regrowth and the brightness around the face make it look like she’s been out in the sun, naturally sun-kissed.

I love that it looks messy on purpose. Almost like she just got out of bed, curled a few pieces, and finished off with a texture spray. I love the idea of that “just got out of bed” look. The color brings it all together to enhance the curl. Some of it is her natural texture, and it looks fantastic when straight also!

Any advice for someone considering it?

I believe the LOB haircut works best for every face shape. It’s easy to style. Like I said before, I like the idea of it being messy on purpose, so using a curling iron, like the 1 1/4 Bex curling iron, from mid-shaft down while leaving the ends out gives you that perfect messy textured look.

I also didn’t curl every piece of hair to work with her natural texture, because it adds a little bit extra. I don’t like to overdo it when it comes to using hair products. Start with a leave-in conditioner with heat protection, then a dry texture spray after using the iron, and finish off with a workable hairspray to give it some extra hold.

Lobby Choppy Haircut

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Christy Miller
Cosmetologist @ Tenth Street Hair Lounge in Riverside,CA

How would you describe this look?

This is my favorite kind of bob – textured and choppy. I adjust the length and layers depending on my client’s face shape.

I love this cut because with just a few slight changes depending on what you want to highlight, it can look good on anyone.

Any advice for someone considering it?

I’m a sucker for texture because it’s low maintenance. I encourage all my clients to embrace their texture instead of fighting it.

This look is so low maintenance. You only need to add a texture product like the Matrix StyleLink Airy Builder. It’s a mousse that adds in texture and some grit to it. It builds up fine hair and is strong enough to control thick hair without creating too much buildup.

If you have fine straight hair, add the mousse, diffuse and wrap a few face-framing pieces around your wand, and you’re off. If you already have texture, just apply Airy Builder, diffuse, and go as this dries so amazingly.

A lot of my clients are requesting this cut because it’s low maintenance but still on trend. It has great versatility because it could always be styled sleek with a deep side part for a night out.

Bright Pink Rooted Ombre

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Maddie Walk
Hairstylist @ Rod Sickler Salon in Champaign, IL

How would you describe this look?

This is platinum with a splash of pink at the roots. I love how perfectly the pink melts into the platinum ends!

Any advice for someone considering it?

This is for those who like their hair to be very bold! It looks great with any hair length, making it versatile.

Talking about lifestyle, this is for someone who isn’t in a pool a lot and doesn’t wash their hair a ton. The less you wash your hair, the longer the color will last!

This rooted platinum looks great on straight or curly hair!

Braided Updo for Prom

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Nadia Kharitonov
Hairstylist and Makeup Artist in Moses Lake, WA

How would you describe this look?

When it comes to updos for shoulder length hair, a sophisticated fishtail is the way to go! I love that it’s trendy, perfect for any occasion, can be worn as a bridesmaid hairstyle, prom, and recreated as a quick dinner date updo by braiding the fishtail braid then assembling it with a messy low bun.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This hairstyle can be worn for any hair type. I would recommend to pre-curl all the hair before styling it. I also love using Kenra texturizing spray before I curl the hair.

I start off with parting and teasing the poof part. Then for creating the lower bun, I attach a donut bun onto the center of the lower part of the head and pin the curls around to hide the donut bun. Lastly, I start to braid a fishtail incorporating it into the updo bun, leaving a few curls hanging in the front framing the face.

This hairstyle is perfect for someone who considers themselves trendy and looking for a curly updo with an incorporated fishtail braid.

Mermaid Melt for Thick Wavy Hair

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Courtney Alexander
Salon Owner / Stylist @ Tribe Salon in Lebanon, MO

How would you describe this look?

I absolutely love this shoulder length hairstyle! Using a color melting technique and using fashion colors is so much fun!

It’s so summery and reminds me of the ocean! I’m glad to get back to brighter and lighter colors after everyone has gone dark for winter!

Any advice for someone considering it?

With any fashion color, always consider whether you are ready to make the commitment or not before diving in. Upkeep and home maintenance are necessary with these colors.

A sulfate-free, color sage shampoo and conditioner are a must as well. I like the new Biolage R.A.W.

I recommend a low heat setting in styling tools and a good heat protectant spray like the Kenra 22 to keep your color lasting.

Keep hair washing to a minimum. Fashion colors are very popular right now and I love doing them but, I always prepare my clients with aftercare and let them know they are different than your traditional colors!

Inspiring Inverted Bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Meg Geruntho
Stylist @ Tangles Salon / Lash Extension Artist @ The Pink Lady
in Lancaster, PA

How would you describe this look?

This is glamorously disheveled. It has a mix of fashion-forward, power mom and summer festival hair, all rolled into one.

This is one of my absolute favorite cuts. It’s playful, cool, and chic! It works on so many levels. It’s short enough to feel freeing and simple, but long enough to style in a multitude of ways.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This style is a great, low maintenance look for just about any face shape and hair type! Blow dry it straight and smooth for a put-together, flawless, sleek ‘do, or add some waves and a texture spray for that “I woke up like this” bohemian look. You truly can’t go wrong!

The length in the front gives you endless options for braids and half-buns too! Be bold and cut your hair for this playful summer look!

Edgy Dip Dye Blue Ombre

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Q&A with style creator, Andrea
Hair &Makeup Artist @ Schneidekunst Dresden in Dresden, Germany

How would you describe this look?

This is a really badass look. I love the color melt from mat ash brown to vivid turquoise. Feels like when Cinderella turned into the lovely princess in her turquoise gown

Any advice for someone considering it?

Every girl or woman can wear this look if she’s brave enough. But I think it will look best for alternative girls wanting alternative hairstyles.

For the cute beach waves, use a big curler and then comb it all with your fingers. Use some pump spray if you like it a little more messy.

The long bob is most suitable for women with thin hair because it’s the haircut that gives the hair the most volume.

Please notice that the turquoise is a semi-permanent hair color. It will fade with every wash. If you like it to stay bright, you need to re-dye it often.

But who says pastel colors are not looking cool?

Attractive Auburn Color

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Becky
Stylist @ Becky B Hair in Caloundra &North Lakes, QLD

How would you describe this look?

This is a copper-gold color melt! I love this option over a tired classic ombre. Moving away from the classic dark to blonde, we’ve jazzed it up and given it new life.

The best part is that we didn’t have to pre-lighten, so the hair is in great condition which is resulting in epic shine! This irresistible color transition is hard to look away from!

Any advice for someone considering it?

With a take-home Novafusion copper shampoo, this color can be rich and no fuss at home. The subtle color blend will look fantastic if styled curly, straight or left natural.

A bit of play dirty dry wax makes this style look like a hot mess in a hurry which is my favorite ‘undone’ look.

The length is perfect for a girl on the go. Easy to style and easy to throw up!

Strawberry Swirls Curled Hair

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Leisha Scisson
Hair Colorist &Owner @ Wanderlust Boutique in Troy, OH

How would you describe this look?

This is a dimensional red and blonde layered cut with soft curls. She is also rocking a trendy shoulder length in her cut and a side swept bangs.

My favorite part is the color and how it not only compliments her skin but also her cut as well. These 2 shades of red and honey beige blonde also go so well with each other.

Any advice for someone considering it?

For this color combination, always consider your skin tone. If you have fair skin, then adding in a deep red will give you some more vibrancy in your skin tone and brighten your eyes.

This shade of blonde highlighted in with the red is a honey beige shade so that we can stay on the warmer side to compliment the red but to also give her some vibrancy in her fair skin.

I would also say if you have a shoulder length hairstyle, having some soft textured layers will make styling more manageable but also hold her curls out much longer.

For styling on this look, I first prepped her with IGK Trust Fund for some volume in the top and crown and then used IGK Mistress on the ends to smooth out any frizz and then blow dried straight.

I used a 1 inch Sam Villa flat iron to create soft easy curls and finished with some Lanza healing oil finishing spray for a firm hold with shine.

This look is easy for her to achieve at home in 15 min or less and she can style this more polished for her front desk job or shake it out and wear it more messy to go out on the weekends.

This style is best for oval or round face shape and fine to medium density.

Pinned for a Perfect Party Look

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Q&A with style creator, Natalie Mantia
Manager @ Studio 703 in Chesterfield, MO

How would you describe this look?

This half up half down style is the perfect mix of elegant and whimsical.

My favorite thing about this look is how simple it is, but the addition of the brooch gives it just the right amount of extravagance.

Any advice for someone considering it?

I would recommend this look for someone who has layers as it would be hard to replicate if their hair is only one length. I used KMS Dry Wax to give it hold as well as a bit of texture.

Braided Aqua

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Mashara Bumbico
Hairstylist @ Streaks Salon in Modesto, CA

How would you describe this look?

This is a braided shoulder length hairdo with loose waves. My favorite thing about this style is the braid!

Braids are so popular and fun right now. They add the right amount of texture along with the loose waves and really help bring the whole look together.

Any advice for someone considering it?

My clients ask for this look all the time because this hairstyle is so versatile. It can be worn for so many occasions such as proms, weddings, or any other special event.

This style is perfect for the client who is looking for an effortless look and not too overdone.

This look can really suit many face shapes and can be tailored to those shapes by the detailing in the front.

For this particular client, we loosely pinned back her bangs so she felt that they still framed her face without feeling like they would be in her way throughout the night, and left some pieces out framing the face on the other side.

However, you could also get away with everything pulled back away from the face depending on the client’s preference.

This style is best suited for medium hair texture and shoulder length to long hair.

Wrapped Easy Updo

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Kelly Barrett
Stylist @ Hez Studio Salon &Spa in Scranton, PA

How would you describe this look?

This is a shoulder length hairstyle that is simple and textured with polished elegance. While favoring sleek looks personally, I have grown to love movement. I believe it provides a feminine appearance to the person wearing it from all angles.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This look can be done to look amazing on most face shapes by just watching your proportion of the style – meaning, tightness, width, height. And blondes show texture best!

It’s truly a beautiful look, easily styled with one of my favorite products, KMS spray play, another favorite, Puff Me, and finishing with R + Co Vicious spray.

Sunset Blonde with Layers

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Q&A with style creator, Vivian
Stylist @ The Cut Above Salon &Spa in Etobicoke, ON

How would you describe this look?

This is a low maintenance haircut on shoulder length locks that is great for multiple occasions – at your 9-5, date nights, weddings and even everyday errand runs. It adds flair and sass to your day or night out ensemble.

Our favorite thing about this hairstyle is that accessorizing will help play a big part in dressing yourself up or down.

To dress up, you can pair it with your favorite little black dress and lipstick in shades of red or plum. To dress down, this look will go great with a pair of jeans and a comfy sweater. Either way, the soft waves will frame your face resulting in a lively and sweet look.

Any advice for someone considering it?

For those with fine to normal hair, this look is perfect because it adds just enough volume and body. Thicker hair just won’t have the same results as this look. It’ll look more dense and heavy. Our suggestion is to use a smaller barrelled curling iron or curling wands so they curls will fall better. You can either use a tourmaline ceramic curling iron or curling wand with a 32mm &38mm barrel circumference.

It’s suitable for all ages because it’ll never go out of style. The model’s hair falls slightly past her shoulders when it’s straight and when curled like the featured picture, it’ll sit right on the shoulders.

When curling, remember to alternate the curl direction to get a more natural curl pattern. Start off by curling one piece away from the face and curling the next piece towards to the face.

The best face shapes for this style are either round, oval or heart-shaped.

This classic soft curled bob lasts about 3 days and will transform into a messy loose wave look from the second day – appropriate for busy bees that cannot dedicate too much time to styling their hair every day. Keep a dry shampoo spray in your bag to touch up greasy roots and to fluff up weighed down pieces.

Recommended products and why:

1. Thermal protectant spray (Ironclad 01 Joico Thermal Protectant Spray)

For:Heat protection from hot tools

2. Root Booster (Matrix&rsquos Total Results High Amplify Wonder Boost Root Lifter)

For:Lifting roots for volume

3. Volumizing Blowout Cream (Matrix&rsquos Blowout Big Queen)

For:Adding volume and body to hair (Optional for people with thick hair, more essential to those with fine to normal hair)

4. Texturizing Spray (KMS Hairplay Playable Texture Remodelable Spray)

For:Achieving the messy wave look and separation of curl pieces

5. Medium Hold Hairspray (Sebastian Shaper+ Extra Hold)

For:Taming flyaway hair pieces and setting the finished look

6. Dry Shampoo (KMS Hairplay Makeover Spray)

For:Removing oily roots in between hair washes

Superb Textured Bob

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Jackie Davis
Owner @ Jackie Davis Beauty in Chatsworth, CA

How would you describe this look?

This is a textured modern bob cut on shoulder length hair. It’s a little more modern due to the fact that it has more movement than a more structured classic bob.

I love how youthful, sexy and chic this style is. It is very feminine and flattering on most women.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This is perfect for most face shapes (except on square-shaped faces).

When styling it, have fun! Wear it straight or curly. If I am just doing it straight, I use my most favorite product, 12n1 by Mon Platin and blow dry.

For a curly style, I blow dry and then use a 3/4 inch curling iron prepped with a thermal styling spray by Kenra. I spray Matrix Texture Builder to add a little texture.

Soft Brown Balayage Color

100 söta och enkla frisyrer för hårlängd hår

Q&A with style creator, Krysti Hanson
Creative Master Hair Designer &Color Specialist @ Alchemy Salon and Spa in Knoxville, TN

How would you describe this look?

This is a shoulder length style lob, or long bob, with balayage highlights. This haircut has been very popular for the last few years.

It’s great for someone with long hair that wants a new look but also not wanting something too short or high maintenance.

My favorite is the color that we paired with this amazing haircut. A proper lob paired with a flawless balayage. I love keeping the highlights bit stronger and brighter around the face. That “money piece” is everything!

Any advice for someone considering it?

Luckily, this look is suitable for all face shapes and hair textures, it looks great on everyone!

To keep your new lob haircut looking lovely, be sure to see your stylist every 6 to 8 weeks for a trim. In addition, use a glossing treatment to keep your hair color looking shiny and healthy.

I don’t recommend my clients washing their hair every day, try to go at least every other day. In between washes use a dry shampoo. I love “Hair Refresher” by Davines.

For that “lived in” popular beachy look, use your flat iron or curling iron to add some curl. Once the curl cools, spray with Davines dry texturizing spray. That spray has a good amount of hold as well.

Now you’re ready to conquer the day with your new, low maintenance, stylish, and trendy look!

Wedding Perfect Maypole Braided Updo

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Q&A with style creator, Ellie Ferrari
Wedding &Occasion Hair Specialist @ The Updo Girl in Exeter, Devon

How would you describe this look?

This is a formal take on a boho updo, simply because it has the sleekness of the barrel roll but the braids help make it look more relaxed.

This is great for people who don’t want to commit to a completely polished look.

My favorite is the braids because you cannot beat a pretty braid in any style. Plus this particular braid is actually something new I created which I have called the “Maypole” braid.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This style would be perfect for anyone who wants to change up their style mid-way through an occasion or transition from day to night.

You can easily take the barrel roll out and have a beautiful half up, half down hairstyle.

You would need a medium to thick hair for this style due to the braids.

The style is really versatile and would suit all face shapes. The front can be styled as you normally would in order to flatter your features.

Dark Brown Hair with Caramel Highlights

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Q&A with style creator, Rachel Sommers
Certified Colorist @ Classic Images Hair Design in Livermore, CA

How would you describe this look?

This is one of my favorite shoulder length hairdos because it has a lot of dimensions and the caramel color of the highlights complement her skin tone. The subtle darker root will also allow the highlights to grow out softly for a lower maintenance look.

Any advice for someone considering it?

My advice is to keep the length around the collarbone which will help avoid the “shoulder flip” when the hair sits right on the shoulders. We used a texture spray and heat protectant and only curled the top half of her hair to achieve this wavy look.

Middle Parted Bangs

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Q&A with style creator, Isadora Ciola
Hairstylist &Makeup Artist @ CKamura in Campinas, São Paulo

How would you describe this look?

This is one of the most on-trend shoulder length haircuts for women who are fashionistas. That’s because it’s classic and cool at the same time.

It all depends on the finish that you want to do – straight or wave! And I think its versatility is what is interesting about it!

Any advice for someone considering it?

DO IT! It works for almost everyone. And if you think your face is too “circular,” you may bet in a diagonal bang to create different lines around your face.

For those who have curly hair, don’t go with a straight line cut, and it would have volume only in the end just like a pyramid. So my advice is to create some layers if you want to avoid that.

If you wear it straight, you can finish with an oil. If you want it wavy, you can use products like sea salt.

Blue Purple for a Funky Look

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Q&A with style creator, Elyse Zydek
Hairstylist @ Rockit Studio in Schaumburg, IL

How would you describe this look?

This is a fierce look that’s not for the timid! If you ever wanted rainbow hair you could always end on the cooler side of the rainbow. I absolutely love the blends of colors and the color pallet.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This is not for someone who’s not into upkeep and care of their hair. I require all my mermaids to use Olaplex to keep their bleached locks healthy. Sulfate free shampoo and conditioner and only wash 1-2 times a week. A good dry shampoo will get you through those non-wash days. Cold water is also a must!

When styling, keeping at a low heat is best. I love Bio Ionic’s StyleWinder iron because it’s very easy to use.

These colors stay about 6 weeks and fade with every wash. Many factors come into play with the longevity of these colors. But if you are daring to try, I’d go for it!

Incredibly Textured Bob

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Q&A with style creator, Nicole Holdaway
Stylist @ Tangles Hair Studio in Albany, Western Australia

How would you describe this look?

This fresh and fun A-line bob haircut for shoulder length hair and it is one of my favorites.

I love how it can be worn with a deep side-part or centered-part and still look amazing. I also love how the A-line bob is so versatile and can be worn in so many different ways.

Any advice for someone considering it?

If you’re wanting a cut that ticks all the boxes, this is the one for you! It suits most hair types, I would tend to suggest not for super thick hair unless you’re prepared for some heavy weight lifting! This cut can make thin hair look thick and feel beautiful.

This cut is user-friendly for most people. Quick and easy to style even if worn straight or curly.

To recreate this look, I would smooth hair with Wella EMI Perfect Me cream (the B.B. cream for hair). Then add a curl and brush it out, to create ultimate texture! Finish with Wella EMI stay styled hairspray. Whether you’re in the office or outdoors you’ll be 100% rocking the bob!

Noticeable Natural Curly Hair

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Q&A with style creator, Yadira Muñoz
Hair Artist @ Rebel Femme Salon and Education in Mission Viejo, CA

How would you describe this look?

The focus of this look was to make her curls bouncy and healthy again. I took off about 5 inches from her ends to achieve a more voluminous look. She said, “I want my curls to hold their shape and have body throughout the day.”

Her ends were previously colored, dry, and weighing down her curl. I took off the length and added face-framing layers to open up her face. I added some mid-length layers all around to blend into her face-framing layers in the front so that her hair ended up with a perky weightless shape when dried with a diffuser.

Any advice for someone considering it?

With curly haired clients, I usually like to prep the hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner prior to cutting it. I used Kenra professionals snail creme line because of how moisturizing it is for all hair types without weighing the hair down.

After washing, I like going in with a detangling spray and with a wide tooth comb to detangle the hair, never a brush!

After her cut, I used Devacurls’ Super Creme for softness and definition and a dime sized amount of Arc Angel to hold her curl pattern, combing the product through with my fingers, and followed with a diffuser. I believe a diffuser is always best to use when drying curly hair because it gives the curl pattern shape and the hair massive fullness potential.

Any face shape works with this cut as long as you custom tailor it to your clients at home routine. Whether that be shorter layers or longer, it’ll work!

Dark Middle Parted Bangs

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Q&A with style creator, Paige Brueck
Hairstylist / Owner @ Pink Dagger Studio in Atlanta, GA

How would you describe this look?

Shaggy textured bob! This cut is so versatile. It’s cute straight pulled back with the layered curtain bangs or wavy and messy!

Any advice for someone considering it?

Haircuts on shoulder length hair like this one don’t require too much work as it looks great both straight and wavy. But for a voluminous look, a root lifting spray helps give it an effortless look.

For the bangs, I suggest pulling the front forward and round brushing then dry. Then separating down the middle for a face-framing look!

An Awesomely A-line Cut

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Q&A with style creator, Kelly S.
Hairdresser @ R Rated Hair Studio in Long Beach, CA

How would you describe this look?

Edgy, yet girly, because of the rose gold hair color. My favorite part was just styling the hair and seeing the end result.

Any advice for someone considering it?

If you’re not into a high-maintenance look, not wanting to spend money on a product, or too lazy to visit the salon every 3 months, I wouldn’t recommend this cut and color.

Warm Auburn Tones

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Q&A with style creator, Gabriela Mora
Stylist @ Sorelle’s Salon in Bartlett, IL

How would you describe this look?

This is a playful modern LOB. I love the versatility it offers. The cut can be modified to flatter any face shape, and the final look can be styled many different ways.

Any advice for someone considering it?

I will almost always encourage them to go for it! I always say chop it like it’s hot. You won’t regret it. The LOB is definitely on trend and it can be styled sleek, blown out for volume or in this case, wavy.

I used my flat iron to curl all the hair on the sides and everything above the occipital line in the back. Once it’s all curled, I spray with a texture spray (Osis Volume Up Texture Spray) and rake my fingers through it to break it all up and really showcase the texture and movement.

To maintain this hairstyle, I recommend you come in for a haircut every 5-6 weeks. Maintain at home with a professional shampoo and conditioner recommended by your stylist for your hair type.

Rich Angled LOB

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Q&A with style creator, Melanie Alexis
Independent Hairstylist @ Le’ Hair Salon in Glendale, AZ

How would you describe this look?

This is sassy and chic. You get the best of both worlds. You have a bob look but it’s long enough to still play with.

Any advice for someone considering it?

Use good product and good tools. My go-to products are Loma Fortify Repair Oil (use on both wet and dry), and Small Talk from Bed Head for styling and volume.

Make sure you use tools that go up to 450 degrees as it makes a big difference, but also use the oil before curling or straighten.

Jet Black Blunt Cut

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Q&A with style creator, Gabbie Berrest
Stylist @ Essentials Salon in Doylestown, PA

How would you describe this look?

This cut is a more modern take on a classic bob. I really love how clean and sleek this haircut is. There’s nothing better than a nice sharp line.

Any advice for someone considering it?

Hairstyles on shoulder length hair like this one works best on someone who has straight to wavy hair. I use Aveda Smooth Infusion to help achieve the straight and frizz-free finish.

Bronde Textured Layers

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Q&A with style creator, Paige Bussey
Stylist @ O’ So Beautiful in Paducah, KY

How would you describe this look?

This is effortless, in regards to the color and how it is cut/styled! Our goal was to have a very natural sun-kissed color, that looked pretty in any way that she wants to style it.

My favorite thing about it is the dimension we achieved without having a high contrast, and how the loose waves complement those tones!

Any advice for someone considering it?

Don’t ever think “my hair would never do that.” This client has VERY kinky, curly and naturally coarse hair. I always make sure to use a good leave-in conditioner, a smoothing cream, a serum to knock off any frizz, and a light hold hairspray to achieve these waves.

However, because she is so naturally curly, it’s not ideal for her to style her hair like this on a daily basis. So with her color and cut, I made sure that the texture and tones would still translate beautifully if she were to go natural or straightened!

Sunflower Inspired Ombre

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Q&A with style creator, Samantha Brookshire
Hairstylist @ James Edwards Salon in St. Clair Shores, MI

How would you describe this look?

Shoulder length tresses are really on-trend right now. To me, it is an equal mix of stylish fun and sophistication.

My favorite thing about this look is it’s extremely versatile. It fits perfectly into any lifestyle. Anyone can wear it and it looks and feels amazing.

Any advice for someone considering it?

Be mindful of your hair type and how much time you want to put into styling it. Talk to your hairstylist, this length is so customizable. You may go slightly shorter or longer depending on thickness, you may add some layering or angle it, you may want bangs or a face frame.

Depending on how you customize and style, it will give you different looks, never leaving the cut feeling boring. It can be made smooth and sleek with a round brush blow out or flat iron. It can be styled with bouncy curls or beachy waves with a wand or iron.

You may simply just want to wash and go, wearing your natural texture. Also what’s nice is for the days you don’t want to wear it down, it’s still long enough to create a ponytail or an updo style.

I always recommend using products. It’s extremely important to protect your hair while using heat on it. It’s also an essential tool for creating and holding the style you desire.

For my client on the picture, I customized her look keeping the length swinging right off the shoulder with soft layering and texturizing. No face frame or bangs as she likes to change her part up. I then created her style using Redken’s Pillow Proof Express Treatment Primer on damp hair. It protects the hair up to 450 degrees, helps reduce breakage, and adds volume. After her blow dry, I waved her hair with a flat iron and finished her style using Redken’s Wax Blast. It’s a spray wax that is perfect for enhancing a textured tousled look, leaving a not to stiff hold.

Boho Inspired Braid

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Q&A with style creator, Kristin Kamarauskas
Salon Owner @ Hideaway Salon Retreat in Swedesboro, NJ

How would you describe this look?

So my guest here was getting her maternity photos done on the beach so she wanted something beachy and fun (almost with a mother Earth feel). I think the textured waves and crown braid are perfect.

Any advice for someone considering it?

It’s definitely a look anyone can pull off. My guest here had fine hair and the textured waves made her appear fuller. We used some SexyHair Powder Play Lite on her crown to give her a little more oomph, and finished the style with AG Tousled Texture finishing spray to make her waves more careless.

Platinum Blonde Shadow Root

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Q&A with style creator, Mandy
Certified Hair Professional @ Mandy’s Hair &Spa in Bronx, NY

How would you describe this look?

This look is a blonde shoulder length hair color that’s balayage with a rooted effect.

My favorite thing about this look is that it allows clients who dream to be blondes (but cannot pull off a full blonde look) to finally be able to be a blonde and still keep their base hair color!

Any advice for someone considering it?

I definitely advise you to purchase Olaplex or another deep conditioner and silver/purple shampoo. That will help moisturize the hair and maintain the tone of the color so it doesn’t get brassy.

A Remarkable Rose Gold Color

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Q&A with style creator, Danielle Badger
Hair Designer @ This or Die Salon in Los Angeles, CA

How would you describe this look?

This is a long bob, also known as a lob. It’s a one-length cut that has interior layering to create texture and remove the weight so it doesn’t turn into a triangle on your head.

My favorite thing is the rose tone to her hair! I used the only rose toning vegan shampoo there is on the market. It’s called Surface Rose Shampoo and Conditioner. It washes right out after 1-3 washes and you will have blonde hair again. This is perfect for someone that is scared to color their hair but wants something fun and temporary.

Any advice for someone considering it?

This look is great for people looking to elongate their neck. But it has to be cut at the right spot, which is typically the collarbone. It varies for each person. This cut is very custom to each person even if it looks simple at times. Make sure your stylist understands face shape and the contours of your body.

Perfectly Straight Ash Blonde

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Q&A with style creator, Salene Jessy
Co-owner &Stylist @ Sweet Summer Salon in Miami, FL

How would you describe this look?

This is definitely a cool blonde. I love how consistent the color is. I also am obsessed with ash blondes.

My favorite thing about this look is that it’s blonde! And who doesn’t love a good blonde? I like that it gives the illusion of an all over blonde without actually lightening the entire head.

Any advice for someone considering it?

The first and main thing would be to keep your natural base! I recommend to do full highlight and weaving every piece and not doing a base color. This way, as the hair grows out, you don’t have a harsh line of demarcation where the color was placed because their natural color is always there.

I would not recommend going this light without Olaplex. If you want to keep the integrity of the hair you MUST make sure you are not over processing and Olaplex insures that.

I always recommend a hydrating shampoo and conditioner. My go-to is Redken All Soft. You want to also use a toning shampoo. I prefer Malibu or Pravana.

Long Side-Swept Bangs

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Q&A with style creator, Quynh Gip
Hairstylist @ SOZO Boutique Salons in The Woodlands,TX

How would you describe this look?

This is effortlessly chic. My favorite thing is that anyone with any hair texture or face shape can wear it. And it doesn’t take a lot of time to style.

Any advice for someone considering it?

My advice is to always blow dry the bangs first. After shampoo, apply a leave-in conditioner and root lifter.

Blow dry the bangs with a large round brush straight down, then sweep to the side.  Once the bangs are dry, flip your head over and dry the hair.

Curl the hair with a 1-inch curling iron, leaving the ends out. I hold my iron vertically, curling away from the face. Don’t worry if you can’t reach all the hair, it’s ok to miss a piece here and there.

Then I spray a volumizing powder spray and shake it out.

If the client has curly or wavy hair, they can scrunch it or air dry.

This hairstyle works best if the hair is highlighted, as the texture will show more.

Fresh Multi-Dimensional Purple

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Q&A with style creator, Miranda Wiuff
Hairstylist and Make-up Artist @ Lunatic Fringe Salon in Franklin, TN

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

This is a multi-dimensional color on mid-length hair. Even though there is a dark purple root, we used my favorite block color placement and mixed custom colors to complement each other.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

We used Paul Mitchell DPL, as well as Pravana purple, blue and diluter shades. For hair health purposes, I recommend regular, point-cut trims and Paul Mitchell Triple Rescue for color-safe moisture and heat protection.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

This is a great color placement for women of all hair types. Bold color placement like this is more about being noticed than blending in. Heart, round and oval face shapes wear this look well.

Sunkissed Beachy Waves Bronde

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Q&A with style creator, Sarah Beukelman
Hairstylist @ Salon O in Murrieta, CA

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

This is a sunkissed, multi-dimensional blonde on a collarbone cut. My favorite thing about this look is the length. It’s not too short, but not too long!

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

I recommend using a heat protectant oil, a 1 1/4-inch curling iron to create the waves, and a texture spray to piece it out for a beachy look.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

I believe this blunt shoulder length cut will fit any and all clients. it’s really up to the client as to how they want to style it because you can do as little or as much as you want with this length!

Trendy Honey Long Messy Bob

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This messy shoulder length bob is perfect for that everyday look that’s all one hair length.

Q&A with style creator, Samantha Dowell
Stylist @ Jeffrey Lamorte Salon in Frankfort, IL

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

This look is a very popular and on-trend long bob. I like that it has a lived-in, effortless look and can be worn both beachy/messy or sleek.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

Create loose waves with straight ends with a 1-inch curling iron or flat iron, then finish with any sort of dry texture spray to get the waves to look natural and lived-in.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

This look is great for young girls who are tired of their long, heavy, one-length hair but are scared to go very short. This style also looks great with balayage color!

Shoulder Length Layered Hair

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Q&A with Style Creator Joseline Vargas
Owner and Colorist at De Colores in Pasadena, CA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

Shoulder length layered haircuts like this are classic. It is low maintenance, but not boring at all! This client has fine hair and when we added the longer layers, it transformed the cut and added some bounce to her normally limp hair. I love that something so simple can really brighten up a face!

Which products would you recommend for this look?

For this look, I used a new product called Puff Me by Design.Me. It’s a powder mist that can be used to achieve volume and texture, with a little bit of a hold as well.

Which skin tones and hair types can pull off this color/style combo best?

I always say that a woman with any skin tone can pull off any color as long as they have the proper undertones. It is up to you and your stylist to have that consultation to make the proper match.

What is your best tip in regards to recreating/maintaining this color/style?

For this particular client, I recommended she come every four to six weeks for a touch up on her regrowth since we are covering gray hair. To recreate the style at home, all you need is a good round brush, a blow dryer, and a texturizing or volumizing spray to apply after the blow dry.

Sexy Curls With Glasses

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Q&A with Style Creator Aimee Sanchez
Hairstylist @ William Edge Salon in Nashville, TN

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?
This client has naturally thick, coarse and curly hair. Compared to her normal look, this is actually an extremely smooth and sleek style. I love the loose and relaxed feel of the waves and the texture and volume that is lent to the style from her hair’s natural texture. I made sure to give her a shoulder length cut that would style well curly, or smooth, that had a lot of movement and a strong shape, but nothing too heavy or blunt.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?
I prepped this hair with the Aveda Brilliant Damage Control. I use this on almost every guest because it’s a heat protectant and a detangler. To reduce frizz and add shine, I used the Aveda Smooth Infusion Style Prep to help straighten out her curl. For added hold, I used the Smooth Infusion Glossing Straightener. I finished with the Dry Remedy Oil to add extra shine and moisture.

Curly hair is naturally a little dryer and more frizz-prone than straight hair. This client checked back in with me a few days after her appointment and let me know her style was still holding beautifully.

What type of person would this look work best for?

This is a very versatile look and shape that can easily be customized depending on hair texture.
What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

This would be a very low maintenance look for someone with smooth to wavy texture. If someone has extremely textured hair and wants this style, there will be a bit more time and effort put into achieving this look. Either way, it has a beautiful and effortless finish!

Stunning Layered Cut Lob for Thick Hair

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Layered Lob haircuts for shoulder-length hair are so popular right now and is very easy to manage.

Shoulder-length hairstyles at this length are still long enough to throw into a messy bun or ponytail on those days when you just aren’t in the mood to style it.

To style, use a leave-in conditioner (R+Co’s Prep Spray) as well as a moisture and shine cream from her mid-lengths to ends (R+Co’s High Dive). Both of these contain heat protectants which are so important to use when you are styling!

Next, use a root spray or volumizer like Maximista by Oribe because it gives great lift without being too sticky. It’s very user friendly and all you have to do is spray it section by section at the root while blow drying. Once everything was smooth and dry, finish with a light hairspray just to keep everything tame.

You can also create beachy waves. Use a 1 to 1¼-inch wand or curling iron and wrap the hair around to achieve those messy waves that look so tousled and effortless. Finish that look off by scrunching in a pearl-sized amount of R+Co’s Mannequin Styling Paste and you are good to go.

Depending on your face shape is where your stylist will consider doing a longer bang. If you have slender face you can take your fringe up a little shorter. No matter what your face shape, this length can be customized to fit your needs.

Just Past The Shoulders for Summer

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Q&A with style creator, Jake Seitchik
Hairstylist @ Number 9 Salon in Saint Petersburg, FL

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

I would describe this is effortless, girl-on-the-go hair. My favorite thing about this look is how wearable it is. Whether she styles it or wears it undone and a little messy, it still looks great.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

For embracing natural wave by air drying, sea salt spray is the way to go. If you curl with an iron, separate the curls with a dry texture spray. Oribe makes a great one!

What type of person would this look work best for?

This look is truly ideal for anyone. It’s flattering on every woman and it’s so easy to make formal or wear casual.

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

My best tip is to play around with some loose curling/waving techniques because that’s when I think this style looks best. Also, keep it around collarbone length and you’ll still have a lot of hair to work with.

New Wave Textured Shag

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The dark curls right above shoulder length create an on-point hairstyle for older women. It’s the perfect shoulder length haircut with bangs.

Q&A with style creator, Jessica Francis
Senior Stylist/ Assistant Manager @ Studio G Salon in Stafford, VA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a new wave textured shag. My guest wanted a shag that’s shoulder length with bangs as a throwback to her more youthful days. She has a natural wave in her hair, so I created a textured long shaggy haircut with a curved piecey fringe. My favorite thing would be the flexibility for movement and the versatility.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

We applied Mirror Smooth (a light smoothing serum) for her blowout, then curled with a flat iron and sprayed in Full Effect to give a textured finish.

What type of person would this look work best for?

If you want it, you got it! I love this look for people with natural waves, people on the go, and girls who enjoy trying multiple looks with their haircuts.

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

Make sure you have the amount of time and product in the mornings to give the attention this look can require! Always ask your stylist to explain just how to recreate this style, as well as which products and tools you will need.

Chic, Yet Edgy

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Q&A with style creator, Christine Nguyen-Hill
Hairstylist @ Statements the Salon in Woodbridge, VA

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

Look chic and edgy at the same time! I love the pairing of the mid-length haircut with the silver color because it sort of gives off this spunky, laid back vibe.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

I recommend is the Viral Extreme Silver shampoo to maintain the hair color. As for the shoulder length loose curls, I recommend a hair wand as flat irons and curling irons can sometimes fade the hair color back to blonde.

What type of person would this look work best for?

Any face shape can work with this color! As for the specific shade of silver, that would be dependent on your skin tone. Surprisingly however, most people can pull off silver hair! This style works well with classy acts, and even spunky edgy people. If you’re someone who is looking for a low maintenance hair, this is not for you.

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

I advise you visited with a professional and seasoned stylist as this is a look that may take a couple processes before achieving the silver color. The end result may even compromise the integrity of the hair, but a consultation with a licensed professional will set you up for success!


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Q&A with style creator, Charlotte Green
Artistic director @ Louise Woods Hair Studio in Leicester, England

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a versatile, multi-tonal, mid-length style.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

To create and maintain this look, I would recommend using a volumizing root lift mousse and a sea salt spray.

What type of person would this look work best for?

The great thing about this look is that a version of it is suitable for everyone as you can adapt the shape around the front to suit and flatter most face shapes. Its great for someone with a busy lifestyle as you can scrunch a bit of sea salt spray in and you’re good to go.

Color wise, these tones are perfect for anyone with a paler skin tone to warm it up and brown or hazel eyes to really make them pop. Personality wise, this style will suit anyone who gets bored easily as you can change it up to create so many different looks. There’s enough length for an updo, you can wave it with tongs/a wand, or smooth and polish it with irons. You can have a different look for every day!

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

My best tip for someone considering this look is to ask for texture to really break the haircut up, and to go for complimentary tones a couple of levels lighter and brighter than the natural base so they all blend and disappear into the haircut together.

Blonde Texture &Movement

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An impressive blonde color with long a fringe cut on shoulder length hair.

Q&A with style creator, Alecia Brown
Stylist/Owner @ The BLVD in Peoria, AZ

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This look has a lot of texture and movement to it. It is a cut that is transitioning from the ever so popular “lob” to more of a mid-length look. I love this look because it’s so versatile. You can wear it sleek and straight, or give it lots of volume and texture.

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

I recommend Unite U oil through the ends for smoothness and moisture and Unite Expanda volume for a root boost and volume. If you want more of a lived-in look, finish it off with a dry texture spray like Unite Texturiza.

What type of person would this look work best for?

This haircut is for virtually anyone. It would truly flatter any face shape and skin tone. Even someone with really curly hair could rock this haircut, it would just have a totally different look.

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

Product is key! I also recommend keeping the fringe area longer. I think if the fringe gets much shorter it gives it a whole different feel that might not be as current and trendy.

Casual &Cute

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Q&A with style creator, Stephanie Schmidleutner
Designer @ Illusions Color Spa in St. Louis, MO

How would you describe this look and what’s your favorite thing about it?

This is a casual and cute haircut on shoulder length hair. My favorite thing about this look is that it’s fun and trendy

Which products would you recommend to help create and maintain this look?

The best products for this look would be texture and volume products. I used IGK Texture Foam, IGK Texturizing Spray and Oribe Superfine Hairspray

What type of person would this look work best for?

This look works for all hair types and personalities.

What’s your best tip for someone who’s considering this look?

This look is easier to style when you’re using the right products!

Convertible Texture

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Q&A with style creator, Katelyn Harter
Hairstylist @ Alchemy Salon and Spa in Sacramento, CA

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

This hairstyle for shoulder length hair has a lot of convertible texture, making it perfect for beach waves or sleek for a meeting or interview.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

I love Rockaway spray for texture at the roots as well as Trophy to finish the look with shine and texture. Both made by R+Co.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

This look is perfect for anyone wanting to make a big change without making a big cut. It is great for all hair types and can easily be customized for any situation.

Shoulder Length Hair With Bangs

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Q&A with style creator, Marcella Rizzuto
Hairstylist @ Prep Hair in Winnipeg, Canada

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

This look is a classic shoulder length hair with bangs. It’s a modern take on a retro fringe. My favorite thing about it is the texture and fun feel the overall look has.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

The best product to maintain this look would have to be Chiffon from R+Co. It is great round brushed in and gives nice volume but a smooth finish. I also like to add a bit of Salty Dog from Evo after drying to give it a slight textured edge.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

I recommend this look for someone with medium to thick hair. If your hair is very fine, I would suggest taking the length slightly shorter to ensure fullness on the ends. This look is great for any face shape, but usually, if you have a rounder face, adding a fringe will accentuate that. In that case, bringing the fringe closer to your cheekbones will be more flattering. You really can live any lifestyle to have this look, but a fringe is always a little more maintenance so take that into account before taking the plunge!

Shoulder-Length Bob

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A shoulder-length bob is ideal for women with flat hair. This is also a top choice for office hairstyles.

Q&A with style creator, Kyle Bradshaw
Part Owner and Stylist @ Edit Downtown Salon in Salisbury, MD

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

I would describe this look as a lob. The lob is definitely one of my favorite styles. It has so much versatility and is very low maintenance. If simple and classy is something you’re looking for, the lob would be perfect for you.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

Products are essential to maintaining any style. Here, I used Total Results Wonder Boost. This client has fine, thin, straight hair and was looking for a little more body. Using the Wonder Boost and manipulating the hair with a round brush created just the right amount of volume and style for her. A heat protecting product would be good for any client across the board.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

This look is perfect for the client that needs a low maintenance, professional, fly-out-the-door kind of hairstyle. On days you have a little extra time, add a few curls and you have a different look. If you woke up late and are pressed for time, throw a little product in it and go! This lob suits pretty much any face shape and hair type. Girls with curly shoulder length hair need to consider the curl pattern they have as this could play into how short or long to cut the hair.

Soft and Easy

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Q&A with style creator, Rhea Frohmader
Hairstylist @ Main Street Salon in Sumner, WA

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

I love the ease of this shoulder length hair. It has the softness of painted hair, but with a little more pop!

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

We used Kevin Murphy Antigravity Spray to give some height and hold as we styled, then finished with a little Kevin Murphy Hair Resort Spray for some piecey-ness

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

What’s great about both the color and the cut is that they can each can work for so many people. This look is fairly low maintenance, so you can go months between color appointments. The length is easy to curl or straighten, and you can still wear it in a ponytail.

Chocolate Brown Texture

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Q&A with style creator, Ashley Johnson
Independent Cut + Color Specialist @ Salon Gold in Minneapolis, MN

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

I would describe this look as a shoulder length, lightly textured look that is subtly longer toward the front. She likes low maintenance color, so I hand painted highlights and softly feathered them up toward the root to create a look that would grow out nicely on its own.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

For any color client, I recommend a sulfate-free, color-safe shampoo to maintain the tone and health of the hair. I like to keep it simple when it comes to products fro styling shoulder length hair, so I used a heat protectant prior to blow drying and a texture paste in the ends to finish.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

What I love most about this trend is the versatility of it. I feel like those with any face shape can rock it. It’s all about the final detailing that personalizes it to the client specifically. I find that this look grows out nicely and doesn’t require the six to eight week maintenance of shorter, above-the-shoulder looks.

Caramel Long Layers

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The dreamiest shoulder length haircut with layers and caramel highlights.

Q&A with style creator, Karla Perezrea
Independent Colorist/Hairstylist @ Studio J Salon in Benicia, CA

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

This is a midlength hairstyle with beige/brown long layers and buttery blonde balayage. I love how the look appears effortless but polished.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

I recommend a great color-safe shampoo and conditioner (Pureology), a primer (Bumble and bumble), a blow dry cream (Joico) with use of a roller brush (Olivia Garden), and good blow dryer.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

This hairstyle would work with thicker hair and just about any face shape. This look is great for the woman that likes feeling polished but not overly done.


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Q&A with style creator, Sofia Nordhamn
Stylist @ The Livingroom Salon in Costa Mesa, CA

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

I would describe the look as textured, shoulder length, shag-inspired cut. The versatility of styling options are endless. You can go from rocker to bohemian wavy, from straight to with texture, or pinned up in various ways.

My favorite thing about it is that it’s a very versatile style that can be worn with the natural texture of the hair. This client happens to have a great natural wave in her hair, and that was part of what inspired me. She can also wear it blown out smooth or straightened, or with more defined and polished waves. She also have enough length to wear it up if she would like to.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

I’m a fan of Oribe, so I used Curl Gloss on towel dried hair to help promote the natural texture and add shine. I diffused her hair and added texture dry spray on the roots for added volume and texture. To finish, I used Fiber Architect to help define texture on the ends.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

I recommend this look for people with naturally shoulder length wavy hair that have a low maintenance, wash n’ go type of lifestyle. It is also a great look for someone that likes to see more movement and texture within the length of the hair. As I mentioned earlier, it’s a very versatile style that can be worn at any length really. It is an ideal look for someone that wants an effortless and fashion-forward style, or a different silhouette than the typical mid-length with long layering. Plus it grows out nicely as well!

Tattooed Undercut

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If you’re looking for quick hairstyles with some flair, this one will do. With the hair tattoo, put it into an updo to give it that edgy look.

Q&A with style creator, Chloe Loesch
Stylist / Makeup Artist @ Rocco Altobelli Salons in Minneapolis, MN

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

I love haircuts that have a lot of versatility, and that’s something great about this shoulder length lob. It’s easy to style like a bob, and still long enough to ponytail it when you need it out of your way. You could also do a fun half up style when you want something more interesting!

I love the addition of this type of disconnected undercut with a hair tattoo. It’s a really cool way to show off your edge when you want to, and you can cover it easily when you feel like keeping your look more classic.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

These bouncy beach waves can be achieved with any flat iron between one and two inches wide. Prep the hair with a heat protectant and mousse with light hold, then dry your hair completely before using your flat iron.

Work your way around your head, curling in small sections with the flat iron. The pieces right around your face should be curled back and away from your face, but after that, alternating between curling back and forward creates this tousled/beachy look.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

The lob is great for anyone who doesn’t want to do the work of dealing with really long hair, but isn’t sure if they want to go all the way short. It’s also especially good for straight or wavy haired ladies with fine hair that gets wispy on the ends when it gets too long and layered. The lob keeps these hair types looking healthy and full!

The tattooed undercut is awesome for anyone who likes to put their hair up and show their edgy side sometimes, but might also need to tone it down for a professional work environment.

Multi-Colored Lob

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Q&A with style creator, Kailey Lux
Hair and Make Up Designer @ The Image Salon and Day Spa in Pleasanton, CA

How would you describe this look and what is your favorite thing about it?

My favorite thing about this color is that she has all three colors that she wanted brown roots, blonde, and fun colors. I love working with Joico colors. I gave her four types of colors that added some fun color to her without being too much.

What products do you recommend to maintain and recreate this look?

I recommend the purple or blue Celeb Luxury Viral shampoos and conditioners. I also like the Joico Color Safe shampoo.

What type of client would you recommend this look for?

The long lob cut is great for all face shapes. It is also great for fine hair because it makes their hair thick and gives some volume. It’s one of my favorites because you can really customize the haircut (and color!) for the client.